打工吧魔王大人 17epub:圣诞节自助餐菜单

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/21 19:51:37
    冷菜                  Cold  cut
 1玉米黄瓜沙拉           Cucumber and corn salad
 2粉丝沙拉               Rice noodles salad
 3沙姜鸡块               Boiled  chicken 
 4蘑菇番茄沙拉            Mushroom salad in tomato ring
 5酱牛肉                 Beef with soya sauce
 6泰式猪肉沙拉            Minced prok salad
 7西式冷切肠              Cold  cut
 8酸辣黄瓜               Pickled cucumber with sweet and soup
 9菠萝鸡沙拉              Pineapple and chicken salad
10蔬菜沙拉                Vegetable  salad
11芥末粉皮                Bean flour with mustard

    刺身                  On the ice
 1三文鱼刺身               Fresh salmon
 2青口贝                  Mussel
 3大虾                    Prawn

    汤类                     soup
 1奶油土豆汤               Gream and potato soup
 2甲鱼汤                   Turtle  soup

    肉车                  Butcher section
 1烤火鸡                   Roasted  turkey
 2圣诞火腿                 Christmas  ham

    热菜                      Hot  dish
 1香草烤鸡                 Roasted chicken with herbs
 2酱鸭                     Soya duck
 3清蒸鱼                   Steamed fish                
 4京都排骨                 Prok ribs with double sauce
 5黑椒牛排                 Roasted beef tenderloin with black pepper sauce
 6苹果猪排                 Roasted prok tenderloin with apple sauce
 7香酥鸡翅                  Deep fried chicken wing
 8泰式咖喱鸡                Thai curry chicken
 9番茄意大利面              Spaghetti with tomato sauce
10香菇酱牛肉               Soya braised beef with mixed mushroom
11迷你批萨                 Mini pizza
12泰式辣味青口贝           Thai curry mussel
13清炒时蔬                Sauted green vegetable
14鱿鱼炒西芹              Sauted celery with squid
15麻婆豆腐                Sauted beancurd "si chuan" style
16烤土豆                  Baked potato
17火腿炒米粉              Fried rice noodles with ham
18白米饭                  Plant  rice

    甜点                     Dessert
1绿豆汤                   Double boiled green bean congee
2血糯粥                   Double boiled red bean congee
3圣诞布丁                 Christmas pudding
4水果蛋糕                 Fresh fruit cake
5意大利咖啡蛋糕       Tirmisu