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Ⅰ. 中考导航


Ⅱ. 完成句子的解题技巧


1. 这些是什么?       are             ?

   误:These…what               正:What…these


2. 请问,你是美国人吗?                    . Do you come from America?

   误:Please ask                         正:Excuse me

   Excuse me是一个习惯用语,不可分开单独理解。


1. 他已加入泰山队两个月了。                              in Mountain Tai Team for two months.

   填He has been。如果留两个空,则填He’s been。

2. 如果天不下雨,我们将继续比赛。

   We’ll keep having the match                              .

   填unless it rains。如果留四个空,则填if it doesn’t rain。


1. 冲浪运动是我最喜欢的体育运动。

                       my favourite sport.

   填Surfing is。动词不能充当句子的主语,要用其动名词形式;动名词作主语,系动词用is。

2. 我们成功地完成了那项工作。

   We           finished the work          .


Ⅲ. 单元针对性训练

1. 神舟6号载人飞船将在2006年发射升空。

   Shenzhou 6 spaceship          people will                                   space in 2006.

2. 无论这项工作有多难,我们都不能放弃它。

                                    Hard the work is, we should                     

it          .

3. 我宁愿写些东西也不愿打牌。

   I                     write something                     play cards.

4. 他写信来抱怨此事。

   He wrote to me and                     it.

5. 你送给我的作为生日礼物的项链被偷了。

  The necklace           you gave me for my birthday has           stolen.

6. 不必言谢,我只是履行职责。

   There’s                     to thank me. I’m only doing my          .

7. 知道答案的同学请举手!

   Those who know the answer,                    !

8. 那个小偷长什么样?

   What did the thief                    ?

9. 这些问题与他的课程无关。

   These question                                         with his lessons.

10. 这部电影以一个真实的故事为原型。

    The film is                     a real story.

11. 他入团有3年了。

He has                     League           for three years.

12. 他讨厌他的邻居。

He is                               his neighbour.

13. 闹钟每天早上很早叫醒我。

The clock           me           very early every morning.

14. 那是“再见”的另一种说法。

That is                     of saying “goodbye”.

15. 现在是冬天,白天变得越来越短了。

It is winter now. The days become           and          .

16. 如果我不做其他的事,晚饭后我将写作文。

After supper I’ll write the composition if I don’t do                    .

17. 它离这儿只有大约步行十分钟的路程。

It only about ten                     from here.

18. 那封信将由高小姐今天下午给您带来。

The letter will                     to you by Miss Gao this afternoon.

19. 迪克何时被车撞伤?

When           Dick           by the car?

20. 珍爱自己,远离不健康的书。

Take good care of yourself and                               bad books.

21. 我认为自己想办法要比仿照别人的样子要好。

I think it’s better to find our own way than                     others          .

22. 铃一响,孩子们便迫不及待地跑出教室。

The bell rang and the children                                  out of the classroom.

23. 我从没看过这么激动人心的电影。

I’ve never seen so                              .

24. 许多学生利用计算机解决问题。

Computers                           many students                   problems.

25. 别听他的,否则会遭殃的。

   You’ll                     trouble.

26. 我们班赢了比赛是理所当然的。

Our school                     win the match.

27. 她问我以前是否去过上海。

She asked                     I                     to Shanghai.

28. 你的话是真是假,我拭目以待。

I will wait           see           your words is true                    .

29. 你能告诉我乘飞机去海南多少钱吗?

Could you tell us                     it           to go to Hainan by air?

30. 吉姆看过很多关于侦探方面的电视。

Jim                     many films           detective.

31. 胖人不能多吃含有巧克力的食物。

The fat people           eat too much food           chocolate in it.

32. 碰见我时她刚从银行取钱出来。

    She           just           some money                     the bank when she met me.

33. 一个男人抢了她的手提包就跑了。

    A man           her handbag and ran           with it.

34. 我们已抓住了与布朗夫人的描述相符的人。

    We                     the man who           Mrs. Brown’s          .

35. 他想自学打桥牌。

    He wants to teach                               bridge.

36. 上一次张明表现相当糟。

    Zhang Ming                               last time.

37. 这本书没有那本书有用。

    This book isn’t                               that one.

38. 我打电话给我时,你在干什么?

    What           you           when I           you?

39. 那使得我睡着更为困难。

   That made me more difficult                              .

40. 老师必须讲慢点,以便学生明白他的话。

   The teacher must speak slowly                     the students may           what he said.

41. 我希望你美梦成真。

I hope your           will                    .

