文艺青年 知乎:让面试官追着你跑吧(双语)

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/18 16:43:36




    Research the company. Commit important details, such as the business' mission and goals, and services it has performed for the community, to memory. Review the history of the business and become familiar with its partners and competitors.


    Prepare a short biography of yourself using three to five qualities that describe who you are but that are also important to the employer. Memorize the first two sentences of your biography and prepare to lead with this sentence when asked to describe yourself.


    Practice answering difficult questions before the interview. Rehearse answers, but work on fluently delivering the answers so they do not seem forced. Common questions at an interview include those about your strengths, weaknesses and your interest in the company.



    Dress professionally for the interview and be polite. Exude confidence when you first meet the interviewer by firmly shaking his hand and maintaining eye contact.


    Interject thoughts and comments about the business that you discovered from your research when opportunities arise. Ask questions of the interviewer when appropriate.


    Write a thank-you letter to the interviewer after the meeting. Thank the interviewer for his time and express your interest in the job. Mention a couple of positive points that you remember from the interview.


在面试中怎么才能让主考官信服你? 如果在面试过程问,让你谈谈家庭是什么意思? 如果在面试过程问,让你谈谈家庭? 中山保兴电子让你去面试了吗? 面试后他让你去实习是打算要你么? 在面试中:如果让你到艰苦的地方工作,你的看法? 面试之后用人单位又叫你去和领导谈 谈完之后让你等电话 会有戏吗? 面试让表演节目,怎么办? 哪位大侠知道求简历的有效投递方式(别人提出让你去面试为有效)? 面试的时候让你填写期望工资怎样做好?填写工资对以后工作的工资有什么联系 面试的时候让你填写期望工资怎样做好?填写工资对以后工作的工资有什么联系? 说说你面试的心得? 恩..有没有人被介绍工作的中介公司(就是给你传达工作的机会让你去面试做兼职)被欺骗过啊? 面试中,主考官让你2分钟时间去向前台接待小姐要回她的姓名、身高、体重、年龄,你会怎么做呢? 我得身份证丢了,只有毕业证,如果你是面试官我该怎么做才能让你不计较这个事情呢?就是该如何说才好? 假如你去一公司面试考官.给你出了一个成语"黑夜归来"你怎么回答能让考官满意? 如果你明明向某个单位投了简历,而他们在通知你面试的时候仍然让你自己带一份简历。 让你你怎么办? 大家帮我回答一下:在面试的时候主考官先让你介绍下自己,一般都是怎么介绍啊? 如果面试时考官给的是一张写着问题的纸条让你回答,但考官并不说话,那该怎样说答题前的过渡语? 面试时候面试管差不多在面试结束都对你笑一下那好吗 面试的时候怎样才能让表现的活泼点啊说详细点啊 那主考官是女的偶也素女的来个模拟的面试吧 面试时问你缺点怎么回答? 英语翻译:"你的面试怎么样?"