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Module 7 Communications
Unit 1 Let’s send an email.
2、重点句子:Let’s send an email to dad.
Click on ‘email’.
Write your message.
一、      一首英文歌曲:my home’s the place
二、      自由讨论:描述方位
三、      新课教学;
1、            问候与复习;请学生分小组讨论各自同亲朋好友保持联系的方式,教师引导他们说出电话,书信等方式,学生可能会说出电子邮件这种方式,由此引出本课教学主题。
2、            课文导入:利用多媒体课件展示一幅电脑图片,询问学生我们可以用它来做什么,然后告诉学生我们可以用它来和别人交流,今天我们就来学习如何发送电子邮件给你的亲朋好友。
3、            课文教学:
再放录音,请学生找到问题的答案:What’s an email? Where is the email from?
(3)、 教师将重点句子板书在黑板上:
Let’s send an email to dad.
Click on ‘email’.
Click on ‘write’.
Write your message.
Click on‘send’.
(4)、 请学生回答上面的问题,教师 进行总结。继续提问;怎样发送电子邮件?
4、            任务完成
请每位学生准备一张白纸,教师发出指令请学生画画:draw your friend,write some words on your poster,put the poster on the wall!让学生课后将自己的海报粘贴到墙上,并描述一下自己的作品,评选出好的作品给予奖励。
(2)、完成活动手册练习3 ,全班同学分两组进行,读一封电子邮件,独立回答问题。并将远电子邮件讲述给另一组学生听。
5、            课后作业
(1)、熟悉发送电子邮件的 过程。
6、            板书设计
MODULE 7 Unit 1 Let’s send an email.
Let’s send an email to dad.
Click on ‘email’.
Click on ‘write’.
Write your message.
Click on ‘send’.
Module 7 Communications
UNIT 2 I will be home at seven o’clock.
1、重点句子: I am working very hard.
I will be home at seven o’clock.
一、            歌曲
二、            自由交谈:关于旅游
三、            新课教学
将全班分为两组扮演AMY 和TOM,看图配音。
(1)、播放录音,呈现活动1,教师提问:“what’s an  email ?”请学生回答.
I am working very hard.
I will be home at seven o’clock.
UNIT 2 I will be home at seven o’clock.
I am working very hard.
I will be at home at seven o’clock.
Module 8   Discussion
Unit1 What do you suggest?
1.      单词和词组:
suggest  quickly  excited  America  Chinese  kind  dragon
2.      重点句子:
What do you suggest?       What about……?
Why don’t you ……?        How about……?
教具:Cards       Pictures    Tape-recorder
A: Song: We are clever boys and girls.
B: Free Talk: How to send an email?
C: New concepts:
一.  热身复习
1)      Greetings.
2)      Sing an English song.
1)      热身复习后,教师对学生说:I am going to visit a foreign friend this weekend .And I want to take a present for him .What do you suggest?
2)      教师:“我们已经知道Daming 要去美国啦,那么他要去拜访谁呢?Sam 又是如何给Daming 提出建议的呢?下面让我们一起来学习今天的课文。
呈现SB Unit 1Activities 1的内容,请学生边听边看挂图。听过后,教师指着挂图上的人物,引导学生说出对话发生的场景。
What do you suggest?
What about chopsticks?
Why don’t you give him a kite?
How about a dragon kite?
将“What do you suggest?” “What about… ?”“Why don’t you…?”和“How about…?”用方框框起来。告诉学生给别人提供建议时,可以使用这些句型。然后将一些画有物品的图片贴在表示建议的各个句型后面,请学生通过替换原有的单词练习这些句型。
四.完成SB Unit 1 Activities 2
组织学生课后三人一组,分别扮演Ms Smart, Sam和Daming ,将课文编排成英文品,在班上表演。
Module 8 Discussion
Unit1 What do you suggest?
What about               chopsticks?
Why don’t you             give him a kite?
How about                a dragon kite?
Module 8 Discussion
Unit 2 Line A is longer.
1.    单词和词组:Same  circle
2.    重点句子:
Line A is longer.
Is line A the same as line B?
I think so. /I don’t think so.
3.    语法:形容词的比较级。
Cards 、 Pictures  、 Tape-recorder.
A: Sing an English song.
