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来源:河北皮毛信息网  作者:  2006-03-29 23:45:56  字体:【大】【中】【小】

                      马驹皮 Raw Pony Skins
                      驴驹皮 Raw Donkey Skins
                      骡驹皮 Raw Mule Skins
                      水獭皮 Raw Otter Skins
                        貂皮 Raw Sable Skins
                      水貂皮 Raw Standard Ranch Mink Skins
                      扫雪皮 Raw Stonemarten Skins
                  江北黄狼皮 Compo Raw Weasel Skins
                        元皮 Raw Kolinsky Skins
                      猸子皮 Raw PahmiSkins
                      貉子皮 Raw Raccoon Skins
                      狸子皮 Raw Leopard Cat Skins
                      黄猩皮 Raw Huang Yao(Yellow Throted Marten)Skins
                  浙江湖羊皮 Chekiang Raw Lamb Skins
                      旱獭皮 Raw Marmot Skins
                      艾虎皮 Raw Fitch Skins
                      松鼠皮 Raw Pine Squirrel Skins
                      香鼠皮 Raw Laska Skins
                海拉尔灰鼠皮 Sansing,Hailar Raw Squirrel Skins
                      狐狸皮 Raw Fox Skins
                  华南香狸皮 South China Civet Cat Skins
                      猞猁皮 Raw Lynx Skins
                      狸獭皮 Raw Nutria Skins
                      玛瑙皮 Manul Skins
                  济宁青猾皮 Tsining Raw Grey Kid Skins
                      家猫皮 Raw Cat Skins
                      家兔皮 Raw Rabbit Skins
                      獭兔皮 Raw Rex Rabbit Skins
                      草兔皮 Raw Hard Skins
                      洗羔皮 Raw Washed Lamb Skins
                山东钉板羔皮 Shantung Raw Lamb Skins Stretched
                      赤狐皮 Raw Red Fox Skins
                      沙狐皮 Raw Kit Fox Skins
                        狼皮 Raw WolfSkins
                      麝鼠皮 Raw Muskrat Skins
                        獾皮 RawBadgerSkins
                      银鼠皮 Raw Ermine Skins
                      眙牛皮 Raw Abortive Calf Skins
                      黄羊皮 Raw Ganzelle Skins(Antelope Skinsl
                      熟裘皮 DRESSED FURS
                      熟熊皮 Dressed Bear Skins
                      熟马皮 Dressed Horse Skins
                熟大毛马驹皮 Dressed Heavy Hair P0nv Skins
        带假鬃的熟大毛马驹皮 Dressed Heavy Hair P0ny Skins with Imitation Manes
                    熟黄羊皮 Dressed Antelope Skins
                  熟青山羊皮 Dressed Grey Goat Skins
                    熟山羊皮 Dressed Goat Skins
            熟盘羊皮(火头羊) Dressed Goat—buck Skins
                  熟汉达汗皮 Dressed Elk Skins
                  熟白寒羊皮 Dressed White Slinksheep Skins
              带假鬃的熟马皮 Dressed Horse Skins with Imitation Manes
                  熟花牛犊皮 Dressed Spotted Calt Skins
                  熟黄牛犊皮 Dressed Yellow Calt Skins
                      皮褥子 FUR PLATES
                    羔皮褥子 Lamb Skin Plates
                  口羔皮褥子 Kalgan Lamb Skin Plates
                  津羔皮褥子 Tientsin Lamb Skin PIates  .
