医药投资公司:模块9 Unit 2 重点词汇讲练

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/04/29 11:30:26

单  元:Unit 2 Witnessing Time

板  块:词汇




1. defeat

vt. (在战争、竞赛、比赛中)击败,战胜,

After a long campaign Wellington’s army finally defeated Napoleon.


defeat sb. by (10 points/2)以……比分击败对方

The Germany Team defeated the Italy team last night by 2 to 0.


n. 失败,战败

He was depressed by his defeat.  失败让他沮丧。


defeat, beat, win

(1) defeat的意思是“战胜,击溃,摧毁”,指责战争中或一场比赛中击败对方取得胜利,也可以指企图、计划、希望等受到挫折或失败。

(2) beat指在游戏、竞争中击败对方,也指殴打或有规律地击打或跳动,如“击鼓或心脏跳动”。

(3) win用于战争、战斗中打败敌人,或在较强的比赛中击败对方取得胜利。

(4) defeat和beat的宾语必须是人(people)或一个集体,如team, class, school, army等, win的宾语通常是war,

battle, game, match, race, competition, prize, fame等。

 I tried to beat/defeat him, but he was too much for me.   我试图打败他,但我力所不及。

 He used to beat his son black and blue.   他以前常将他儿子打得青一块紫一块。

 They won the battle but lost many men.   他们打赢了这场战斗,却牺牲了很多人。

2. seize

vt. 捉住,抓住;抓住(时机),利用(机会)等;

He seized her by the hand and shook it heartily.   他拉着她的手高兴地握着。

seize an opportunity  抓住机遇

vt. 夺取;攻占

The enemy seized control of the town after a violent attack.   敌人猛攻后占领了这个城镇。


seize, catch, take, grasp

(1) seize 突然迅速用力“抓住”,如夺取政权,攻占,夺取(时间),强调占领,占据,有经过较长时间才获得而后紧抓不放的含义。

seize political power  夺取政权

seize control of  夺取对……的控制权

(2) catch 抓住;赶上;理解

How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger’s lair?不入虎穴,焉得虎子。

Sorry, I didn’t catch what you said.抱歉,我没听懂你说的。

(3) take拿到;带走;赢得(比赛);就任(职位)等

Jane took the first place in the race. 珍在比赛中赢得第一。

(4) grasp(牢牢地)抓住;领会(精神)

She grasped the rope tightly with her hands.她用手紧紧抓住绳子。

 3. dislike

vt. 不喜爱,厌恶

dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事

dislike it + 宾语从句

My brother dislikes seeing you with me. 我哥不喜欢看到你和我在一起。

I dislike it when you whistle.  我不爱听你吹口哨。

n. 不喜爱,厌恶

dislike of /for 不喜欢某事

take s dislike to sb. 不喜欢某人

I took an instant dislike to him. 我一见他就不喜欢。

4. charge


charge sb. with (doing) sth.

He was charged with stealing. 他被指控偷盗。

The roport charges cars with being responsible for half of the century’s air pollution problem.



vt. & vi. 要价;收费

charge (sb. / sth.) for sth.


charge (sb.) sth. (for sth.)

Most clubs charge for the use of tennis courts. 多少俱乐部对使用网球场都要收费。

The restaurant charged us $ 40. for the wine. 饭店收了我们40块的酒水钱。

n. 控告;费用;掌管

The project is in the charge of an experienced engineer. 这项工程在有经验的工程师的掌管下。

 (1) (sb.) (be) in charge of sth.  意思是“管理;负责”,含主动含义,sb. 做主语。

The chairman declared that the manager would be in direct charge of the project.


(2) (sth.) (be) in / under the charge of sb. =  (sth.) (be) in / under the charge of sb. 由……掌管,含被动的含义,sth.做主语

The chairman declared that the project would be in the charge of the manage. 主席宣布这个项目由经理负责。

(3) take charge of 有时可代替 be in charge of, 而take charge of 更侧重动作。

When did you take charge of the company? 你什么时候开始掌管这家公司?

