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来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/16 12:35:06
中国无视美国施压:美国网民炸锅! 2012-01-14 09:14:51.0 BEIJING (Reuters) - China gave no hint on Wednesday of giving ground to U.S. demands to curb Iran's oil revenues, rejecting Washington's sanctions on Tehran as overstepping even as Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner lobbied for Beijing's support.
即便是财政部长盖特纳于周三亲自前往中国,寻求北京的支持,中方仍未在美方提出的抑制伊朗石油出口收益的问题上明确表态。北京同时表达了对华盛顿越权制裁的反对。 美国网民炸锅 Even Europe, our strong ally, would not do it! Why China?
COLDSTEEL  ?  1 day 2 hrs ago
China needs oil as much as the US does.
中国对石油的需求和美国一样大。 Riprap  ?  New York, New York  ?  1 day 13 hrs ago
China's love is big, and loves only China.
中国是个博爱的国家,博爱到只爱中国。 Carroll  ?  Tacoma, Washington  ?  1 day 10 hrs ago
China will not help the US while the US is stockpiling ever more weapons on China's borders pointed at a non-existent Chinese "threat" no rational person can explain.
当美国在中国边界储存更多武器,并指向不存在的中国“威胁”时,中国不会帮助美国。神志清醒的人都能知道这点。 Peter  ?  1 day 18 hrs ago
Chinese are smarter than that, they are not going to listen to another Wall Street con artist
中国人比较聪明,他们不会听信华尔街骗子的花言巧语。 Bud  ?  Atlanta, Georgia  ?  11 hrs ago
China is the largest polluter in the world, this is not the role of a developing nation. The Chinese government needs to understand or to be taught the differences.
中国是世界上污染程度最严重的国度,这不是一个发展中国家所应有的角色。中国政府需要明白,或是由人教导这二者间的差异。 Syeef  ?  1 day 8 hrs ago
One of China's Military Major General/Professor said the other day that China is prepared to go to World War 3 for Iran against the West.
一名中国的军事少将/教授表示,中国有朝一日将帮助伊朗抵御西方,哪怕是引发第三次世界大战。 Brutus  ?  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  ?  9 hrs ago
China has a lot to say about our actions upon our enemies,yet they never offer cooperation in solving serious matters unless it goes their way.
对于我们针对敌人的行动,中国指指点点。在解决严峻问题方面,他们从不提供合作;除非事情按他们的规划解决。Dr. J  ?  1 day 12 hrs ago
"China is a major developing country, and it has reasonable demand for energy,"
“ 中国是一个发展中大国,有着合理的能源需求。 ”
The ONLY reason China is developing is because all the TRAITOR US Coporations shipping jobs there, building plants and investing over there hiring Chinese people!!! That is it!!! If they brought those jobs back to the USA then WE would be a developing country again instead of a country that is teetering on a second dip and a garbage economy with 8.5% unemployment!!!!
中国之所以发展,原因只有一个,那就是所有的美国叛国公司都把工作外包到了那儿、修建工厂、在那儿投资,雇佣中国人!!!这就是原因!!!如果他们把工作运回美国,我们将重新获得发展,而不是像现在这样,有着8.5%失业率的垃圾经济,在二次衰退附近徘徊!!!!John  ?  17 hrs ago
I wonder how China would react if Taiwan started building a nuclear reactor?
我在想如果台湾搞核反应堆,中国会怎么样? Conrman  ?  Dallas, Texas  ?  10 hrs ago
China, Russia, Syria, Venezuela, N korea, N.vietnam and a few others, envision a world of trade without the U.S. involvement.....Iran is the catalyst in a restructuring of world power through trade and economic warfare.
中国,俄罗斯,叙利亚,委内瑞拉,朝鲜,北越南和个别国家,它们在构建一个排除美国的贸易体系。。。。伊朗是重组世界力量的催化剂,通过贸易战和金融战。Brian  ?  13 hrs ago
#$%$ of humanity
(文明用语)的人权。Annmarie  ?  Moreno Valley, California  ?  22 hrs ago
china really do not have the stomach for war.their aim is to make money off poor people.most of the us enemy is china's friend.
中国无法承受战争。他们的目的是劫贫济富。我们的大多数敌人是中国的朋友。Tony D  ?  23 hrs ago
The policy won't work because the oil still flows. Sanctions push up oil and gas prices for us, but allow China and Japan to buy it all at a hefty discount. I hope we at least get a thank you card from Bejing.
这项制裁不会起效,因为石油出口仍在上涨。制裁会增加我们的石油和天然气价格,但是会让中国和日本拿到购买它们的高折扣。我想我们很快会收到北京的感谢信。Ole Brer Rabbit  ?  1 day 15 hrs ago
All this turmoil because of a bunch of whiney Jews in Isreal !!
所有这些风波都来源于一小撮以色列的犹太人!!Just Me  ?  Chapel Hill, Tennessee  ?  1 day 1 hr ago
How about china you keep all your goods. Iran keep your oil. We the usa dont need shita lets see who folds first.
禁止中国制造和伊朗石油如何?美国不需要垃圾货,看谁先垮。Dr.Lecter  ?  Brush Prairie, Washington  ?  1 day 13 hrs ago
China sits back and reaps all the benefits while we do all the dirty work. All the while we keep going farther into debt because of it. We try and make the world a safe place to live, and it costs China nothing. Not only are our politicians fools, but the Chinese are smart. It seems as if they want us to go bankrupt. Or do they ?
在我们做着苦工时,中国坐在后面,享受所有收益。我们的债务渐行渐远就是因为这个原因。我们试图让世界变得更安全,而中国什么也不干。不只是我们的政客愚蠢,中国人的确很聪明。他们似乎想看着我们破产,不是吗?Jerry B  ?  1 day 8 hrs ago
China defending Iran? Shocking.....
中国保卫伊朗?震惊了。。。。Longhorn_72  ?  Austin, Texas  ?  1 day 3 hrs ago
China to the U.S. "We would love to help you with your sanctions, but fhock you very much"!! ROFL!