我爱你中国朗诵稿:考研英语词汇复习(121)imagination 、fancy 、fantasy 、version 、supposition

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/04/29 14:00:03



                     imagination fancy fantasy version supposition











imagination   “想像”、“想像力”,含义广,可指富有创造性的想像,也可指凭空的想像。


           1)The artist’s work show shows the perfect union of craftmanship and imagination.


           2)Deftly grasping the lady’s smile in a glimpse, the painter presents vividly her innermost, evoking plenty
   of imagination from the audiences.                   (画家敏捷地扒扩抓住少女一瞬间微笑的表情, 表现出她微妙的心理活动,给观众以丰


fancy   “幻想”,指脱离实际的幻想,常暗示所想像的东西近乎怪诞的意味。


   1) It’s just your own fancy. Nobody will hurt you.


          2) You want to go to Oxford University but do not study hard. That’s really a unrealistic fancy.



fantasy  “想像”、“幻想”,指奇异、怪诞的想像或幻想。


  1) Thanks to development in science and technology, some of old fantasies about the space age have
 come true.


2)An imagination which is divorced from objective reality can only produce empty fantasies. 



version   “想像”、“幻想”,指以自己的愿望为基础的美好想像、幻想。


        1) You must be realistic. The romantic visions of youth have already disappeared.


        2) The beggar has a vision of getting great wealth.



supposition  “假设”、“假想”,指对未知事物加以想像。


1) He refrained from buying a TV set on the supposition that the prices would be further reduced


       2) In my opinion, the whole play can never be carried through since it is based merely on his own