B: Free talk:
C; New concepts:
1.            热身复习
2.            课文导入
热身复习后,教师在黑板上画一个大圆和一个小圆,一条长线段和一条短线段。把两个圆分别标记为A和B,用同样的方法标记两条线段。教师指着两条线段说 ‘long’。提示学生们说:“line A  is  longer than line B ”。教师可以利用教室里的物品,如钢笔,书本等做更多的示范,复习学过的形容词的比较级。
教师把挂图贴在黑板上,指向挂图中的线段问学生:“what are these?”学生回答:“they are lines ”指着圆圈问同样的问题,并选择一个自己认为正确的答案。
教师在黑板上写出下列单词;big ,small,tall ,short ,long ,请几个学生写出他们的比较级。把line A is the  same as  line B 和   circle A is the same as circle B 这两句话写在黑板上,把 the same as  用方框圈出,告诉学生可以用这个表达方式来说明两个相同的事物。然后用图画引导学生巩固这一句型,。
完成活动3 ;用图片来完成他们的发音。
A:there are  five fish in my  picture。
B:I think so 。/  I  don’t think so .there are six.之后学生互换角色,继续问答.
UNIT 2 Line A is longer.
Line A is the same as line B.
Circle A is the same as circle B.
Module 9 Letters from Abroad
Unit 1 We laughed a lot.
Teaching content: Module 9 Letters from Abroad.
Unit 1 We laughed a lot.
Teaching Aim:
1. Vocabulary:  wore   women   actor   told   joke  funny   after  show  read
2. Sentence:  We laughed a lot
3. Grammar:  Simple past tense
Teaching properties: word cards   sentence cards   pictures   photos    Tape –recorder
Teaching steps:
1. Warmer and review
Act the poem: Do you agree.
2. Leading
①    Teacher takes out a photo of the show.
T: I went to the theatre with my friend last week.
What did you do last week?
②T: Do you know what did Lingling do last week?
Let’s listen to the radilo.
3. New concepts
①    Listen and look at the picture on the board.
Then, let students describing the picture in their own’s words.
②    Stick the sentence cards on the board, listen again.
Sentences: We went to a children’s theatre.
The men wore women’s clothes.
The women wore men’s clothes.
The actors told lots of jokes.
It was very funny.
We laughed a lot.
We went to a restau rant after the show.
We all ate hamburgers and chips.
Then, let students describing, use the sentence cards.
③    Teacher circles the words: went  wore  told  was  laughed  ate
Then, give the words: go  wear  tell  is   laugh  eat
Let the students match then.
④    Read sentences on the cards
Let students recollect what did Lingling do last week.
⑤Listen and repeat the text.
⑥Answer the questions on your paper.
A.     Where did Lingling go last week?
B.     What did the men and the women wear?
C.     What did the actors do?
D.     Where did they go after the show?
E.      Wheat did they eat?
4. Practice
Students take out their own pictures to describing what did they do .
5. Do Activity Book.
①Exercise 1  Listen and complete the text.
②Exercise 4  Read and circle the correct words.
6. Homework
Talk about what you did yesterday.
Designs:            Moudule 9 Letters from Aboard
Unit 1 We laughed a lot
went                    laugh
were                  eat
told                  is
was                   go
laughed               are
ate                 tell
Module 9 Letters from Abroad
Unit 2 See you soon.
Teaching Aim:
1. Target language: Simple future tense ‘be going to ‘.
2. Vocabulary: soon  bed  room  history  question  borrow  evening
3. Sentences: We are going to see you in three weeks.
Mum bought new chopsticks for you.
He’s eating an apple now.
4.Pronunciation: ‘qu’ ‘sh’  ‘th’.
5. Song: Postman  Postman
Teaching properties: word cards  sentence cards  pictures  tape-recorder
Teaching steps:
Warmer and review
1. Revise simple past tense with these words.
Wore  women  actor  told  joke  funny  after  show   read
2. Say a tongue twister
T: My friend will visit me soon. I bought a bed and a bike for him. Now, let’s see what did Simon’s parents buy for Daming.
New concepts
1. Stick the picture on the board.
Play the tape: Look and listen.
Then, talk about the letter in Chinese.
2. Play the tape again, listen and repeat.
3. Read the letter by yourself.
4. Stick the sentence cards on the board.
Revise simple past tense and simple future tense.
We are gong to see you in three weeks.
Dad is going to put another bed in my room.
Mum bought new chopsticks for you.
He is going to ask you some questions.
We borrowed a bike for you.
