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October 20, 2011|By Barbara Demick, Los Angeles Times

《洛杉矶时报》世界版(World | LA Times)2011年10月20日讯

作者:《洛杉矶时报》北京分社社长芭芭拉·德米克(Barbara Demick)


Reporting from Beijing — If you are a young man in Beijing and you can't afford a car or an apartment, the next best thing is an iPhone, or better yet an iPad.


The cult of Apple reigns supreme in China, to the extent that people like Alex Xing, who works in his family's medical supply business, call it "the era of Apple."

  美国有个幽默的通俗讲法,说某个人在某领域特别牛,就叫top banana,直译是“顶级香蕉”或“最好的香蕉”。“苹果教”在中国“君临天下”,以至于亚历克斯·邢(音;Alex Xing)将其称为“苹果时代”——亚历克斯·邢要真是个美国人,那他就该讲:在中国,苹果是个好香蕉。

"Only the old guys, like 20 years older than me, still use Nokias," said Xing, a 26-year-old hipster who wears self-consciously nerdy black eyeglasses, jeans and sneakers. He cradled his own prized telephone close to his heart as he spoke. "Even the girls I meet in the nightclubs have iPhones.''


The extremes to which people will go to get their hands on the Apple brand are legendary. A 17-year-old high school student from rural China made headlines in June when he reportedly sold a kidney to buy an iPad 2. State news media reported in September that a 16-year-old girl in the southern city of Guangzhou was killed in a fight with her mother over whether she could get money for an Apple computer.

  苹果拥趸趋附者众,人们就为了那个商标,有时干出的事简直有点惊世骇俗。有个17岁的中国农村高中生,今年6月成为新闻头条,据报道,他为了买iPad 2,卖掉自己一个肾(详情请阅读凤凰网评论)。另据某国家级新闻媒体报道,今年9月广州南方某城市一个16岁的女孩因想买一台苹果电脑而与母亲发生争执,争执升级发生打斗,女孩最后不幸死亡(详情请阅读凤凰网资讯)。

Cupertino, Calif.-based Apple reported this week that sales in China rose to $13 billion from $3 billion for the fiscal year ended Sept. 24.


"I've never seen a country with as many people rising into the middle class that aspire to buy products that Apple makes," Chief Executive Tim Cook said Tuesday in a conference call with analysts. "China — the sky's the limit there."

  “我从没见过哪个国家能有那么多人一下子栖身中产行列,热切追捧任何‘苹果制造’,”苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)在周二与分析师的电话会议中说:“中国——一切皆有无限可能。”

The Oct. 5 death of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs elicited a rare outpouring of grief among Chinese fans. An online tribute page on China's equivalent of Twitter had 93 million postings as of Wednesday — the most on any one subject since the Sina Weibo service started two years ago.


"How come China can produce a Mao Tse-tung but not a Steve Jobs?" grumbled one fan on the Sina tribute board.


"When God wanted to listen to music, he took away Michael Jackson; when God wanted to use iPhone 5, he took away Steve Jobs," wrote another.

  另一位则写道:“上帝想听歌了,带走了迈克尔·杰克逊;上帝想用iPhone 5,于是带走了乔布斯。”

Apple's first store in Beijing, a big glass cube in a modernist shopping mall, is believed to be the highest-grossing Apple store in the world. Security guards with earpieces now patrol the front door after a stampede ensued in May as people tried to get their hands on the iPad 2, which had just gone on sale.

  苹果在北京的第一家专卖店(指三里屯零售店,该店同时也是中国大陆首家),是建在某现代派购物中心里的大玻璃立方体,普遍认为这是全世界业绩最好的一家苹果专卖店。该店五月曾发生一次踩踏事故,当时人们争先恐后抢购刚发售的iPad 2,事故之后该店门口就多了几个戴着无线耳麦巡逻的保安。

(2011年5月6日,北京三里屯苹果零售店门口熬夜排队等待购买iPad 2的人群。 | 图片来源:宽带山)

Demand for the iPhone 4 was so keen that Apple stores required would-be buyers to show identification cards to prevent scalpers from buying up the phones and selling them at a premium. A new Apple store that opened in Shanghai in September drew 100,000 visitors the first weekend, some waiting in line for days to get in.

  人们对iPhone 4的需求如此热切,以至于苹果专卖店要求顾客出示身份证明,防止黄牛伺机囤货溢价销售。而九月份上海又新开了一家苹果专卖店,开业首周就吸引了10万人,有人为了进店甚至在店外排队等候数天。 

"The [sales] numbers reflect the Apple fever that you see on the ground in China. If you're at a coffee shop or the airport lounge … everybody is using their iPad or iPhone," said Josh Ong, China correspondent for AppleInsider.

