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http://www.sina.com.cn/   2011年12月26日 10:07   中国日报网-英语点津  “八小时工作制”即将结束?



  The traditional eight-hour workday may soon be the exception rather than the rule. New evidence shows that we're reaching a tipping point in terms of workplace flexibility, with businesses seeing the wisdom of allowing employees -- young employees especially -- to work odd hours, telecommute, and otherwise tweak the usual 9-to-5 grind.

  One of the top 12 trends for 2012 as named by the communications firm Euro RSCG Worldwide is that employees in the Gen-Y or "millennial" demographic -- those born between roughly 1982 and 1993 -- are overturning the traditional workday.

  The Business and Professional Women's Foundation estimates that by 2025, 75% of the global workforce will be Gen-Y. As early as next year, this group of younger Americans will already comprise 60% of the employees at companies such as Ernst & Young. And increasingly, companies creating workplace flexibility programs because it makes good business sense, not in the least because that's what their employees demand.

  Gen-Y is spearheading this change because they don't want the same work environment their parents had. Between new technology and global workplace dynamics, companies are implementing flexible work arrangements for everyone, inclusive of Gen-Y. A recent Vodafone UK survey illustrates that 90 percent of employers enable work flexibility instead of sticking to traditional hours.

  Leading the charge in the shift toward allowing employees to work anywhere around the world, at any time they want, are companies such as Ernst & Young, Aflac, and MITRE, which realize that they need to accommodate employees' personal lives if they want to retain them. "This notion of an eight-hour day is rapidly disappearing simply because we work so virtually and globally," says Maryella Gockel, Ernst & Young's flexibility strategy leader. By understanding Gen-Y's need for workplace flexibility, companies are better able to recruit and grow young talent for the future.

  Aside from early adopters of workplace flexibility programs, many other companies are hesitant because of the traditional "command and control" approach laid out for older generations. The challenge these companies face is letting go and trusting their young employees -- even when they are telecommuting or using Facebook regularly at work.

  Many companies fear that, without structure, employees will be distracted, not as engaged and less productive. In fact, the opposite is often true. A trusting work environment breeds more loyal employees and increases efficiency. Here are three reasons why successful companies will embrace workplace flexibility programs:

  1. Gen-Y workers won't accept jobs where they can't access Facebook. Cisco's "Connected World Technology Report" shows that more than half of Gen-Y employees prioritize social media freedom over a higher salary when evaluating a job offer. Furthermore, more than half of them say that the Internet is an integral part of their lives. Gen-Y wants to be connected to their friends and families, not just their co-workers, throughout the day. Although some companies ban social media at work, other companies have embraced it as long as employees are using it professionally. "We do want people to use social networks in order to keep in touch with their colleagues and contacts," explains Gockel, whose company has no formal social media guidelines or policies.

  2. Gen-Y values workplace flexibility over more money. More than one-third (37 percent) of Gen-Y workers would take a pay cut if it meant more flexibility on the job, reports a study by Mom Corps. Flexibility motivates Gen-Y workers to be more productive and loyal to their companies because they feel like they are respected. An employer that allows flexibility in the workplace also demonstrates that it understands the evolving modern-day work environment, which bodes well for the future.

  3. Gen-Y workers are always connected to jobs through technology. Technology has made the traditional nine-to-five model blurry -- for all workers, of all generations, really. No one is ever out of touch, or off the clock. When workers go home, they are still "working" because who they are personally and professionally are becoming one in the same and interconnected. Workers are always representing the company, and more and more, it seems, that work email doesn't stop for anything or anyone. By no means does time away from the office equate to less work getting done.

  Gen-Y: Y世代(美国的一个世代名称)

我的生命即将结束 一切都是瞬间 一切即将结束 谁有国庆即将结束的短信? 即将被拒绝.恋爱到此结束. 十一长假即将结束,大家都有何收获? 今天,我们人生中最重要的一年即将结束 世界杯结束了,请问有几位球员即将退役? 为什么我的3D max7.0在安装即将结束的时候会`停止安装``? 我用影音传送带下载即将结束时cpu占用100%而且不能完整下完! 有没有在先进办工作的同志,先进性教育活动即将结束,这些人有什么出路? 英雄OL现在还在公测吗?什么时间结束还有即将收费吗? 麻烦大家帮我写写即将结束小学生涯了,你有什么想说的? 哪届奥运会结束了只有业余运动员才能参加奥运会的传统准则? 在自己生命即将结束的那一刻,最想看到的那个人,是不是一生中最爱的的那个人? 请教影迷朋友,战争之王在片尾即将结束的时候放的背景音乐叫什么名字? 主板检测卡显示:67 . 8259初始准备已结束;即将开始键盘测试。请问我该怎么办? 如果你男朋友要和你分手,他和你说了以后,你是甩手就走,还是挽留这即将结束的感情呢? 我现在上的是三本,大一即将结束,打算几年后出国,那么要考雅思或者托福,我想问一下,二者侧重点是什么 我和我女朋友是高中同学,高考刚刚结束,我们也开始了恋爱,可是为了大学即将分别,我该怎么办? 中超刚刚结束,实德队无法休息,请问大连实德即将参加什么比赛,这项赛事第一届冠军又是哪支队伍呢? 请问新房即将装修结束,楼上房主已购买但没有封阳台,结果进水,从楼板漏水到我家,造成损失由谁承担? 恋爱的含义是什么 我要哪什么样的方法来拯救我即将结束或又重新开始的爱 民俗传统 传统纹样