Hare the students stick the pictures of Simmon’s family beside correct sentence.
5. Activity 2 of SB
For an example with the first picture.
Then have the students describe the other pictures pay attention to ‘simple past tense’ and ‘simple future tense’.
6. Activity 3 of SB
①Listen and repeat pay attention to the pronunciation.
②Underline the letters that make the sound.
7. Let’s sing
①Go through the words of the song.
②Listen the tape, learn to sing.
③Sing the song all together.
1. Listen and say, thenread the letter.
2. Exercise Book.
①Read the answers, then write the questions.
②Game: Say and guess
1. Copy new words.
2. Write a letter. Use the words in the box.
Module 9 Lettets from abroad
Unit 2 See You Soon.
soon        question
bed         borrow
room       evening
Module 10 Preparations
Unit 1 Where are you going to go?
Teaching objectives:
1. Words: list   airport   shoe   ticket   toothbrush
2. Sentences: Where are you going to go?
What are you going to take?
When are you going to go?
Who’s going to go with you?
3. Grammar: Simple future tense.
Teaching properties:
Cards   pictures   tape-recorder
Teaching procedures:
1. Free talk:
T: What are you going to do next Sunday?
S: (Answer)
T: Who’s going to travel?
S: (Answer)
T: What are you going to take?
S: (Answer)
T: When are you going to go?
S: (Answer)
T: Who’s going to go with you?
S: (Answer)
T: I hope you have a good time.
2. New text
T: Daming is going to travel. Let’s have a look what he is going to do.
⑴Read the text, then find out the new words.
⑵Teacher write the new words on the blackboard.
⑶Learn the new words.
⑷Play the game with the new words.
⑸Read the text again.
⑹Listen to the tape.
⑺Find two students read the text.
⑻Read the text then find the teacher’s questions.
①Where is Daming going to go?
②What is Daming going to take?
③When is Daming going to the airport?
④Who’s going to the airport?
⑼Students answer
3. Practice:
Have two students talk their trip. Use these sentences.
⑴Where are you going to go?
⑵What are you going to take?
⑶When are you going to go?
⑷Who’s going to go with you?
4. Homework
⑴Write words on the exercise book.
⑵Talk your trip to your friends.
Module 10 Preparations
Unit 1 Where are you going to go?
Words:                sentences:
list                  Where are you going to go?
airport               What are you going to take?
shoe                 When are you going to go?
ticket                Who’s going to go?
toothbrush            Who’s going to go with you?
Module 10 Preparations
Unit 2 I’m in New York now.
Teaching content:  Module 10 Preparations
Unit 2 I’m in New York now.
Teaching objectives:
1. Words:  arrive  taxi  flat   building  made  again
2. Sentences:
Grandma made Chinese food for me.
I want to try American food.
I will write again soon.
3. Practise to pronounce ‘wh’ ‘wr’.
4. Learn the song: It’s a big exciting world.
Teaching properties: cards tape-recorder pictures
Teaching procedures
1. Stick the pictures of unit 1 on the board. Have the students come to the front and mime the text of unit 1.
2. Say a sentence in the present tense and get the students say it in the past tense.
T: Daming goes to New York.
Ss: Daming went to New York.
T: Grandma meets Daming.
Ss: Gradma met Daming.
Teach the text:
1. Raise the picture of the Statue of Liberty and ask: What is it ? Where is it?”
Guide the students say: It’s the statue of Liberty. It’s in New York”.
T: Daming is in New York now. Let’s see who met him at the airport. What he saw in New York and What food he wanted to eat.
2. Play the tape. Have the students listen and underline the new words in books.
3. Teach the new words.
4. Play the tape again. Have the students listen and say. After this, get the students to answer the following questions:
⑴Who met Daming at the airport? (Grandma and Simon)
⑵What did Daming see in New York? (Buildings, cards and people)
⑶What food did he want to try? (American food)
5. Complete activity 2 in SB. (Get the students to ask and answer in pairs)
6. Practise to pronounce 'wh' 'wr'.
7. Learn the song: It’s a big exciting world.
8. Complete exercise 1 in AB.
Practise the following sentences in pairs:
Where are you from?
Where are you going to go?
Where are you going to go there?
Where are you going to do there?
Module 10 Preparations
Unit 2 I’m in New York now
arrive          Grandma mad Chinese food for me.
flat            I want to try American food.
made           I will write again soon.