  据美国科技博客“苹果内幕”(AppleInsider)驻中国记者翁乔希(音;Josh Ong)称:“(销售)数字反映了华夏大地上的苹果热。如果你走进一间咖啡厅,或是走进机场休息室……每个人都在用iPad或iPhone。”

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, Apple has it in droves. The relatively slow pace of opening stores — only four so far in China — has led to knockoff Apple outlets, complete with stark white walls and the logo of an apple with a bite out of it. In the southwestern city of Kunming, Chinese authorities found and closed 22 such stores.


Although the stores were fake, most of the products were real, sold through unauthorized dealers or brought in illegally through the United States. A scarcity of supply in China and steep taxes on electronics make prices here higher than elsewhere. New products also arrive later in China. For example, the iPhone 4S was released Oct. 14 in the U.S. but is not expected officially for months in China. It was selling last weekend at a Beijing electronics market for as much as $2,000.

  尽管这些店是山寨的,但他们卖的货大部分都是真的,其渠道可能是未经授权的经销商,也有直接从美国非法带回来转卖的。在中国,这些商品供应稀缺,加之高额的电子产品关税,导致这里的售价比其他地方要高很多。同时,苹果新品登陆中国总要晚于其他国家、地区。例如iphone 4S,10月14日在美国开始发售,但据估最近几个月内都不可能在中国正式上市;而这款手机上周出现在北京某电子市场,售价高达2000美元(约合人民币1万2700元)。2

Apple's devices are mostly manufactured in China at huge electronics suppliers along the southeastern coast. Foxconn, a Taiwanese firm that assembles iPads and iPhones, has at least 250,000 people working on Apple products on the mainland, according to the group Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior, a Hong Kong-based nongovernmental organization that has been sharply critical of conditions for Apple workers. Their take-home pay is $150 a month — meaning it would take four months' wages to buy the cheapest model iPad.


In a report released last month titled "iSlave behind the iPhone," the group said the extraordinary demand for Apple products was putting great pressure on workers, who often are on their feet for 10-hour shifts, live in military-style barracks and are penalized if they don't work overtime. Turnover is high, at least 19 workers have committed or tried to commit suicide, and three workers died in a May 20 explosion in a workshop operated by Foxconn in Sichuan province, the group said.

  该监察组织上个月发布了一份题为《我是苹果手机背后的奴隶》(iSlave behind the iPhone)的报告,报告指出工厂对苹果产品的超常品质需求给工人施加了巨大压力,他们经常一轮就是10个小时一班,一直站着干活儿,住的也是军营一般的宿舍,而且如果不加班还要受罚。据该组织称,富士康工厂人员流动率很高,而且至少已有19名工人自杀或自杀未遂,另外还有3名工人在5月20日富士康四川某车间爆炸意外中不幸身亡。

Environmental groups have also criticized Apple for failing to monitor Chinese suppliers whose plants discharge hazardous wastewater and gases into residential areas. One of the suppliers, Catcher Technology, announced this week that it had partly closed a factory that made high-end metal casings for the MacBook Air because of a "strange odor" that drew complaints from nearby residents.

  对苹果的批评还来自环保组织,他们指责苹果对中国供应商工厂监管不力,导致其将有害废水、废气排放入住宅区。供应商之一,麦田科技本周宣布已部分关闭旗下某工厂,据悉该工厂为苹果超薄笔记本MacBook Air制造相当高端的金属外壳,但此前因工厂“异味”不断引致附近居民投诉。 

Although the accusations have had some coverage in the United States, there's been hardly any in China.


"Steve Jobs has brought many jobs to China. Apple's models are good. Their look and touch is good. That's what's important," said Zhang Haiou, 34, who, dressed in a T-shirt with a photograph of Jobs, was selling cases for iPhones outside the Beijing store last week.


If there is any complaint about Apple, it's that it embarrasses Chinese firms that have not been able to muster the same level of innovation.


The Communist Party's Shanghai newspaper, Jiefang Daily, weighed in recently, editorializing: "We must get rid of the eagerness for quick success and instant benefits; acquire the spirit of preciseness, stability and greater perfection; and present good products with a sense of responsibility toward customers if we are to come up with our own Apple."




Tommy Yang and John Lee of The Times' Beijing bureau contributed to this report.

  (作者芭芭拉·德米克出席2011书虫文学节 | 图片来源:好戏网)

感谢《泰晤士报》北京分社杨汤米(Tommy Yang)与李约翰(John Lee)对此文的贡献。