
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/09/21 08:56:48
【 the straits times web site on December 7, the article 】 topic: Obama turned to the Pacific (author, professor, Harvard UniversityThe United StatesFormer defense department assistant secretary Joseph s. nye, Jr.)
AsiaReturn to the affairs of the world center is the 21 st century major transfer of power.In 1750, Asia accounted for about three 5 of the world population, output is also accounted for three 5 of the world.By 1900, the west after the industrial revolution, Asia in the global output as a proportion of the shrinking to one 5.By 2050, Asia will likely return to the level of 300 years ago.
But, the United States did not gaze at that area, it will be the first ten years of waste in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars to it.Now, as secretary of state Hillary Clinton recently in a speech said, that American foreign policy will be XiangDongYa "turn".
President Obama decided in northern Australia a base deployed 2500 United States marines, that was the first to sign.In addition, in Hawaii in November at the apec meeting, promote the new "across the ocean strategic economic partnership agreement (TPP) talks.The two things are to strengthen the Obama to the asia-pacific region has sent the message: the United States is going to continue to be a responsible power.
Turned to AsiaDoesn't mean that other parts of the world no longer important: instead, to Europe as an example, the size of its economy and richer, are beyond China a lot.But, as Obama's national security adviser Thomas abidan the Aaron said recently, in recent years, Iraq and Afghanistan war on terrorism, the worry, Iran's and north Korea's nuclear proliferation threat as well as the recent Arab spring to U.S. foreign policy caused the impact.Obama's trip to Asia in November to adjust to American foreign policy focus, and the importance of the region in the long-term.
With abidan the Aaron as saying, "by the vigor of the area for our strategic focus ascension, Obama showed don't let our country ship for violent crisis off the determination of the waterway.
Obama also announced the government, no matter how is the result of defense budget debate, "we will make sure that we keep in the Asia Pacific region for the influence of the ability".
Obama's trip to Asia in November toChinaSend a message.2008 years after the financial crisis, many Chinese wrong to think that the United States is into decline, like China to America's Allies should be more confident--especially in the south China sea on sovereignty request.Barack Obama came to power after the first year, his government attaches great importance to relations with China, but China seems to be misreading the policy of the United States for weakness.
In July 2010, Hillary Clinton in Hanoi at the asean meeting talked about the south China sea.At this time, Obama the government to take a tougher line.In January 2011, Chinese President hu jintao visited Washington.Although this visit is a success, but China's many critics complained that the United States is trying to"contain"China and obstruct the peaceful rise.
China's imaginary containment policy of the United States the worry that deepen again, because Hillary Clinton insisted that the China sea dispute with its neighbours in the next year in Manila, east Asia summit agenda.
However, U.S. policy is different from the Soviet union during the cold war the group contained.Then the United States and the Soviet union trade and social interaction is limited, and now the United States is China's largest overseas market, once welcome and promote China's accession to the world trade organization, and each year the university to 125000 Chinese students an open door.If the current policy of containment type as the cold war, the warm seems very unusual.
Since 1995 the United States policy guide the pentagon east Asia strategy evaluation to put forward, through trade and exchange programs, let China into the international system.Although the United States at the same time, strengthen the alliance with Japan, play two sides gimmick, but this does not constitute curbed.Hedging its bets that cautious, not aggression.
The U.S. military and don't want to be in the way of the cold war "containment" China, but this could help build the future China's leaders make their choice of environment.In the United States in 1995 when congressional testimony, for at the time some people would like to take a curb rather than a policy of engagement, my answer is: "only Chinese can contain China."Now I still insist on this view.
The United States is the most don't want Asia appear "second cold war".No matter how the positions of two sides of competition, China and the United States on trade, financial stability, energy security and climate change and pandemic diseases on the cooperation of the two countries will benefit.Other countries in the region will also benefit.Obama government turned to Asia, show that the region's huge potential admitted, not blew containment (China) horn.