
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/06/03 01:21:43


更新时间:2010-12-15 11:40 互动:米尔论坛  译文导读:陆克文让美国准备好对中国动武,美国网友对此如何看,陆克文为何深陷两难境地,澳洲网友有何见解原文翻译就不粘贴过来了,之前已有中国媒体对此进行了报道:




  Oh Great! Now we should start a war with our own banker? Sure! As if we had the money, the military readiness, and the will to attack a huge nuclear armed country when we have been unsuccessfully trying for 10 years to defeat a bunch of goat herders.

  Rudd can round up his own military and go for it, if he wants to. Oh! right! he is no longer Prime Minister.



  How to deal toughly with your banker ? Rebuild the US economy and quit shipping quality middle class jobs overseas. And then pay off the loan.


  It is true politics is dirty. You can not trust a politician on their face-value.


  Tell Rudd that the US is broke, busted up, tired and in no mood or condition for another fight, especially not with China. So if he's a real man and a real leader, he'll use his own force and the force of his own country to achieve his agenda instead of begging for someone else to do his work. Use force with China? Easy to say, not easy to do. I can tell my neighbor he should fight Tyson but he's smart enough to tell me to fight him myself. YOU use force with China and tell us how that went.


  No wonder this guy can only be a Minister for Foreign Affairs instead of being staying as a prime minister. I wonder how long he can stay as the Minister for Foreign Affairs with such kind of evil intent.


  US and Australia are a threat to China.


 I got a flyer in the mail for a Christmas sale at a hardware store. Not a single item in it, was made in America. Most likely, any item in the 8 pages was made in China. Ok, America is finished. Got it people? The jobs are gone. There is nothing left but welfare for Americans. Borrow money from China, and give out those food stamps Obama. Woo Hoo! America, such a great nation. Can't even make a screwdriver now.


  world politics is dirty as hell especially the US and its allies who are the most evil of them all世界政治TMD的脏透了,尤其是美国和他那些盟友中最邪恶的几个。(看名字估计是拉丁裔)doesnt this say a lot about australian intelligence,or more to the point how little of it they have.

  that idiot wanted america to be prepared to use force on china, he belongs in an asylum, the mans a complete looney,china would be preparing their dinner after leaving the whole of the u.s. smoking like a massive barbeque. i suppose we couldnt expect anything better from the prime minister of a huge holiday resort.



  George W and the Republicans sold the U.S. to China a long time ago. We already lost that war.

  The GOP cares nothing for democracy, God, the USA, or you. They are corporate tools, lining their own pockets. They lie and cheat and send young Americans to their death solely for their own profit. They hide behind @#$% patriotism and hypocritical religious posturing (Jesus was all about love and charity-the opposite of republican practice) to advance their greedy destruction of democracy. They have cut education over and over and over until the average U.S. citizen is stupid enough to believe their lies.



this is looking down on asians as inferior to western peoples this guy should apologize.


  If Rudd wants war, Australia can wage it and be sure to remind him that all the young men in his family need to be front line soldiers. If the thought of his son Nicholas, shooting off against People's Liberation Army soldiers unnerves him, perhaps he should advocate peace instead.


  It looks like the world doesn't like US but secretly use US to do their dirty work or start a cause.


  it's time for China to occupy australia and enslave its people.

  看起来是时候让中国占领澳大利亚,奴役澳大利亚人了。(名字似乎是华人==)This is hilarious, we can't even financial continue the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, how on earth do people expect us to afford a confrontation with China? Oh yeah I forgot, we can ask the Chinese to buy some of US bonds to finance our war against them and maybe while were at war, they could possibly forgive our payments on the loans until after the war. That should work. Boy are we (US) dumb or what?



  至于澳洲网民的评价,之前也有媒体进行了报道,这里就不详细说了,澳洲网民的评价可参考《澳网友称陆克文对华用武论太天真 美国才是最大威胁》