42. 虽然下着大雨,但是他们在田地里继续工作。

              it was raining heavily, they went on           in the fields.

43. 到目前为止,我们已经完成了这幢建筑的一半。

                        we                     half of the building.

44. 桂林因其美丽的山水而闻名。它是中国最美丽的城市之一。

Guilin                               its beautiful mountains and water. It is         

          the           beautiful cities in China.

45. 务必在你睡觉以前完成作业。

                        to finish you homework before you go to bed.

46. 如果我们不能做这些事情,地球上甚至没有足够的空间来立足。

If we don’t do these things. There will not be enough          even                   

          On the earth.

47. 在中国那辆车价值200多万元。

That’s                               two million yuan in China.

48. 会议期间要关闭所有的手机。

All the mobile phones must           kept off           the meeting.

49. 我们学校的学生人数已达5000。

The number of the students in our school                     5,000.

50. 许多人沉浸在美妙的歌声中。

Many people                               the wonderful songs just now.

51. 他们已经尝试过了,但还是失败了。

They                     a try. But they still failed.

52. 我们到达那儿时,河水已经结冰。

When we go there, the river                    .

53. 加拿大的登山运动员上个星期二被困在了山上。

The Canadian climbers                     on the mountain Tuesday.

54. 是合作使我们活了下来。

It was           that kept us          .

55. 如果他有空,他将和我去划船。

    If he was free, he                               with me.

56. 大家都说这部小说值得一读。

Everyone said the novel was                    .

57. 尽管雨下得很大,我们还是继续赶路。

              it rained heavily, we still                              .

58. 他两次考试不及格之后,就放弃了。

   After he                     the exam          , he dropped it.

59. 不是Tom错,就是Lucy错。

              Tom           Lucy           wrong.

60. 这本书你可以借两个星期。

    You can           this book           two weeks.

61. 雨下得越来越大。大雨使得很多人不能外出买东西。

    It rained          and         . It          many people          going shopping.

62. 我在回家的路上遇到了王老师。

                                  home, I met Mr Wang.

63. 今天你必须做完作业才能踢足球。

    Today you                     football           you           your homework.

64. 我到处找不到我的钢秀。


    I can’t find my pen          .

              or          , you’ll find it          .

65. 昨天早上在街上有个人被杀。

    A man                     in the street yesterday morning.

66. 你怎么才能和你的同学处好?

    How can you                               with your classmates?

67. 楼下的那个人决定和楼上的那个人谈谈。

    The man downstairs                               to the man downstairs.

68. 他拒绝回答警察的问题。

    He                               the policeman’s question.

69. 似乎没有人知道发生了什么。

                                  Nobody           that had happened.

70. 北京鸭在北京是最受欢迎的食物之一。

    Beijing duck is one kind of                               food in Beijing.

71. 前半个小时,男孩们好像是太自信太放松了。

    The first half hour, the boys           to be too confident and          .

72. 你喜欢看足球还是踢足球?

    Do you like           or           football?

73. 当我到达收银台时,才发现把钱包忘在家里了。

    When I got to the          , I           I                     my purse at home.

74. 他那精彩的射门使大家都很兴奋。

    His                     made everyone          .

75. 他们从没想到女子队能战胜男子队。

    They never           a team of girls                     a team of boys.

76. 你觉得那个数码相机怎么样?

              do you                     the digital camera?

77. 你给我打电话之前我已吃过晚饭了。

    I                     supper before you           me          .

78. 你来这儿多久了?

    How long           you           here?

79. 被抢劫的那个受害人是个学生。

    The victim                               is a student.

80. 我叔叔住的城市很遥远。

    The city           my uncle                     is very far away.

81. 他的鞋太脏了,得刷一刷。

    His shoes are                               he must brush them.

82. 这支钢笔他买了两年了。

    He                     the pen for two years.

83. 现在我不想出去散步。

    I don’t                               out for a walk now.

84. 你的家乡也种植棉花吗?

              cotton           in your hometown, too?

85. 他决定第二天动身。

    He                               the next day.

86. 迄今为止,我的手表从没出过毛病。

                       , my watch has never                    .

87. 昨天夜里她哭个不停。

    She                     last night.

88. 不到一个月,他就把新鞋穿坏了。

    He                     his new shoes in                     a month.

89. 吉姆来中国已三年了。

    Jim                               China for three years.

90. 更糟糕的是,我把课本忘在家里了。

                                  I left my book at home.

91. 公园里有各种各样的花。

    There are                               flowers in the park.

92. 他到处寻找他的自行车,但没有找到。

    He                     his bike everywhere, but didn’t           it.

