有什么稀奇古怪的东西:中国留学生:我从老外那学到的趣味英语 - 【留学英语】 - 英语家园论坛 成人、白领学习英...

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/16 16:05:55


睡着的骆驼, 上班族 一周五天、每天八小时的工作日对某些极度热爱工作人来说可能太短了,他们有太多的计划要赶,还有很多项目等着他们跟进…所以,他们一周的五天工作日大部分都是早起晚睡、争分夺秒的状态。那么他们是怎样保持这样旺盛的精力呢?答案就是,他们都是sleep camel,这样的人一般都利用周末补充睡眠,积攒能量。
  Sleep camels are ultra-workaholics who go for days without resting, then power-sleep or power-nap for most of the weekend in an attempt to to make up for it and to store up energy for the week ahead。
  Sleep camel指那些在工作日争分夺秒工作,睡眠时间很少,到了周末就大睡特睡补充睡眠同时为下一周积聚能量的工作狂。
  我们都知道骆驼是一种积蓄能力很强的动物,它们可以多日不吃不喝,一旦遇到水草,便大量贮存。这里把周末补觉的人称为sleep camel大概也是基于这个相似点吧:可以多日少睡,到了休息的时候就充分补足睡眠、积蓄能量。


睡着的骆驼, 上班族 一周五天、每天八小时的工作日对某些极度热爱工作人来说可能太短了,他们有太多的计划要赶,还有很多项目等着他们跟进…所以,他们一周的五天工作日大部分都是早起晚睡、争分夺秒的状态。那么他们是怎样保持这样旺盛的精力呢?答案就是,他们都是sleep camel,这样的人一般都利用周末补充睡眠,积攒能量。
  Sleep camels are ultra-workaholics who go for days without resting, then power-sleep or power-nap for most of the weekend in an attempt to to make up for it and to store up energy for the week ahead。
  Sleep camel指那些在工作日争分夺秒工作,睡眠时间很少,到了周末就大睡特睡补充睡眠同时为下一周积聚能量的工作狂。
  我们都知道骆驼是一种积蓄能力很强的动物,它们可以多日不吃不喝,一旦遇到水草,便大量贮存。这里把周末补觉的人称为sleep camel大概也是基于这个相似点吧:可以多日少睡,到了休息的时候就充分补足睡眠、积蓄能量。


英国, 美女, Facebook, 神秘

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3 天前 06:39



  Keir Moffatt, from Bristol, was travelling home from Cardiff at 7pm on May 6. Onboard he saw a girl with a blue hair band, sparking the beginning of the search。
  英国男子Keir Moffatt坐火车回家时偶遇一神秘美女,一见倾心,但苦于无法搭讪,两人就此擦肩而过。
  Chronicling his quest on the website he wrote: "On the train back to Bristol from Cardiff last week, a gorgeous girl in my carriage really caught my eye."
  "We barely spoke but, when she left, I regretted not speaking to her more - and asking her out."
  "When I was driving home with my mate, I mentioned my regret and he said, Well, you know what they say, you're never more than three people away from who you want to know."
  "Half an hour later, and perhaps against my better judgment, I set up this Facebook group to see if my mate's theory was true - to see if I could find the Mystery Train Girl and get a second chance to ask her out."
  By the following evening more than 1,000 people had joined the group, which soon swelled to 2,000, and then 10,000 members。
  Mr Moffatt then decided to put the interest to use, setting up a JustGiving web page, asking his followers to donate £1 to Marie Curie Cancer Care。
  Raising money from his adventure would be "a potentially wonderful outcome to an otherwise rather embarrassingly self-indulgent quest," he reasoned。

海外工作生活 加拿大最佳英国最差

加拿大, 英国, 海外, 生活 海外工作生活 加拿大最佳英国最差
Canada, Australia ranked best places for expats

An image of Canada. Canada, Australia and Thailand come in the top three in the survey of best locations to live for expatriates.





Looking to work overseas? Head to Canada, Australia or Thailand, according to an annual global survey which found recession-hit Britain was one of the worst locations to live for expatriates.