                北京羔皮褥子 Peking Lamb Skin Plates
              山东白羔皮褥子 Shantung White Lamb Skin PIates
                  (A型,C型) (TypeA andCl
          山东白改良羔皮褥子 Shantung White Cross Bred Lamb Skin Plates
                珍珠羔皮褥子 Pearl Lamb Skin Plates
          山东白珍珠羔皮褥子 Shantung White Pearl Lamb Skin PIates
                    猾皮褥子 Kidskin Plates
                济宁猾皮褥子 Tsining Kidskin Plates
            (青,白,黑,杂) (Grey,White,Black,Mixed)
        济宁人字型青猾皮褥子 Tsining Grey Kidskin Plates,Chevron made
           济宁B型青猾皮褥子 Tsining Grey Kidskinp'la'te's Type B
        猫皮褥子(黄,青,杂) Cat Skin Plates(Yellow,Grey,Mixed)
      家兔皮褥子(自,黑,杂) Rabbit Skin Plates(White,Black,Mixed)
          人字型白家兔皮褥子 White Rabbit Skin Plates,Chevron made
                  獭兔皮褥子 Rex Rabbit Skin Plates
        (白,青,棕,黑,杂) (White,Grey,Brown,Black,Mixed)
              青紫兰兔皮褥子 Chinchilla Rabbit Skin Plates
                  草兔皮褥子 Hare Skin Plates
                  家兔头褥子 Rabbit Head Plates
              东北山羊皮褥子 Northeast China Goat Skin Plates
      山东山羊皮褥子(白,杂) Shantung Goat Skin Plates(White,Mixed)
            张家口山羊皮褥子 Kalgan Goat Skin Plates
                山羊绒皮褥子 Plucked Goat Skin Plates
              剪绵羊绒皮褥子 Sheared Sheep Skin Plates
          挖花剪绵羊绒皮褥子 Disigned Sheared Sheep Skin Plates
                  滩羊皮褥子 Tibet Lamb Skin Plates
                  寒羊皮褥子 White Slinksheep Skin Plates
                  湖羊皮褥子 Chekiang Lamb Skin Plates
                    狗皮褥子 Dog Skin Plates
                草兔绒皮褥子 Plucked Hare Skin Plates
                  黄羊皮褥子 Antelope Skin Plates
              山东眙牛皮褥子 Shantung Abortive Calf Skin PIates
                小毛狗皮褥子 Dog Skin Plates,Short Hair
                内蒙狗皮褥子 Inner Mongolian Dog Skin Plates
                挖花狗皮褥子 Dog Skin Plates with Desi2n
            挖花狗皮大毡褥子 Designed Dog Skin Plates(Large Size)
                    狗皮床毡 Dog Bed Cover
                    狸皮褥子 Leopard Cat Skin Plates
            拔针九江狸皮褥子 Kiukiang Civet Cat Skin Plates,PIucked
              拔针香狸皮褥子 Civet Cat Skin Plates,Plucked
                  狐狸皮褥子 Fox Skin Plates
              两北狐狸皮褥子 Northwest China Fox Skin PIates
            华东小山羊皮褥子 East China Kid Skin PIates
          绵羊茬子皮挖花褥子 Short—wool Sheep Skin Plates with Gou Pee Skin or Cat Skin as Design
              绵羊茬子皮褥子 Short—wool Sheep Skin PIates
                牦牛犊皮褥子 Baby Yak Skin Plates
                  牦牛皮褥子 Yak Skin Plates
                  牦牛绒褥子 Yak Skin Plates,Plucked
              北京黑羊皮褥子 beijing Black Lamb Skin Plates
                  (A型,B型) (Type A and B)
              远东狐狸皮褥子 Liao Tong Fox Skin PIates
                  猸子皮褥子 Pahmi Skin PIates
                  猸绒皮褥子 Plucked Pahmi Skin PIates
                  旱獭皮褥子 Marmot Skin PIates
                  青猺皮褥子 Ching Yao(Palm Civet)Skin PIates
                  黄猺皮褥子 Huang Yao(Yellow—Throated Marten Skin Plates
                  黑猺皮褥子 Hei Yao Skin PIates
                  獾绒皮褥子 Plucked Badger Skin PIates
                  貉绒皮褥子 Plucked Raccoon Skin PIates
                  马驹皮褥子 Pony Skin PIates
              马驹皮材料褥子 Pony Pieces Skin PIates
                  水貂皮褥子 Standard Mink Skin Piates
