
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/09 15:46:13
From:  sfqin
Date: 2012/01/10
Subject: Fw:Fw:Fw:Fw:FW: 天下奇观:这种花每四十年才开三天

主题:Fw:Fw:Fw:FW: 天下奇观:这种花每四十年才开三天

抄送:主题: Fw:FW: 天下奇观:这种花每四十年才开三天

這種花 每四十年才開三天, 两公尺多高, 75 公斤重,产在墨西哥 第一次听到,那 一輩子可能只能看個兩次 ? 現在您看到了是【褔氣】The largest flower in the world was born in Rio Blanco, Veracruz , Mexico. Two meters high and weighing 75 kilos,it has the peculiarity of blooming only during three days every 40 years.

Amorphophallus titanum, also called cadaverous flower has thepecularity of blooming only during three days every 40 years, aprivilege that Mother Nature bestowed on this town in Veracruz .