93. 你不能把玛丽单独留下。

    You can’t           Mary                    .

94. 不要整天无所事事。

    Don’t                                        .

95. 我希望尽快见到你。

    I hope to see you                                        .

96. 明天将做出一项重要的决定。

    An important decision                               tomorrow.

97. 你应该在词典中查这个生词。

    You should                     the new word           the dictionary.

98. 没有你的帮助,我就不能收到他的来信。

    I           hear from him           your help.

99. 在回家的路上,他碰到一个朋友。

    He met a friend                                        .

100. 当我不在时,他不反对照看我的狗。

    He doesn’t mind                               my dog while I’m          .

101. 我看到一个男人跨上一匹马骑走了。

    I saw a man                     a horse and           off.

102. 嘲笑处于困境中的人是不礼貌的。

     It’s not polite to                     those people in trouble.

103. 交警告诉这位司机不要再犯同样的错误。

    The traffic policeman told the driver not to                                        

any more.

104. 学英语最好的方法是尽可能地多说。

    The best way to learn English is to speak it                                       .

105. 在21世纪,那些观念陈旧的人将落后于时代。

     In the 21st century, those people          old ideas will                           

the times.

106. 入世后,中国的发展开始与世界同步。

     The development of China and the world started to be                               

     after China joined the WTO.

107. 快点,否则你赶不上看电影了。

                        ,           you’ll be late for the film.

108. 学生们一直到我回来才离开学校。

    The students                     school           I came back.

109. 当他来的时候,千万别忘了告诉他这件事。

     Never forget                               about it when he          .

110. 今天早晨很冷,你别把大衣脱掉。

               very cold           morning.           better                     of your coat.

111. 你应该尽可能地友好一些。

     You should try to be                               you          .

112. 你必须停止发出这么大的噪音。

     You must                                         noise.

113. 史密斯一家不住在城里,他们住在乡下。

     The Smiths don’t live                              , they live                     


114. 站在队伍最前面的是一个小女孩。

                                             the queue is a little girl.

115. 他终于见到了他的妹妹。

     He saw his sister                    .

116. 你一定要排队等候。

     You must always                                        .

117. 中国共产党第十六次代表大会于2002年11月8号在北京召开。

     The Sixteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China                     

               November 8, 2002 in Beijing.

118. 你找人修过电脑了吗?

               you           your computer          ?

119. 她是如此好的一位老师以至于我们都喜欢她。

     She is                                                   we all like her.

120. 帕莉女士说她感到他们就像在大海上的风暴中一样。

     Mrs Parley said she left                   they were in a storm                   .

121. 不论你想让我做什么,我都下决心去做。

                         what you want me to do, I will                               

               to do them.

122. 我和一个叫玛丽的女孩一起在乡下长大。

     I                     with a girl           Mary in the countryside.

123. 不久他的宠物狗死了,他感到非常寂寞。

                         his                     died, he felt very          .

124. 你能下载一篇描写沙漠的文章吗?

     Can you           a passage           the          .

125. 菜单被用来显示信息目录和让你选择做什么。

     The menu                                             a list of information and

          you choose what to do.

126. 多亏去年冬天的大雨,树木和草一直长得很好。

                        the heavy snow last winter, the trees and grass                    

very well.

127. 在这个城市里已经没有旧的楼房了。

                        the old building can                     in this city.

128. 你应该找到自己的发展道路,别仿照别人的样子。

     You should find your                     to develop, and don’t           other people’s          .

129. 你对体育不感兴趣。为何不改学音乐?

     You           no           in sports. Why           learn music          .

130. 你能确定只要三年这棵树就会和这幢楼房一样高吗?

     Can you                     that the tree will be as tall as the building only in three                    ?

131. 谢谢你邀请我参加你的生日聚会。

     Thank you           asking me to your birthday          .

132. 瞧!农民们正忙着在田间干农活。

     Look! The           are           doing farm work in the fields.

133. 医生告诉我这种药一天服三次。

     The doctor told me           take this medicine three           a day.

134. 如果明天不下雨的话,我将和父母一起去动物园。

     I’ll           to the zoo with my parents           it doesn’t rain tomorrow.

135. 这些机器是中国制造的,它们在国际很受欢迎。

     These machines are           in China. They are very popular in the          .

136. The world’s population is                                    (越来越快地增长).

137. Young people like                               in a mirror(照镜子).

138. We have                    (售完) the shirts in your size.

139.                                        (到……末)last month, he had made some new friends.

