中药执业药师万题库:自我提升十四法:做更好的自己 你能

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自我提升十四法:做更好的自己 你能


1. Read everyday:your mind needs bread of spirit as your body needs bread everyday.每天读书:你的身体需要面包;你的心灵需要精神食粮。

2. Learn a new language:a Language opens a new window on the world.学习新的语言:一门语言可以为你打开一扇观察世界的新窗户。

3. Build your own inspiring room:find the sky where you can soar without wings.打造你的灵感空间:找到一片你没有翅膀也可以翱翔的天空。

4. Overcome your fears, or they overcome you.战胜你的恐惧,否则你将被恐惧左右。

5. Improve your skills:a little change everyday makes a big difference someday.升级你的技能:每天一小步,总有一天一大步。

6. Write a letter to the future:believe me, it has everything to do with the present.给未来的自己写一封信:相信我,这会让你更好的把握现在。

7. Accept your weakness:none has to be perfect.承认自己的缺点:没有人必须十全十美。

8. Be executive, or you may never truly understand that it is easier said than done.立即行动,否则你就不能真正领会“说和做是两码事”。

9. Learn from those you admire, until the day you don't need to anymore.向你佩服的人学习,直到有一天你用不着再佩服他们为止。

10. Don't waste time on QQ or Microblog.不要在QQ\微博上浪费时间。

11. Develop a new habit: out of a habit, grows a character, out of a character, grows a life.培养一个新的习惯:播种习惯,收获性格;播种性格, 收获人生。

12. Let go of the past, or the future keeps waiting outside.让过去的过去,否则未来永远进不来。

13.Be helpful:God also helps those who help others.帮助他人:助人者天助之。

14.Get a good rest:all work and no play makes jack a dull boy.好好休息:要劳逸结合