进口大众途锐图片:在应对金融海啸声中一个值得我们借鉴的新思维 - 何祚庥 - TOM博客

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/13 03:45:56
拜读之下,确实非常重要。尤其是此文严厉地批评了在美国出现的一种技术主张,用“更昂贵和更肮脏的方案来增加石油产量,如煤变油,从页岩中取油,用沥青沙炼油,和所谓的‘清洁煤’的技术”。阿·戈尔却认为,“上面的每一种方案不是太贵,就是严重污染。”“至于‘清洁煤’的方案,从国家安全和全球气候变化的角度考虑,则是太过于异想天开。”“那些一直鼓吹以上亿 美元的代价发展‘清洁煤’的技术的人,他们始终无视一个基本事实,那就是到目前为止,在美国他们既未找到投资者,也没有实现那怕是一个演示的项目,表明技术上真是把这些污染物都安全地深埋在地下了。” 阿·戈尔甚至将“洁净煤”斥之为“只谋私利”和“自我欣赏”的技术。
Al Gore
美国人选择了Barak Obama作为他们第44届总统。这一激动人心的变革性的选择,为下一个即将决定我们命运的选择奠定了基础:这就是明年一月总统和我们必须开始采取一项紧急的政策措施,将人类文明从日益逼近的由全球气候变化而引发的危机中拯救出来。
但是,仍有人认为问题出在国内生产。他们的观点是:如果增加国内的石油或煤的产量,我们就可以不再依靠中东的石油。还有些人甚而主张采用更昂贵和更肮脏的方案来增加石油产量,如煤变油,从页岩   中取油,用沥青沙炼油,和所谓的“清洁煤”的技术。
但是上面的每一种方案不是太贵,就是严重污染。至于“清洁煤”的方案,从国家安全和全球气候变化的角度考虑,则是太过于异想天开。那些一直鼓吹以上亿 美元的代价发展“清洁煤”的技术的人,他们始终无视一个基本事实,那就是到目前为止,在美国他们既未找到投资者,也没有实现那怕是一个演示的项目,表明技术上真是把这些污染物都安全地深埋在地下了。当然如果真有人实现了此项技术,我将全力支持。但是除非真正掌握了此项技术,我们不能将人类今后生存的命运寄托在只谋私利(cynical)和自我欣赏(self-interested)的想象之上。(注:此处原译不准确,现改译)
阿尔·戈尔 , 美国1993年至2001年的副总统,2007年度诺贝尔和平奖得主之一。他创建了保护气候同盟会。作为一名企业家,他投资于各种替代能源的公司项目。在副总统任期内,他还曾协助克林顿总统提出高速信息公路的思想和政策。
November 9, 2008
Op-Ed Contributor
The Climate for Change
THE inspiring and transformative choice by the American people to elect Barack Obama as our 44th president lays the foundation for another fateful choice that he and we must make this January to begin an emergency rescue of human civilization from the imminent and rapidly growing threat posed by the climate crisis.
The electrifying redemption of America’s revolutionary declaration that all human beings are born equal sets the stage for the renewal of United States leadership in a world that desperately needs to protect its primary endowment: the integrity and livability of the planet.
The world authority on the climate crisis, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, after 20 years of detailed study and four unanimous reports, now says that the evidence is “unequivocal.” To those who are still tempted to dismiss the increasingly urgent alarms from scientists around the world, ignore the melting of the north polar ice cap and all of the other apocalyptic warnings from the planet itself, and who roll their eyes at the very mention of this existential threat to the future of the human species, please wake up. Our children and grandchildren need you to hear and recognize the truth of our situation, before it is too late.
Here is the good news: the bold steps that are needed to solve the climate crisis are exactly the same steps that ought to be taken in order to solve the economic crisis and the energy security crisis.
Economists across the spectrum including Martin Feldstein and Lawrence Summers agree that large and rapid investments in a jobs-intensive infrastructure initiative is the best way to revive our economy in a quick and sustainable way. Many also agree that our economy will fall behind if we continue spending hundreds of billions of dollars on foreign oil every year. Moreover, national security experts in both parties agree that we face a dangerous strategic vulnerability if the world suddenly loses access to Middle Eastern oil.
As Abraham Lincoln said during America’s darkest hour, “The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew.” In our present case, thinking anew requires discarding an outdated and fatally flawed definition of the problem we face.
Thirty-five years ago this past week, President Richard Nixon created Project Independence, which set a national goal that, within seven years, the United States would develop “the potential to meet our own energy needs without depending on any foreign energy sources.” His statement came three weeks after the Arab oil embargo had sent prices skyrocketing and woke America to the dangers of dependence on foreign oil. And not coincidentally it came only three years after United States domestic oil production had peaked.
At the time, the United States imported less than a third of its oil from foreign countries. Yet today, after all six of the presidents succeeding Nixon repeated some version of his goal, our dependence has doubled from one-third to nearly two-thirds and many feel that global oil production is at or near its peak.
Some still see this as a problem of domestic production. If we could only increase oil and coal production at home, they argue, then we wouldn’t have to rely on imports from the Middle East. Some have come up with even dirtier and more expensive new ways to extract the same old fuels, like coal liquids, oil shale, tar sands and “clean coal” technology.
