redis队列php:matlab_ncl 脚本

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/06 00:02:24
%Script to plot out 6-panels of WRFOUT data...  % Wind magnitude and direction, Heat Flux, 2m Air-Skin Temp (Delta-T)  % Precipitation (RAINNC + RAINC), Moisture Flux, 2m Mixing Ratio%% Joseph B. Zambon% 26-January-2010clear allclose allncl_file = '/he_data/he/jbzambon/projects/jill/';  %contains: lat/lon, u10, v10, times, slpwrfout_file = '/he_data/he/jbzambon/projects/jill/wrfout_for_domain1';  %contains: HFX, QFX, TSK, T2, Q2, RAINC, RAINNCcoastlines = '/he_data/he/jbzambon/matlab/coast.mat';  %coastline data for worldsp = 20;  %quiver spacing for wind magnitude + direction plotsncl = netcdf(ncl_file);lat = ncl{'lat'}(1,:,:);lon = ncl{'lon'}(1,:,:);[X,Y] = meshgrid(lon(1,:),lat(:,1));U10 = ncl{'u10'}(:);V10 = ncl{'v10'}(:);mag10 = sqrt(U10.^2 + V10.^2);times = ncl{'Times'}(:);wrf = netcdf(wrfout_file);hfx = wrf{'HFX'}(:);qfx = wrf{'QFX'}(:);tsk = wrf{'TSK'}(:);T2 = wrf{'T2'}(:);delT = T2-tsk;mslp = ncl{'slp'}(:);Q2 = wrf{'Q2'}(:);RAINC = wrf{'RAINC'}(:);RAINNC = wrf{'RAINNC'}(:);precip = RAINC + RAINNC;load(coastlines);set(figure(1),'Position',[0 30 1400 900]);for i=1:129  %Squeeze variables  imag = squeeze(mag10(i,:,:));  iu = squeeze(U10(i,:,:));  iv = squeeze(V10(i,:,:));  ihfx = squeeze(hfx(i,:,:));  idelT = squeeze(delT(i,:,:));  ihfx = squeeze(hfx(i,:,:));  iqfx = squeeze(qfx(i,:,:));  iq2 = squeeze(Q2(i,:,:));  %Calculate precip  if (i<=1)    iprecip = zeros(235,224);  else    iprecip = squeeze(precip(i,:,:))-squeeze(precip((i-1),:,:));  end  %Subplot 1,1 - Wind Mag and Vectors     subplot('position',[0.025 0.57 0.3 0.35])     pcolor(X,Y,imag); shading flat; caxis([0 20]); hold on;     quiver(X(1:sp:end),Y(1:sp:end),iu(1:sp:end),iv(1:sp:end),'k')     plot(ncst(:,1),ncst(:,2),'k')     pclegend([0 20],[0.025 0.5 0.3 0.02]); hold on;     title(['Wind Magnitude (ms^-^1) and Direction'])  %Subplot 1,2 - HFX     subplot('position',[0.35 0.57 0.3 0.35])     pcolor(X,Y,ihfx); shading flat; caxis([-200 1000]); hold on;     plot(ncst(:,1),ncst(:,2),'k')     pclegend([-200 1000],[0.35 0.5 0.3 0.02]); hold on;     title(['Heat Flux in Wm^2'])  %Subplot 1,3 - Delta-T     subplot('position',[0.675 0.57 0.3 0.35])     pcolor(X,Y,idelT); shading flat; caxis([-10 2]); hold on;     plot(ncst(:,1),ncst(:,2),'k')     pclegend([-10 2],[0.675 0.5 0.3 0.02]); hold on;     title(['Delta-T (Air - Skin) in \circC'])  %Subplot 2,1 - Precipitation     subplot('position',[0.025 0.1 0.3 0.35])     %change colormap white-to-blue        load('~/matlab/colormaps/green.mat')     pcolor(X,Y,iprecip); shading flat; caxis([0 20]); hold on;     colormap(green); freezeColors;     plot(ncst(:,1),ncst(:,2),'k')     B = pclegend([0 20],[0.025 0.03 0.3 0.02]); %colorbar('SouthOutside');     freezeColors(B);     title(['Hourly Precip in mm'])  %Subplot 2,2 - QFX     subplot('position',[0.35 0.1 0.3 0.35])     colormap(jet)     pcolor(X,Y,iqfx); shading flat; caxis([-0.0001 0.0006]); hold on;     plot(ncst(:,1),ncst(:,2),'k')     pclegend([-0.0001 0.0006],[0.35 0.03 0.3 0.02]);     title(['Moisture Flux in kgm^2 * 10^-^3'])  %Subplot 2,3 - Q2     subplot('position',[0.675 0.1 0.3 0.35])     pcolor(X,Y,iq2); shading flat; caxis([0 0.025]); hold on;     plot(ncst(:,1),ncst(:,2),'k')     pclegend([0 20],[0.675 0.03 0.3 0.02]);     title(['2m Mixing Ratio in kgkg^-^1 * 10^-^2'])  mtit(['Forecast Hour: ' num2str((i-1)*3) '     Valid: ' times(i,1:10) ' ' times(i,12:end)],'yoff',+0.025,'FontSize',18)  screen2png('test.png')  eval(['! mv test.png ' num2str(i) '.png'])  clfend