He left his son in charge of the company. 他让儿子负责这家公司。

5.  enlarge

vt. (使)增大;(使)扩大

   We’re planning to enlarge our garden. 我们正打算扩大花园。

   Travel broadens our eyes and enlarges our mind. 旅游使我们开阔视野,心胸宽广。

   vi. 扩大,扩展

   His interests have recently enlarged.  他的兴趣最近扩大了。

6.  cancel

   vt. 取消,撤销;抵消;删除

   The game was cancelled because of the rain. 比赛因雨取消。

   Because we are out of funds, we have to cancel some orders of goods. 因为手头缺钱, 我们只能取消一些订货单。

   You’d better cancel this paragraph.  你最好把这一段删掉。

7.  inspect

vt. 检查;审查;检阅;视察;参观

The Customs officer took charge in inspecting outgoing baggage. 这位海关官员负责检查外出的行李。

Followed by some of his officers, Napoleon inspected his troops. 在几位官员的陪同下,拿破仑检阅了他的军队。

The government officials went to inspect several local factories. 政府官员视察了好几家本地工厂。


inspection   n. 检查;检验;审查;检阅;参观

常与以下动词搭配使用,表示(进行)检查 / 参观等:carry out an inspection, make an inspection, hold an inspection; 也用have an inspection, undergo an inspection 表示接受检查等。

During his visit, he made an inspection of a primary school. 在他访问期间,他参观了一所小学校。

inspector  n. 检查员; 监察员;视察员;巡官

a health inspector 健康检查员

a school inspector 督学

a ticket inspector 查票员

8.  mark

vt. 标明, 标示;做记号于;留痕迹于

be marked on  标记在

be marked with 标记着

The route on the map has been marked in red. 路线用红色标明了。

Prices are marked on the goods. = The goods are marked with prices. 价格标在商品上。

A large scar marked his cheek. 他的面颊上有一大块疤。

9.  raise

  vt. 举起;提出;提升;抚养,养育;种植;筹集

  The pupil raised his hand, hoping that the teacher would ask him to answer the question.


  raise your eyes 抬起眼睛(向上看)

  raise a question / objection / point, etc. 提出问题 / 反对 / 观点

  He was raised in pay because of his excellent performance in the company.


Many women return to work after raising their families. 许多妇女在子女长大后重新就业。

She was born in the country but raised in the city. 她是出生在农村长在城市。

He used to be a farmer and he knows well how to raise crops. 他以前是农民,所以很了解怎样种庄稼。

The girls are singing in the street to raise funds for vacation. 这几个姑娘们正在街上唱歌,以筹集度假费用。


rise  vi.  “升起,上升,上涨”

  His voices roses in excitement. 他激动得声音响起来了。

  The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.  太阳东方升起西方落下。

  The oil price has risen since last night. 汽油价格昨晚起上涨了。


1. mercy

n. (U) 仁慈,宽容,怜悯

show mercy to sb./ have mercy on  怜悯,饶恕

at the mercy of  任凭……的摆布

without mercy 无情地

The little boy showed mercy to the lost dog. 那个男孩很可怜走失的那条小狗。

They were lost at the sea, at the mercy of the wind and weather. 他们在海上迷路了,任凭风和天气的摆布。

2. permission  n. 允许,许可,准许

You mustn’t leave school withouout your teacher’s permission. 不经老师许可,你不许离开学校。



(1) vt. 允许,准许

permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事;permit doing sth允许做某事

We do not permit smoking in the office. 我们不允许办公室里抽烟。

Dogs are not permitted to take into the shop. 狗不许带进商店。

(2) n. 许可证

You won’t get into the TV station without a permit. 没有许可证,你是不能进入电视台的。

3. protection  n. 保护;警戒

  They wore heavy overcoat as a protection against the cold when they worked in the polar area.


【拓展】under the protection of 在……的保护下

  protect  vt. 保护

  protect…from 保护……免遭……

  We wear sunglasses in summer to protedct our eyes from strong sunlight.


4. theft  n. 盗窃

  Nowadays car theft is on the increase. 现在汽车盗窃越来越多。


  thief  n. 小偷,贼

  A thief broke into the jewllery shop last night. 小偷昨晚闯入了珠宝店。

  Stop thief! 抓贼!

  steal (stole, stolen)

  He was caught stealing in the bus. 他在公共汽车上行窃时被抓了。

5. gesture  n. (U, C) 姿势,手势;表示,姿态

  He raised his hands in a despairing gesture. 他举起双手,做出绝望的手势。

  His smile is a friendly gesture.  他的微笑是一种友好的表示。

6. construction  n.(U) 建造,建设;构筑,架设

  A large bridge across the river is under construction.  一座跨河大桥正在建设中。


  construct vt. 构筑……,建筑,建设;(作)文章,造(句),建立(理论)

  They are planning to construct a bridge over the river. 他们正计划在这条河上建一座桥。

7. regulation  n. (C) 规则,规定,法规

  Everyone on road must obey traffic regulations. 路上的每个行人都得遵守交通规则。

  n. (U) 规定,统一制度,管制

  The company took some measures to perfect the regulation of public spending.