140. I’m not sure whether it will be                    (平局) this time.

141. 他告诉我不要把钥匙忘在操场上。

     He told me                               they key on the playground.

142. 他父亲过去是商人。

     His father                               a businessman.

143. 我们所学的或多或少会有用的。

     What we have learned will be                                        .

144. 在那个风雨交加的晚上发生一场恶性事故。

    A terrible traffic accident                     the           and           night.

145. 这些工人中三分之二是党员。

                                   The workers           party members.

146. 到20世纪末,计算机的应用可能广泛很多。

               the end of the twentieth century the computers can be                     


147. 昨晚你被抢劫时,你应当向警方求助。

     When you                     last night, you should          the police           


148. 你能肯定这孩子将来能成为发明家吗?

     Are you           the child will be an inventor                              ?

149. 你能保持沉默长达10个小时。

     He can keep silent                               10 hours.

150. 那意味着在约600年后,地球上将只有立足之地。

     That means that            600 hundred years, there will be                       

                on the earth.



1. with, be sent up into                               2. No matter how, not give, up

3. prefer to, rather than                               4. complained about

5. which / that, been                             6. on need, duty

7. hands up                                            8. look like

9. have nothing to do                                  10. based on

11. been a, member                                     12. fed up with

13. wakes, up                                               14. another way

15. shorter, shorter                                       16. anything else / other things

17. minutes’ walk                                         18. be brought

19. was, hit                                            20. keep away from

21. to copy, example(s)                               22. couldn’t wait to run

23. exciting a film                                         24. are used by, to solve

25. be in                                                       26. deserves to

27. me if / whether, had been                           28. to, whether, or not

29. how must, costs                                     30. has watched, on

31. can’t, with                                              32. was, taking, out of

33. grabbed, away                                        34. have caught, matches, descriptions

35. himself to play                                        36. did rather bad

37. as / so useful as                                    38. were, doing, called

39. to fall asleep                                          40. so that, understand

41. dream, come true                                   42. Though, working

43. So far, have finished                              44. is famous for, on of, most

45. Make sure                                              46. space / room, to stand in

47. worth more than                             48. be, during

49. has reached                                     50. were lost in

51. had had                                           52. had frozen

53. were trapped                                          54. teamwork, alive

55. would go boating                                   56. worth reading

57. Although, carried / went on walking            58. had failed, twice

59. Either, or, is                                    60. keep, for

61. harder, harder, stopped, from               62. On my way

63. won’t play, until, finish                           64. anywhere, Sooner, later, somewhere

65. was killed                                               66. get on well

67. decided to talk                                       68. refused to answer

69. It seemed that, knew                             70. the most popular

71. seemed, relaxing                              72. watching, playing

73. check-out, realized, had left                  74. excellent shot, excited

75. thought, could beat                                76. What, think of

77. had had, rang, up                                  78. have, been

79. who was robbed                             80. which, lives in

81. so dirty that                                    82. had had

83. feel like going                                        84. Is; grown

85. decided to start                                      86. So far; broken down

87. kept crying                                      88. wore out; less than

89. has been in                                            90. looked over; carefully

91. all kinds of                                             92. looked for; find

93. leave; by herself                              94. do nothing all day

95. as soon as possible                               96. will be made

97. look up, in                                             98. can’t (won’t), without

99. on his way home                                   100. taking care of, away

101. get on, ride                                          102. laugh at

103. make the same mistake(s)                   104. as much as possible

105. with, be left behind                              106. neck and neck

107. Hurry up, or                                        108. didn’t leave, until

109. to tell him, comes                                110. It’s, this, You’d, not take

111. as friendly as, can                               112. stop making so much

113. in the city, in the country                           114. At the head of

115. at last                                            116. wait for your turn

117. was held on                                         118. Have, had, repaired

119. such a good teacher that                           120. as if, at sea

121. No matter, make up my mind                   122. grew up, called(named)

123. Before long, pet dog, lonely               124. download, describing, desert

125. is used for showing, letting                  126. Thanks to, keep growing

127. None of, be found(seen)                            128. own way, copy, example(s)

129. have, interest, not, instead                   130. make sure, years’ time

131. for, party                                              132. farmers, busy

133. to, times                                               134. go, if

135. made, world                                         136. growing faster and faster

137. looking at themselves                           138. sold out

139. By the end of                                      140. a draw

141. not to leave                                          142. better, later, never

143. useful more or less                              144. happened on, windy, rainy

145. Two thirds of, are                               146. By, used much more

147. was robbed, ask, for                           148. sure, in the future

149. as long as                                            150. in, standing room only