                    元皮褥子 Kolinsky Skin Plates
              黄狼皮(绒)褥子 Weasel Skin PIatesfPluckedl
                  艾虎皮褥子 Fitch Skin PIates
                  香鼠皮褥子 Laska Skin Plates
                  灰鼠皮褥子 Squirrel Skin PIates
                  松鼠皮褥子 Pine Squirrel Skin PIates
      子(背,肚,头,人字型) Muskrat Skin Plates(Back,Belly,Head,Chevron Made)
            各种麝鼠碎料褥子 Muskrat Pieces Skin PIates
                  花鼠皮褥子 Buranduki Skin Plates
                  树鼠皮褥子 Tree Squirrel Skin P1ates
                  黄鼠皮褥子 Yellow Rat Skin PIates
                  山鼠皮褥子 Mountain Rat Skin PIates
                  彪鼠皮褥子 Leopard Rat Skin PIates
                    羔头褥子 Lamb Head PIates
        山东羔头褥子(自,杂) Shantung Lamb Head Plates(White,Mixedl
                    猾头褥子 Kid Head PIates
  济宁头褥子(青,白,黑,杂) Tsining Kid Head Plates(Grey,White,Black,Mixed)
        济宁钻石型青猾头褥子 Tsining Grey Kid Head Skin Plates,Diamond Shape
                    羔腿褥子 Lamb Leg Plates
        山东羔腿褥子(白,杂) Shantung Larab Leg Plates(White,Mixed)
                    猾腿褥子 Kid Leg Plates
  济宁腿褥子(青,白,黑,杂) Tsining Kid Leg Plates(Grey,White,Black,Mixed)
        济宁人字型青猾腿褥子 Tsining Grey Kid Leg Plates,Chevron made
           济宁A型青猾腿褥子 Tsining Grey Kid Leg PIates,Type A
                    猫腿褥子 Cat Leg PIates
                    猫脖褥子 Cat Neck Plates
                  狸子腿褥子 Lepard Cat Leg Plates
                  狸子脖褥子 Lepard Cat Neck Plates
                  狸子肚褥子 Lepard Cat Belly Plates
                  青猺腿褥子 Ching Yao Plates
                  黄猺腿褥子 Huang Yao Plates
                  滩羊腿褥子 Tibet Lamb Leg Plates
                    羔耳褥子 Lamb Ear Plates
                    羔脖褥子 Lamb Neck Plates
                    羔胯褥子 Lamb Thigh Plates
                  猸子腿褥子 Pahmi Leg Plates(Plucked and Unplucked)
                  猸子脖褥子 Pahmi Neck Plates(Pluck and Unplucked)
                  猸子头褥子 Pahmi Head Plates(Pluck and Unplucked)
                  貉子腿褥子 Raccoon Leg Plates
                  貉绒脖褥子 Raccoon Neck Plates,Plucked
                香狸子脖褥子 Civet Cat Neck Plates(PIucked and Unplucded)
            各种兔皮材料褥子 Various Kinds of Rabbit Piece Skin Plates
            各种兔皮图案褥子 Various Kinds Of Rabbit Skin Plates With Designs
              仿虎牛犊皮褥子 Calfskin Plate in Imitation of Tigerskin Plates
                仿豹牛犊褥子 Calfskin Plate in Imitation of Leopardskin Plates
              仿虎旱獭皮褥子 Marmotskin Plate in Imitation of Tigerskin Plates
              仿豹旱獭皮褥子 Marmotskin Plate in Imitation of Leopardskin Plates
                仿虎兔皮褥子 Rabbitskin Plate in Imitation of Tigerskin Plates
                仿豹兔皮褥子 Rabbitskin Plate in Imitation of Leopardskin Plates
              沙狐色兔皮褥子 Kit Fox Colour Rabbitskin Plates
              黄狼色兔皮褥子 Weasel Colour Rabbitskin Plates
            仿狸子花兔皮褥子 Rabbit Skin Plates in Imitation of Leopard Cat
            仿狸猫花兔皮褥子 Rabbit Skin Plates in Imitation of Grey Cat
            仿黄猫花兔皮褥子 Rabbit Skin Plates in Imitation of Yellow Cat
            各种印化兔皮褥子 Various Kinds of Printed Rabbit Skin Plates
                漂白兔皮褥子 Bleached White Rabbit Skin Plates
                长毛兔皮褥子 Long Haired Rabbit Skin Plates