xcode webview 全屏:外教眼中的厦大 【图】

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/15 10:14:35
 外教眼中的厦大My Day as a University Lecturer In South China

Nimen Hao! My name is Maria. Am 33 years old. I live in South China in the city of Xiamen on Xiamren Island. In the pleasant surroundings of sub-tropical vegetation, I have three bandits: my husband of 24 years, a 2 year old son and a Yorkshire Terrier puppy – 11 month old. During my freetime away from these so called bandits I lecture and lead workshops on 9 humanity disciplines at Bachelor, Masters and PhD levels at the Univeristy of Syamenskom. The university is not only among the 20 best universities in China, but it is also considered to be the most beautiful one in the Middle Kingdom.

Am pleased to take you on a normal working day as a foreign lecturer in China and that is Wednesday, November 16, 2011.

I do not need an alarm in order to wake up since the first bandit always wakes up at 6-30 a.m. sharp everyday. This is what you see first on waking up.

Water procedures as usual start the day.

Am not always on time for breakfast. The rest of the family always gets his share but for me since I like lazying in bed in the mornings, I always end up taking a cup of coffee and an apple. Here is one who has already had his share of breakfast and is ready to get into the day’s adventures.

A view from the balcony. The morning is still cloudy. Rain was not foretold in the forecast so we should expect this to clear as the day opens up.

Meanwhile, the clock tickles on.

At exactly 7.15 a.m, the nanny arrives and I leave the house. Classes begin at 8.00 a.m. and teaching as a profession is terrible and unenviable. Students at times do not show up or come in late but the teacher must stick to the pulpit like the Statue of Liberty come what may. Luckily enough, I live not far from the university and the buses are relatively fast. This is our house from below. A whole 33 floors. We live on the 26th.

Near the house is a beautiful pedestrian street.

I go past the almost ruined temple to catch a bus.

And what a pleasant surprise! Just on time for the bus and its half empty. Today there will be no chairs for the lecturers at the hall, so I take a chance and relax as I travel.

Finally, I arrive. The tall building on the left is a part of the university’s main offices. I need not to go there since I am stationed at a two storey building near it.

Hurrying to the auditorium.

The university’s territory is so large that to circumvent it you will need not less than one hour. So I will show only a few parts of it. Today I have classes at the museum building.

The monument of the founder of the University.

Its November 16th and flowers are blooming. Its noticeably getting cold and during these days one can’t have the luxury of sleeping with open windows.

One last shot and off I go to work!

On today’s plan, Mr. Nabokov and Intercultural communication.

I had lost concience about time again! Its high time for a break.

As the students relax, I take my time to roam around.

The main entrance to the Exhibition Centre.

Opposite the main office building is a lake filled with swans, herons, carps, turtles and other creatures. All of them are lazying around so I decide to capture photos of the flowers growing herein.

Newly mown grass and a small birdy.

On the background is one the male dormitories.

The same hostel but on a closer view.

Break comes to an end. This is the other side of the Exhibition Center and near it is a playground.

And again, a part of the main office building and also a section of the modern training facilities.

Another museum.

Next on plan is a cartoon! The excellent method to studyspoken language, a set of cultural realities of everyday life, some stereotypes and a lot more. Here we are at the mission control centre.

And off we start!

The students like it.

Its 11.35 a.m, time to close for lunch. The All-China lunch time consists of a meal and a siesta afterwards and it begins at exactly 12.00 p.m. and ends at 2.00 p.m. on the dot.

Thank you everyone, goodbye!
The students rush to the dining hall as I go back to take a bus.

There is a lot to see on the way.

On the way home I find the nanny with my son. He is as grimy as a young devil. A joyful cry meets me. The nanny goes home for lunch and we go home too. Time for the young man and his truck to take a shower.

Time. I wont forget about it again.

Then its time to heat the soup I prepared yesterday, prepare a salad and make scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

After lunch the bandit goes to sleep as I clean up the utencils, and water the flowers. I have 12 of them. Thereafter, I hang the clothes on the balcony, feed the dog and scrub the floors.

At 2.00 p.m. the nanny comes back and I leave with the puppy. We have some important business with him today.

I decided to go on foot in order to show you some of the city’s landscapes.

This sculpture in my opinion should be made to be the city’s symbol. It perfectly reflects the philosophy and lifestyle of the locals.

We came to this shop here. Its a vet shop. Here you can buy dogs and cats, their feeds among other things. In addition they wash and shave pets. Our friend needs a good wash, drying, clipping of claws and grooming. All that costs 35 Yen – about 5,5 dollars.

The queue is shorter today.

Now we head to the green building.

To this saloon on the first floor.

Not long ago I had an LED manicure. Time to put my nails in order.

Time to go.

Taking photos on the go.

A window of a jewelry store.

And another one.

Another one but not for jewelry.

And here are some goats.

The owner milks them anywhere and sells the milk on the spot. In case you do not have a container he pours the milk into a nylon paper.

I rush back home to drop the dog. And it spoils it all by lying on the dirtiest spot in the house. I wonder why I took it for washing. Now I have to rush to buy some vegetables for tomorrow’s lunch.

As I leave our apartment, here is the nook. It has 3 lifts since there are many people using them. One of them is for loads.

A view from our stairway window.

Am lazy to go to the nearest supermarket so I limit myself to the nearby stalls and shops.

We not only have futuristic buildings around. We also have a pride of oldtimers.

And back home.

First of all I have to empty the bags and then go pick up the clothes from the balcony.

Time to prepare dinner and part of tomorrow’s lunch.

And time goes by.

Outside it rapidly gets darker.

At this point I have to say goodbye since my housemates are geting bored and need my attention. Ahead is a working night –  conversations with graduate students, and lots of household chores. And on that note I leave you with another night view from the balcony.

PS: Nimen Hao – Hello in Chinese.

Location: Xiamen

And here are some goats.

The owner milks them anywhere and sells the milk on the spot. In case you do not have a container he pours the milk into a nylon paper.


