模拟人生4替换眉毛:考研英语词汇复习(112)integrate 、combine、incorporate 、assimilate

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/04/28 20:30:24



integrate combineincorporate assimilate









combineintegrate 指把两种或两种以上的东西混合或结合成紧密的联合体。常用
结构:combine /integrate …… with …… (……与……相结合)。 combine  侧重指结合、联合,
integrate侧重指成为一个完整的整体,常用结构: integrate …… into …… (把……结合成


1) We must combine / integrate ourselves with the broad mass of the people.


         2) In pre-school education, the key point is to combine / integrate education with entertainment.


        3)It is an important principle that theory must be combined / integrated with practice.


        4) With a few possible exceptions, all atoms have the ability to combine with other atoms.



5) The immigrants are quickly integrated into the community.


        6) All the department reports should be integrated into one annual statement.







incorporate  “把……纳入”、“吸收入”、“合并入”,指一物或多物收入、并入到某
一整体之中, 常用结构是:incorporate …… into……..。


1) It is a good idea. We’ll certainly incorporate it into our new program. 


         2) The committee incorporated the result of the investigation in the report.



assimilate  “同化”,即吸收消化后成为一个整体,常用结构是:assimilate ……   into 
…… 。


1) In less than a century the refugees had become fully assimilated into the local community. (在不到一个世纪里,这些难民已经完全融入了当地社会。)  2) Can we generate the new cultural attitudes required by the increasing assimilation of peoples of the