8. decoration  n. (C) 常用复数  装饰物

  We put some decorations up in the classroom at Christmas. 圣诞时我们用一些装饰品把教室装扮起来。

  n. (U) 装饰

  The decroration of your house was really in excellent taste. 你家装饰很有品位。


  decorate  vt. 装饰,布置

  The meeting room was decorated with flowers. 会议室布满了鲜花。

9. deadline  n. 最后限期,截止日期;不可逾越的界限

  meet the deadline  遵守限期

  set the deadline   确定最后限期

  I hope we can finish this before the deadline.  我希望我们能在最后限期之前完成这项工作。


1. fortunate  adj. 幸运的,侥幸的

You are fortunate to have such a reasonable father. 你有这样一位通情达理的父亲,真是幸运。


n. fortune命运,运气;财富

make a fortune发财

try one’s fortune 碰碰运气

  The young man decided to leave home to try his fortune in the city. 那位年轻人决定离开家乡,去城里碰碰运气。

2. smooth  adj. 平滑的,平坦的;平稳的;平静的

  Her face is smooth and soft. 她的脸既光滑有柔和。

  Our path in life will not always be smooth. 我们的生活之路不总是平坦的。

  The sea looks calm and smooth. 大海看起来风平浪静。

3. steady  adj. 稳定的,牢固的,不摇晃的;不断的

  If you want to take a good photo, you’d better keep your camera steady. 如果想拍好照片,得把相机拿稳。

  He is making steady progress in his studies. 他在学习中不断地取得进步。

4. broad  adj. 宽的,阔的;广泛的;

  He is six feet tall, with broad shoulders. 他身高6英尺,肩膀很宽。

  He has a broad knowledge of animals. 他有广博的动物知识。


  broad, wide

(1)    broad  adj. 常强调幅面/面积的宽广,意思是“辽阔的,广袤的”;又常指人体中“背、肩、胸”的宽广。

They came to a broad expanse of water. 他们来到了一片广阔的水域。

(2)    wide  adj. 指一边到另一边的距离,人体中“眼睛”的 “大”用wide.

He opened his wide eyes. 他睁大了眼睛。


1. in particular 尤其,特别;特殊的,专门的

She loves the song in particular, because he mother used to sing it.  她特别喜欢那首歌,因为她的母亲过去常唱。

Why do you choose that one in particular? 你为什么特地选那个?

be particular about  对……讲究,挑剔

2. in terms of 


He thought of everything in terms of money. 他从钱的角度考虑一切。

In terms of customer satisfaction, the policy cannot be criticized. 说到顾客的满意情况,这个政策无可挑剔。

In practical terms 从实际方面看

In the long / middle / short term 从长远 / 中期 / 短期来看



1. — Jack, what do you think of the event which not only promoted ______ of world hunger, but also raised a lot of money to help those poor children.

  — That’s great.

A. loneliness                  B. contribution                    C. decide                            D. awareness

2. George ______ a good chance to present his proposal to the manager, and at last, it was adopted.

A. realized                 B. seized                      C. delivered                           D. released

3. Finnish President said Finland-China relations has progressed ______ with fruitful co-coperation in

 new-and-high-tech fields.

  A. peacefully                 B. highly                            C. quietly                           D. smoothly

4. The pupil ______ his right hand, obviously hoping to ______ to answer the teacher’s question.

A. rose; rise               B. raised; rise                 C. rose; raise                  D. raised; raise

5. — Why did she spend so much time searching shop after shop only for a blouse?

  — Oh, she is very ______ about her clothes.

A. pleased                     B. worried                          C. particular                        D. curious

6. Air pollution, as well as natural things such as plant roots and bird droppings causes great ______ to the building.

   A. change               B. destroy                      C. harm                       D. damage

7. Jim ______ Tom and ______ the 800-metre-race at the sports meeting.

   A. defeated; defeated     B. won; won                     C. defeated; won                D. won; defeated

8. She was the first woman ______ to the board.

   A. to be appointed       B. having been appointed     C. appointing                     D. to appoint

9. She is in a poor ______ of health, which worries her mother much.

   A. position                    B. situation                         C. state                               D. condition

10. ______ the cold, thin air and low oxygen levels also can cause mountain sickness.

