
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/09 06:45:26
      来源:财富中文网原作者:VERNE HARNISH 2011-11-09 10:26:48






  长期以来,更好、更快、更低成本地制造产品都是增长的秘诀。但最近情况却发生了变化,随着供给超过需求,企业必须找出最有利可图的客户群。本书将告诉你如何发现市场中最富裕的群体,并抓住这一细分市场——书中称之为“利润池”(profit pools)。举例来说,一家狗粮厂商专门针对跑步或骑车遛狗的人士投放广告。显然,这类爱狗人士更愿意购买高价宠物食品。

How Companies Win

  By Rick Kash and David Calhoun

  Until recently, making things better, faster, and cheaper was the secret to growth. But with supply outstripping demand, companies have to identify the most profitable customers. This book will tell you how to slice up your market into the richest sub-niches -- called "profit pools." For example: One dog-food maker targets ads toward people who run and bike with their pooches. Apparently, those owners are more willing to buy pricier pet food.





  没错,作者就是《雨人》(Rain Man)和《第三类接触》(the Third Kind)等电影背后的著名好莱坞经理人,他同样相当擅长教会读者,如何抓住潜在销售对象的感情和心理,成功达成交易。做生意与拍电影一样,要求我们会讲故事。在加州圣塔莫尼卡的Border Grill酒店,服务生正在领班们的培训,他们会告诉顾客:“这个墨西哥薄饼卷里藏着一段冒险故事”,然后讲起酒店创始人当年的一段轶事。那天凌晨4点,他探访尤卡坦半岛海滨的一个小摊,从此深受启发。

  Tell to Win

  By Peter Guber

  Yup. He's the Hollywood exec behind movies like Rain Man and Close Encounters of the Third Kind. But he's also pretty good at telling you how to capture the hearts and minds of your sales prospects -- and close the deal. Like movies, it involves telling a good story. At Border Grill in Santa Monica, bosses train waiters to tell each customer, "There is an adventure inside that taco," and then launch into the story of how the founders were inspired by a 4 a.m. visit to a tiny Yucatán seaside stand.





  纽约州罗彻斯特市的公共运输管理部门原本亏损严重,艾什彻底改变了这种局面,本书讲述的正是他的这段经历。除了为作者与惰性作斗争的经历喝彩之外,读者还可以学到不少经验教训。艾什任内停止向一条服务于罗彻斯特理工学院(the Rochester Institute of Technology)的巴士路线提供补贴,这一举措颇具政治风险。学院为了恢复这条路线,只得与市政方面合作,艾什由此成功地在同一路线上获得了两倍于原来的收入。这本书让我重新燃起了希望。我建议大伙都买上20本,给当地的父母官每人送一本吧。这对我们大家都有好处。

  Driving Excellence

  By Mark Aesch

  Aesch tells how he transformed a money-pit transportation authority in Rochester, N.Y. Beyond cheering his fight against inertia, you'll come away with a few lessons. Aesch dumped a subsidy to a bus route that served the Rochester Institute of Technology, a politically risky move. RIT, wanting the route back, worked with the city, and Aesch managed to generate twice the revenue from that same route. This book gave me hope. Help us all and buy 20 copies to hand out to your local officials.






  Ownership Thinking

  By Brad Hams

  Many employees spend more time thinking about personal concerns -- like how many vacation days they're getting -- than how to make their company more competitive and profitable, says Hamm. So how do you build an unbeatable company? Get your employees so invested in growth that they share your sleepless nights and make decisions just as you would. Hamm aims to teach you how to come up with incentive programs, among other things, to do just that.






  本文作者凡尔纳?哈尼什是经理人培训公司Gazelles Inc.的首席执行官。


  Built to sell

  By John Warrillow

  Don't avoid this book because you're not planning to sell your company. It's important for all entrepreneurs to ask themselves its central, kick-in-the-gut question: Would anyone pay you a lot of money for your company? If not, maybe you're wasting your own time running it. Warrilow gives you a three-point test that will help you decide. For example: Would it be possible to train a new owner to do exactly what you do? If not, maybe your business doesn't have a future.

  --Verne Harnish is the CEO of Gazelles Inc., an executive education firm.