2017地税通用申报表:讀孫子兵法學英文/一槌定音 show stopper

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/07 06:58:24


無往不利的人很多:他作多,牛市來臨;作空,剛好熊市,兩邊通吃;百貨業高手,跳樓價(cut rate sale)也好,加價(jack up the price)也罷,他左右逢源。

這種料事如神,一槌定音( show stopper)的本領,到底是怎麼回事?

電影裡,教父違法犯紀,口頭禪:「我給的條件,想必對方不會拒絕」(I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.)這句話等於中文「霸王硬上弓」。流氓惡名在外,受他脅迫,多半讓人左右為難(in a cleft stick ),又不敢賈其餘勇(Dutch courage)和他硬拚,這是教父橫行無阻的原因。

靠拳頭打天下(Lead dog changes the view.)的世界,自有維繫既得利益者的行為準則(the pecking order),他們的話才算數。同理:「民不與官鬥」(you can't fight City Hall),草民有理講不清,因為官字兩個口,道理由他怎麼說都對。

巴涅特(Tom Barnett)被美國前國防部長倫斯斐譽為「策略大師」,在其著作《五角大廈新地圖:21世紀的戰爭與和平》指出,中國集馬列、黑幫二者於一身,但一旦加入國際貿易組織,美國就不怕:因為依法論理,美國實力強多了。言下之意是:任憑中共逞凶鬥狠,美國總能一槌定音,因為法條是他先前訂的。

例:"The street-smart businessman knows when to jack up the price or to offer cut-rate sales by activating demand through sixth sense marketing."


"Dumbledore's opinion in dealing the Time Square student protest was a show-stopper."


"He's a businessman. I'll make him an offer he can't refuse."


"The businessman appeared to be caught in a cleft stick when he read the message from "Don" Vito Cleone."


"Dutch courage could not be panacea to their struggling with mobsters."


"If you're not the lead dog, the view doesn't change."


"We decide to brazen out the dilemma posed by the pecking order."


"We know we can't fight city hall - but we can bargain with it."

