
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/01 00:58:40
备课内容:Grade1 Unit 2 Theme1 Lesson1-lesson2
教学目标:让孩子们理解动物家庭,能够懂得一些相应的动物习性,动作等等。进行阅读文章的语言输出。知道家庭 family 都是互相帮助的。让孩子们知道爸爸妈妈真的为我们付出了很多,做了很多,我们应该感恩,理解父母。
Key words: animal families  her  they  does  frog  rock  a lot  grab  lick  soft  pick off bugs  sack  hop  back(n)  top
教具:各种动物的图片   Password游戏(谁来比划谁来猜)
一、 Warm-up:Greetings:Hello!What day is it today (yesterday)? What’s the date today   
(yesterday)? What’s the weather like today (yesterday)?
二、 Song: Five little ducks    five little monkeys
三、 Lesson Introduction:
    T: Who can tell me what are the two songs MOSTLY about (在一年级的测验中孩子们见到的一个问题)?
    Ss: The two songs are mostly about ducks, monkeys (animals).
    T: Five little ducks and five little monkeys, they live together right? So, this class we’re going to see some animal families. Before that can you tell me some animal families that you know?

Ss: Baboons, birds, kangaroo, penguin, puffin etc.

T: Excellent
before we begin our new class, please bear this question in mind. How are animal families like our families?