
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/22 19:57:29

  51.神要人陈明自己所要的是什么──所以我必须将强烈的心愿带到祂面前。God wanted people to state what they wanted—so I should carry my strong desires to Him.

  52.当我愿意让神的光照亮我的生命,不信就无法存留。When I allow the light of God to illuminate my life, unbelief will become impossible.

  53.神垂听祷告所赐下的属灵福气,在我眼睛尚未看见之前,必须先在灵里领受。The spiritual blessing of God’s answer to my prayer must be accepted in my spirit before I can see it physically.

  54.得胜的祷告是从我人性的软弱中生出来的。Prevailing prayer is born out of my human weakness.

  55.如果我不只寻求解答,也寻求赐下答案的神,我会得着能力,知道自己已得着所祈求的。If I not only seek an answer but seek after the God who gives the answer, then I receive the power to know I have obtained what I have asked.

  56.在祷告中遇见救赎我的那一位,是何等的特权与福气!What a privilege it is for me to meet in prayer with the One who has redeemed me.

  57.当我祷告时,被钉十架的基督来与我同行,我也靠着祂的能力活着。As I pray, it is the Crucified Christ who comes to walk with me and in whose power I live.

  58.当我在祷告中遇见神时,祂的同在就是我服事的力量。When I meet God in prayer, His presence is my strength for service.

  59.只有当耶稣基督住在我心中和生命中时,我的祷告才会有能力。It is only as Jesus Christ dwells in my heart and life that there can be power in my prayers.

  60.当我祷告时,一定要完全信服基督的话:「我就常与你们同在。」As I pray I must be fully convinced of Christ’s words: ”I am with you always.”

  61.如果我们的灵命是健康的,并降服于圣灵的能力,自然会不住地祷告。If our spiritual life is healthy, under the power of the Holy Spirit, praying at all times will be natural.

  62.当我为着别人而将自己当作祭物献给神时,我的代求将成为我的荣耀和喜乐。Intercession will become my glory and my joy when I give myself as a sacrifice to God for others.

  63.祷告能有更清楚明确的指标,就更好了。The more pointed and definite my prayer can be, the better.

  64.我期待并寻求神的答复,好使我能赞美祂。I expect and look for God’s answers so that I may praise Him.

  65.我的祷告应该像一个孩子,用简单与信靠之心,向父亲求食物一样。I should pray as a child asks his father, as simply and trustfully as a child asks for food.

  66.只有当我承认圣灵已经在我里面,且降服于圣灵的能力,我才能在祷告中期待祂丰满的显现。It is only as I acknowledge and yield to the power of the Spirit already in me that I can pray for His full manifestation.

  67.我应当先为众信徒祷告,然后再为我周围的人祷告。I ought to pray first for all believers and then for those around me.

  68.我必须去爱,才能祷告。If I am to pray, I must love.

  69.我的祷告不但是祈愿与请求,而且必须相信且接受。My prayers are not only wishing and asking, but they must be believing and accepting.

  70.我定意为信徒和不认识神的人祷告。My purpose is to pray for believers and those who do not know God.

  71.我的祷告和信心将为事情带来不同的结果。My prayer and my faith will make a difference.

  72.当我明确地祈求时,这会帮助我知道自己在寻找什么答案。我需要花时间在神面前──认识祂的同在并等候祂的显现。When I am definite in my requests, it helps me know what answer I am looking for. I need time with God—to know His presence and to wait for Him to make Himself known.

  73.如果我全心寻求神,我整颗心会借着每一次的祷告来到神面前。If I seek God with my whole heart, my whole heart will be in every prayer with which I come to God.

  74.神以全心倾听我每一个请求,我可以期待神成就一切超过我所求所想的。God listens to my every request with His whole heart. I will expect the unexpected, greater than all I ask or think.

  75.当我祷告时,我在学习祷告、相信,并带着持续增长的的胆量期待着。As I pray, I learn to pray, to believe, and to expect with increasing boldness.

