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2011年 11月 03日 15:08 珠海住房限价令凸显楼市政治压力
评论(5) 中国南方一座城市本周针对住房买卖推出包括限价在内的非常规措施。由此可见,在领导人寻求控制房价之际,中国的房地产开发商面临着怎样的政治压力。



楼市若崩溃 中国经济会怎样?
调控显现影响 上海业主忙维权
博客:楼盘打折引抗议 中国房价涨难跌亦难
佛山放宽楼市限购被叫停 显中央调控决心
房价下跌 北京准备好了吗?根据珠海市政府网站周三发布的文稿,珠海市住房和城乡规划建设局局长陈哈理在政策说明会上说,珠海的调控政策“与其他城市有所不同”。陈哈理说,11285元的价格上限较去年珠海房地产市场均价上涨11%,这个幅度与当地经济增速相符。





Getty Images上个月,佛山市放宽楼市限购措施的举措出台后几个小时即被紧急叫停,显示中央政府并未放松对房地产行业的调控。法国兴业银行(Societe Generale)经济学家姚炜在周三发布的研究报告中说,在即将到来的楼市调整中,政府这只看得见的手可能是其深度和持续时间的决定性因素。姚炜观察了40个出台了限购令的中国城市,她预计在当局解除限购令之前,房价和投机者会遭受实质性损害。







仲量联行(Jones Lang LaSalle)澳门董事总经理古嘉豪(Gregory Ku)说,很多来珠海买房子的都是澳门人,售价在人民币100万元以上的房子很受澳门客户的欢迎。他说,一般来说年终都是销售淡季,这个时候出台限价政策可能会打压市场,但对开发商来说可能不会有重大影响,除非政策延长至明年1月春节过后,春节期间市场活动往往会转暖。

Chinese City Puts Ceiling On Home Prices To Cool Market

In a dramatic illustration of the political pressure bearing down on China's property developers as the nation's leaders seek to keep housing affordable, a southern city this week announced extraordinary restrictions on residential real-estate deals that includes a price cap.

Observers said the impact could be mostly symbolic, as the details suggest the move is temporary and will affect a traditionally slow-selling period. Still, it offers a stark reminder of China's desire to tame housing prices, as well as the willingness of government officials to tinker with the market to meet their goals.

The government of Zhuhai, an industrial city adjacent to the gambling enclave of Macau, said Tuesday it will permit transactions for new apartments priced no higher than 11,285 yuan ($1,775) per square meter─a fraction of the value of top-end apartments there and elsewhere in urban China. The price-control policy─spelled out in limited detail that suggests it applies only through year-end─also includes measures already widely adopted in China, including limits on the number of apartments families can purchase as well as measures to restrict buying by nonresidents.

'The control policy in Zhuhai is different from the ones in other cities,' Chen Hali, director of the city's housing and development bureau, told a press briefing, according to a transcript published Wednesday on the local government's website. Mr. Chen said the price cap amounts to an 11% rise in property values compared with 2010 levels and reflects the expansion pace of the local economy.

Fast urbanization and a shortage of housing in China has repeatedly defeated government pledges to restrain real-estate prices. Still, the outlook for Chinese property is souring on tight bank credit due to the government's anti-inflation policies, a broader economic slowdown and investor wariness after years of steady price gains, according to analysts and developers.

The sector is getting more scrutiny ahead of China's once-in-a-decade reshuffle of top leadership next year, where out-of-reach property prices seem to symbolize the Communist Party's inability to provide for huge swaths of the population. In the giant southwestern city Chongqing, adoption of an annual tax on property values this year was attributed in part to the populist approach of its ambitious leader, Bo Xilai. Zhuhai last month named a new No. 2 Communist Party official, who is also expected to become mayor.

Dozens of Chinese cities have put restrictions on property transactions in recent years, including publishing targets aimed at keeping annual price increases within the rate of economic growth. Zhuhai's stated price cap appears to take restrictions to a new level. The news came days after Premier Wen Jiabao urged local authorities to help the central government to 'unswervingly continue its property-market tightening measures for the rest of this year.'

An index of national real-estate prices during October, published this week, marked a second straight monthly drop, though prices did edge up in Zhuhai. This week, authorities in the rich southern city Guangzhou managed to sell only six of 18 plots of land they sought to auction to developers. 'Disastrous,' Pan Shiyi, chairman of Beijing developer Soho China Ltd., scoffed on his microblog account.

'The visible hand of the government is likely to be the defining factor in the depth and length of the upcoming correction,' Wei Yao , an economist at Société Générale said in a research note Wednesday. Ms. Yao counts 40 Chinese cities with buying restrictions, and she predicts that before authorities loosen the harnesses there will be 'real damage to property prices and speculators.'

Local authorities in China theoretically have wide scope to enforce property policies, even a price cap, because real-estate sales become legally binding only once recorded in a government registry office that both secures ownership documents and taxes transactions.

Numerous loopholes in Zhuhai may reduce the sting. The measure suggests it will apply only in the final two months of the year, typically a slow period. Also, buyers and sellers of property in China routinely register property transactions below their true value to reduce taxes. The price controls won't apply to second-hand apartments.

The Zhuhai government's new benchmark of 11,285 yuan per square meter compares with an average price in the city last month of 10,508 per square meter, according to a survey published this week by two private-sector firms, China Real Estate Index System and SouFun Holdings Ltd. While prices managed to gain 0.08% in Zhuhai compared with September, prices nationally were 0.23% lower to an average of 8,856 yuan, the survey found.

The market value for real estate in Zhuhai is three or more times the government's target price, said an executive at one of Zhuhai's largest developers. The developer said Zhuhai's policy could backfire by falsely signaling to everyday consumers that average real-estate prices will suddenly plunge in the city, when in fact his company plans no sales that might be governed by the policy.

No other city immediately matched Zhuhai's move. In fact, there are signs pressure is building the other way: Foshan, nearby Zhuhai in Guangdong Province, last month announced it would cancel longtime restrictions on multiple apartment-unit purchases. Hours later, Foshan authorities shelved the plan, leading to speculation that Beijing intervened.

One of the smaller cities along the Pearl River Delta, Zhuhai has gained investment due to its proximity to richer places nearby, including Hong Kong and Macau that will soon be linked by bridge and where property prices are far higher.

'Many property buyers in Zhuhai are from Macau, and homes priced above 1 million yuan have been popular with customers from Macau,' said Gregory Ku, managing director of Jones Lang LaSalle based in Macau. Mr. Ku said the policy may come as a frustration during a traditionally slow period at year-end but won't likely have a major impact on developers unless they are extended past the Lunar New Year holidays in January, when activity tends to pick up.