The second annual Expat Experience survey, commissioned by HSBC Bank International, revealed that expats in Canada have the best quality of life and found it among the easiest places in the world to integrate with the local population.

Australia and Thailand also came in the top three in the survey of 3,146 people working in 30 different industries and 50 countries, even though Thailand was one of the countries worst-hit by the recession for expats.

"We have seen that there is a distinct trade-off between income and overall quality of life, as many of the top performers ... scored towards the bottom of this report's league table (of the best places to make and save money)," said Betony Taylor, spokeswoman for HSBC Bank International.

"What is clear is that the locations where salaries may not be as high, such as Canada and Australia, are where expats are really enjoying not only an increased quality of life but are also finding it easy to fit in to their new communities."

Last year Germany, Canada and Spain were the top three countries deemed to have the best lifestyle for expats.

This year Britain was one of the lowest ranked locations when it came to lifestyle after being named as one of the most expensive places for expats with the recession taking its toll.

About 44 percent of expats in Britain are considering returninghome, compared with only 15 percent of expats overall.

About 41 percent of expats in Britain find it difficult to find somewhere to live, most find the quality of their accommodation drops after moving to Britain, and a third claim their health has deteriorated since moving there.

"Despite this, the UK does hold the crown for being expat entertainment capital of the world, with over half (58 percent) of expats in the UK saying that the quality of entertainment had increased," said Taylor.

She added that 62 percent of expats also said that employment prospects were the main reason keeping them in the region.

Another different section of the survey, which was conducted by research company FreshMinds, released earlier found Russia was home to the highest proportion of expats earning more than $250,000 with 30 percent of international workers there banking that amount, followed by Hong Kong and Japan.

The lowest-paid expats live in Australia and Belgium with the majority -- 63 percent and 61 percent respectively -- earning less than $100,000.

expatriate: one who has taken up residence in a foreign country(移居国外者)
trade-off:the exchange of one thing for another of more or less equal value, esp. to effect a compromise(权衡,协调)
league table:比赛名次表,比赛成绩表
take its toll: be damaging or harmful, cause loss or destruction(造成损失)














  英国人彬彬有礼,提出请求时说“please”,接受了帮助或服务后说“thank you”,无论事情多么微不足道。
  酒吧是英国人喜欢与朋友相聚的社交中心。中国学生可能会被邀请出去“喝一品脱”(go out to have a pint),作为与英国学生社交的开始。  "Do It Yourself"(D.I.Y.自己动手)和园艺是许多英国人的爱好,因为在英国人工非常昂贵。如果主人在自己的花园上化了很多工夫,他们很可能会为它感到骄傲。因此,恭维他们的花园是进行进一步谈话的很好的开始
  Если жизнь тебя обманет,

  Не печалься, не сердись!
  В день уныния смирись:
  День веселья, верь, настанет.
  Сердце в будущем живет;
  Настоящее уныло:
  Все мгновенно, все пройдет;
  Что пройдет, то будет мило.
  A.C 普希金
  而那逝去的将变为可爱。 中俄阅读:别转身看另一个女人一位美若天仙的姑娘在路上走着。突然她发现一个男人尾随在她身后。她转过身问道:“
  --- 喂,你干嘛跟着我走?”

  --- 哦,是我的心在听你指挥,您的魅力让人无法抗拒,它让我跟着你。有人对我说,我弹诗琴很棒,能把诗歌献给神秘艺术,我擅长唤醒女人心中爱的痛苦。但是,我想给你解读爱情,因为你俘获了我的心!”美女默不作声,看了他一会儿,然后说:“
  --- 你怎么能爱上我呢?我的妹妹比我要更漂亮、更吸引人些。她在我后面走着,去看她吧。”
  --- 请告诉我,如何让你的谎言脱口而出?”
  --- 我的朋友,当你在爱情面前发誓时,你也没对我说真话啊。你精通爱情的所有规则,却装出一副你的心是因为爱我才激情燃烧的样子。