  76.基督会给我恩典,使我能在祷告上尽本份。Christ will give me grace to pray as I should.

  77.祷告是我在神面前所焚的香。Prayer is incense that I burn before God.

  78.我需要在圣灵里祷告,才能在信心和能力中持定神、得着神。I need to pray in the Spirit if I am to take hold of God in faith and power.

  79.当我寻求与祂更亲密时,祂会更亲近我,然后我感觉更容易在信心里祷告。When I seek His nearness, He will give it. Then it will be easy to pray in faith.

  80.我祷告并期待得着答复。I pray, expecting an answer.

  81.当我花时间代祷时,会看见更多人归向主。As I spend time in intercession, I will see more conversions.

  82.当我定意住在祂里面时,有一种出自新性情的能力与自由,凡我所愿意的,祈求就为我成就。As I consciously abide in Him, I have the liberty to ask what I will in the power of the new nature, and it will be done.

  83.只要我活着、去爱、去倾听并工作,我就必须不住地祷告。As long as I live and love and hear and work, I must pray at all times.

  84.借着每天恒常的祷告,我整个生命和生活都献给我的王,并委身于祂国度的事奉。Through consistent daily prayer, my whole life becomes devoted to my King and to the service of His kingdom.

  85.如果圣灵要真实占有我,我必须与钉十字架的基督相交。I need to experience fellowship with Christ on His cross if the Spirit is really to take possession of me.

  86.当我祈求圣灵的能力时,我必须全心降服于祂的引导;引导我深知灵性健康的绝对秘密是:天天过与圣父、圣子相交的祷告生活。When I pray for the power of the Spirit, I must yield with my whole heart to His leading. Lead me to know the indispensable secret of spiritual health—the prayer life in daily fellowship with the Father and the Son.

  87.要寻求神的面,直到祂的荣耀充满全地,这是何等喜乐之事!What joy it will be to seek God’s face until the earth is full of His glory!

  88.祷告生活是神儿女的记号,也是基督徒的标志,我决心要拥有它。I resolve to carry the mark of the children of God, the great distinction of the Christian—a life of prayer.

  89.我生命中的每件事都要有耶稣的签名,当我奉耶稣的名生活时,我会祷告得很有信心。Everything in my life is to bear the signature of Jesus’ name. As I learn to live in that name, I will pray with confidence.

  90.我发现一项伟大的特权与福分,就是不管我在哪一个角落,都可以俯伏敬拜天父,深知祂离我很近。I find it a great privilege as I bow in worship to know that the Father comes near to me where I am on the earth.

  91.当我以正直之心追求神,全人献身于神时,我的祷告就大有能力且大有果效。When I righteously commit my whole being to take hold of God, my prayer is powerful and effective.

  92.我的祷告之所以有价值,是因扎根于耶稣基督在十架上的牺牲。My prayer receives worth from being rooted in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

  93.一整天中最重要且最有益的时光,是我与神相处的时光。The most important and profitable time of my whole day is the time I spend with God.

  94.甚愿我永远不要说:我没有时间给神。Never let me say: “I have no time for God.”

  95.借着读经和祷告来与神相交,是生命中不可或缺的事,就如同我必须吃食物、呼吸空气一般。Communion with God through His Word and prayer is as indispensable to me as the food I eat and the air I breathe.

  96.我必须花时间与神同在,即使我不知道要祷告什么。I need to spend time with God even when I do not know what to pray.

  97.耶稣呼召我从世界中分别出来,献上全人全身,全心来祷告。Jesus calls me to separate myself from the world and to yield myself wholeheartedly to praying.

  98.即使我必须昼夜呼求神,我信靠天父必垂听祷告。Even though I may have to cry day and night to God, I can count on the Father to answer.

  99.我向神求不住祷告的恩赐,使我能为众圣徒拥有圣灵的大能而祷告。I ask for the gift of unceasing prayer for the power of God’s spirit in all His saints.

  100. 一旦我开始祷告,我就发现有千万个理由要持续地祷告。Once I begin, I will find abundant reason for persevering in prayer.