But in every case, the resources in question are much too expensive or polluting, or, in the case of “clean coal,” too imaginary to make a difference in protecting either our national security or the global climate. Indeed, those who spend hundreds of millions promoting “clean coal” technology consistently omit the fact that there is little investment and not a single large-scale demonstration project in the United States for capturing and safely burying all of this pollution. If the coal industry can make good on this promise, then I’m all for it. But until that day comes, we simply cannot any longer base the strategy for human survival on a cynical and self-interested illusion.
Here’s what we can do now: we can make an immediate and large strategic investment to put people to work replacing 19th-century energy technologies that depend on dangerous and expensive carbon-based fuels with 21st-century technologies that use fuel that is free forever: the sun, the wind and the natural heat of the earth.
What follows is a five-part plan to repower America with a commitment to producing 100 percent of our electricity from carbon-free sources within 10 years. It is a plan that would simultaneously move us toward solutions to the climate crisis and the economic crisis and create millions of new jobs that cannot be outsourced.
First, the new president and the new Congress should offer large-scale investment in incentives for the construction of concentrated solar thermal plants in the Southwestern deserts, wind farms in the corridor stretching from Texas to the Dakotas and advanced plants in geothermal hot spots that could produce large amounts of electricity.
Second, we should begin the planning and construction of a unified national smart grid for the transport of renewable electricity from the rural places where it is mostly generated to the cities where it is mostly used. New high-voltage, low-loss underground lines can be designed with “smart” features that provide consumers with sophisticated information and easy-to-use tools for conserving electricity, eliminating inefficiency and reducing their energy bills. The cost of this modern grid $400 billion over 10 years pales in comparison with the annual loss to American business of $120 billion due to the cascading failures that are endemic to our current balkanized and antiquated electricity lines.
Third, we should help America’s automobile industry (not only the Big Three but the innovative new startup companies as well) to convert quickly to plug-in hybrids that can run on the renewable electricity that will be available as the rest of this plan matures. In combination with the unified grid, a nationwide fleet of plug-in hybrids would also help to solve the problem of electricity storage. Think about it: with this sort of grid, cars could be charged during off-peak energy-use hours; during peak hours, when fewer cars are on the road, they could contribute their electricity back into the national grid.
Fourth, we should embark on a nationwide effort to retrofit buildings with better insulation and energy-efficient windows and lighting. Approximately 40 percent of carbon dioxide emissions in the United States come from buildings and stopping that pollution saves money for homeowners and businesses. This initiative should be coupled with the proposal in Congress to help Americans who are burdened by mortgages that exceed the value of their homes.
Fifth, the United States should lead the way by putting a price on carbon here at home, and by leading the world’s efforts to replace the Kyoto treaty next year in Copenhagen with a more effective treaty that caps global carbon dioxide emissions and encourages nations to invest together in efficient ways to reduce global warming pollution quickly, including by sharply reducing deforestation.
Of course, the best way indeed the only way to secure a global agreement to safeguard our future is by re-establishing the United States as the country with the moral and political authority to lead the world toward a solution.
Looking ahead, I have great hope that we will have the courage to embrace the changes necessary to save our economy, our planet and ultimately ourselves.
In an earlier transformative era in American history, President John F. Kennedy challenged our nation to land a man on the moon within 10 years. Eight years and two months later, Neil Armstrong set foot on the lunar surface. The average age of the systems engineers cheering on Apollo 11 from the Houston control room that day was 26, which means that their average age when President Kennedy announced the challenge was 18.
This year similarly saw the rise of young Americans, whose enthusiasm electrified Barack Obama’s campaign. There is little doubt that this same group of energized youth will play an essential role in this project to secure our national future, once again turning seemingly impossible goals into inspiring success.
Al Gore, the vice president from 1993 to 2001, was the co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. He founded the Alliance for Climate Protection and, as a businessman, invests in alternative energy companies.
历史上值得我们今天借鉴的事例 日本的社会福利事业中有哪些值得我们学习和借鉴的地方? 值得借鉴的个人主页 <送东阳马生序>中你认为作者有哪些值得我们借鉴的学习方法或你从他身上学到了什么,联系实际谈看法 你能从历史上找到一两件值得我们今天借鉴的事吗? 古人的学习方法值得借鉴的地方 求知:《学记》哪些认知值得我们借鉴呢? 商鞅张居正改革的相同点是什么?这两次改革值得我们今天的政治,经济改革借鉴的有哪些? 思考题:新凯恩斯主义的主要政策主张是什么?对我们的借鉴意义何在? 如何应对水土不服,更快的适应一个新环境? 如何应对水土不服,更快的适应一个新环境? 我们应对离别的方式,在什么地方观看(免费) 请赐教:孔子的教育主张,哪些值得借鉴? 古今中外有那些思想发展经济的措施值得借鉴? 在谈判中,我们要面无表情,沉着应对.怎么翻译呀?~ 在营销中,企业如何应对竞争对手的恶意攻击? 《邴原泣学》中书塾老师值得我们敬佩的精神是什么? 在短短的一个月之内,如何应对四级最有效? 金融全球化背景下,我国的具体应对策略 叶倩文有什么地方值得后人借鉴? 纽催来是否值得信任呢?在现在生活中,这项营养品是不是能成为我们的选择呢? 作为一个新加入汽车俱乐部的人,应该这么应对以后的工作 4.一用户新购买了一个80G的硬盘, 在帮他安装操作系统之前应对这块硬盘做那些工作,方法步骤是怎 合作金融在我们国家发展的前景?