   A. Regardless of             B. Apart from                     C. In addition                      D. Except for

(二)单词拼写  (每空一词)

1. The hotel has been ____________ (扩大) to accommodate more guests.

2. No one knows where he is; he left the town ____________ (秘密地).

3. These stars are planning to give a concert to ____________ (募集) money for the flooded areas.

4. When he was 21, he started his ____________ (专业的) life as an actor.

5. I had a holiday in America for a ____________ (两周) last year.

6. The visiting president is ____________ (视察) the Chinese troops accompanied by President Hu Jingtao

7. They are introducing new measures to ensure the ____________ (顺利的) running of the business.

8. Harris asked for his parents’ ____________ (允许) to buy a computer.

9. There has been a ____________ (逐步的) increase in the number of families’ owning cars.

10. The drug was ____________ (收回) from sale after a number of people suffered serious side effects.

(三)词组填空  (选出合适的单词并用正确的形式填空)


in terms of           in particular           in other words         under construction   

part and parcel        be charged with        show no mercy to     as well as

1. Keeping the accounts is ____________________ of my job.

2. The Suzhou New Railway Station is still ____________________.

3. The young man was so cruel that he ___________________ the poor dog.

4. — What do you want to drink? — Nothing ____________________. Just a glass of water.

5. Chongqing and Wuhan are among the most important cities in China ____________________ their size and population.

6. The young man ____________________ breaking into the bank.


seize control of              sentence … to death    apart from           meet the deadline

 under the protection of        in honour of          take root           appoint … to

1. It is reported that the anti-government organization ____________________ the TV station.

2. He ____________________ the headmaster for the new school last year.

3. He ____________________ by the Supreme Court for murdering his wife.

4. Nearly all trees have seeds that fall to the ground, ____________________, and eventually produce new seeds.

5. As is known to all, the Masters Net Garden, one of Suzhou’ famous gardens, is on the World Heritage List and is now ____________________ the government.

6. We expect to ____________________ for completing the project.

(四)综合填空  (每空一词)

1. — Father, I’ve finished my homework. May I play games on your computer?

   — Whatever you do. Don’t ___________ me with little affairs.

2. — What’s the matter with your face?

   — I got ___________ when I was on the beach for a holiday.

3. — Do you know what ____________ China?

— The Great Wall, I think.

4. — What are you doing here? The typhoon is on the way!

   — I know. I’m checking to see everything’s OK here, for the public is still looking forward to not ___________ the

outdoor concert by the pop singer.

5. — Tom is absent today again?

   — Why? Toothache again? Why didn’t he go to see the dentist?

   — He ___________ seeing the bad tempered dentist.

6. — Come in. Just have a look around.

   — Wow! A nice house. You live so ____________.

7. — The ____________ in the theater made lots of people lose their lives.

   — What a terrible sight! Someone must be responsible for it.

8. — What is he doing with his two fingers crossed?

   — Oh, he is making a ___________ to say “Good luck” to us.

9. — How can I recognize which one is mine?

   — The one ___________ with a red cross is yours.

10. — I’m lucky to survive the injury.

   — Yes, you are ___________ enough to have met a good doctor.

(五)短文填空  (每空一词)

The Acropolis is the greatest symbol of Athens, where the Greek civilization was (1) ____________. In the Acropolis, there are three (2) ____________ to Athena: the Parthenon, the Erechtheum, and the Temple of Nike.

The Acropolis, made of marble, has been damaged partly by natural forces like earthquakes, and partly by man. The (3) ____________ from Italy and Turkey brought it much (4) ____________. The last major destruction of this kind occurred with the theft of many of the best sculptures in 1801. Moreover, some damage has been caused unintentionally by people and some has been caused deliberately. There is also the problem of industrial pollution.

(5) ____________ 1835, the Greek government has begun to try to restore the constrution. (6) ____________, some damage has been caused because of the (7) ____________ restoration.

So, in 1975, the Greek government set up a (8) ____________ to undertake the restoration of the Acropolis. In 1987, the monument received a World Heritage listing from UNESCO. Since then, much progress has been made in reconstructing and (9) ____________ the monument, hoping that the Acropolis will be brought to its former glory. Important (10) ____________ work is also being carried on in order to enable our next generations to enjoy this historic monument.



1 – 5  DBDBC         6 – 10  DCACB


1. enlarged         2. secretly       3. raise           4. professional              5. fortnight

6. inspecting     7. smooth      8. permission  9. gradual              10. withdrawn


A) 1. part and parcel             2. under construction            3. showed no mercy to

4. in particular                      5. in terms of                  6. was charged with

B) 1. seized control of                  2. was appointed to              3. was sentenced to death

4. take root                5. under the protection of        6. meet the deadline


1. bother            2. sunburnt    3. symbolizes         4. canceling    5. dislikes

6. comfortably   7. exposion    8. gesture         9. marked   10. fortunate


1. born          2. temples     3. attacks             4. damage      5. Since

6. However      7. unsuccessful8. committee        9. protecting 10. educational