be on a tear:21款超有创意的商务名片

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/06/04 03:51:19


Never limit your imagination to a plain rectangle! Don’t forget to include some interactivity – people love to play and solve puzzles.


If you happen to be designing a business card right now, you’ve come to the right place – these 21 wonderful business cards will definitely make your creative juices flowing.
 1. Personal Business Card


Personal project for Dario Monetini’s own business card. It’s made on a transparent plastic, and there’s a set of different objects you can use to put in front of the face of your friends to have a kind. The artists says it’s a funny version of an analogic photoshop! (link)
Dario Monethini 自己所特有的商务名片。这种名片是由透明塑料制成的,名片上面有各种各样有趣的图样,你可以把名片放在朋友的脸前,这有趣的名片可以打造一个友好轻松的场面。艺术家说这可以看成是人肉PS。
2. Tok&Stok: Toy Chair Business Card


Going to a store and taking a business card is customary. Now, what you can do with it is what varies. Tok&Stok turned their business card in a entertainment. To allude to their easy to assemble furniture, the brand launched an unprecedented action that converts the business card in a little chair. To do so is very simple: just detach the parts marked and put them together. The back of the card has the logo, while the seat takes the essential information such as address and phone number. (Advertising Agency: DDB, Brazil)

逛商店时随手拿张名片是很习惯性的动作。现在,你可以让名片具有多样性。Tok&Stok 把商务名片加入了娱乐性。发动了一场前所未有的变革,把名片制成一把小椅子的模样。做法很简单:把做有记号的部位分离,然后组合起来。名片(椅)背面有印有商标,在座位上印有重要信息如地址、电话号码。 

3. Helena Ayres Proofreader: Business Card

3.Helena Ayres 校对员:名片

A pencil with an oversized eraser – a self promotional business card for Helena Ayres, who works as a proofreader. (Advertising Agency: Giovanni + DraftFcb S?o Paulo, Brazil)
 一把带有超长橡皮擦的铅笔--- 这是校对员 Helena Ayres 的自荐商业名片。(广告代理:Giovanni + DraftFcb S?o Paulo, Brazil)
4. BKK Grill: Grill Me Business Card

4. BKK Grill:烤我吧名片 

The business card was stamped using lemon juice as ink, however the only visible copy on the card is “grill me”. After grilling the card against fire, the scientific effect between heat and lemon juice will cause the stamped message to appear. The message is the name and contact detail of a stake restaurant called BKK grill. (link)

  使用柠檬汁作为墨水在名片上盖印,是隐形的,卡上只能看见“烤我”二字。但经过烘烤,名片上的信息逐渐显现出来,上面是一家名为BKK grill的牛排烧烤餐厅的名字和联系电话。

5. La Cambre Architecture: Business card

5. La Cambre Architecture: 名片 

The new business card of this school now takes the form of a Lego brick. This new business card perfectly represents La Chambre- Architecture where the “imagination” and “construction” are at the base of the formation of the young architects. (Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett, Brussels, Belgium)
这所学校的新商务名片制成乐高积木状。这种新名片完美的体现了La Chambre--融合了一群年轻建筑家的“想象力”和“创造力”的建筑物。(广告代理:乐高伯纳特,布鲁塞尔,比利时)
6. Mais Pilates Studio: Wake Up Your Body

6.Mais Pilates工作室:名片摇摇乐 

A business card that shows, quickly and interactively, the main benefits of doing pilates: to develop better posture and flexibility. (Advertising Agency: MarketData Direct & Digital, Brazil)

  这种商务名片快速又直接的反应了做普拉提( 一种类似瑜伽的健身运动)的益处:即可美姿又可锻炼身体的柔软性。(广告代理:MarketData Direct & Digital, Brazil)

7. Sandra Martins Makeup: Business Card

7.Sandra Martins彩妆 

Rather than a conventional business card to offer the makeup services to the customer, it was created a special stamp that simulates a lipstick mark. The stamp may be applied to any material, such as napkins, paper sheets, tissues etc. (Advertising Agency: OpusMúltipla, Curitiba, Brazil)
这不是一种传统的名片,不仅仅推广化妆服务,还是一个可印出唇印的特殊印章。它可以在任何一种材料上使用如餐巾,纸张,手帕纸等。(广告代理:OpusMúltipla, Curitiba, Brazil)
8. Stylist Appointment Card

8. Stylist 预约卡

You can probably even use it as a comb too. (Advertising Agency: Amanda Casabella, Memphis, USA)

你甚至可以把这种名片当成梳子用。(广告代理 Amanda Casabella, Memphis, USA)

9. Broke Bike Alley

9. Broke Bike Alley公司

Broke Bike Alley’s business cards help you help your bike. The follow-up to their tire patch business card, this card cum tool fits in your wallet and lets you adjust your bolts and spokes. And open your beer. (Designer: Rethink Canada)

Broke Bike Alley 公司的名片可以帮助你修理自行车。可以进行自行车轮胎修补的动作,这种工具名片可以放在钱包里,帮助你调整螺栓。也可以作为开瓶器。(设计:Rethink Canada)

10. Bombay Bakery


These edible business cards were created to promote a bakery, and available in different flavors like chocolate, vanilla etc. (Designed by: Dizzy Design, Ashutosh Karkhanis)
这种有多种口味如巧克力、香草等可以吃的名片是用来推广一家面包店的。(设计师: Dizzy Design, Ashutosh Karkhanis)
11. Ninja Business Card


“This business card I came up two years ago for the studio where I worked ( The idea came to me in the head like a bullet, in an instant, and soon everyone enjoyed. I was inspired by old movies about ninjas and kung-fu. I thought “why not make a shuriken that will kill and still be functional” “(Designer: Albert Polyakov)
 2年前我为自己所在的工作室设计了这款明片(。当时这个灵感像子弹一样瞬间穿过我脑子,提出来后每个人都喜欢它。主要是受到忍者和功夫电影的启发。当时我就想“为什么不做一种即可杀人又有其他功能的剑呢?”(设计:Albert Polyakov)
12. Hair Dresser Business Cards


This is a fun and standout design that is both memorable and will keep the kid busy while you get your haircut. (Designer: Igor Perkusic)

这个好玩的设计在给你留下杰出印象的同时也让您的小孩在您理发时不再无聊。(设计师: Igor Perkusic)

13. Ismet Dural Circumciser


Ismet Dural is a circumsicer who owns a clinic. (Agency: Healthy People by Grey, Istanbul, Turkey)

Ismet Dural是一个包皮手术医生,开了一家诊所。

14. Styx Underwear: Only Time

14. Styx 内衣: 唯一的情况

Styx Underwear for men has a special character –offers a unique design that ensures that no part of the cloth will get entangled, in the middle of a man?s rear end (buttocks).


15. Chart Business Card


Ideally, you can trust your financial advisor to sell before a downturn and buy stocks before they go up. And so, a double-sided business card to communicate this dual promise. (Advertising Agency: Rethink, Canada)
你可以信任财务分析师在股票跌落之前卖掉,然后在回升前买进。所以,双面名片述说这种双重保障。(广告代理: Rethink, Canada)
16. Y+ Yoga Center: Straw


Low cost yet effective solution to showcase the prowess of a yoga practitioner on the flexible drink straws placed at fruit juice bars frequented by the target audience. (Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett, Shanghai, China)

通过在果汁店里摆放这种成本低廉的吸管,可以很好的把瑜伽的威力展现给顾客。(广告代理: Leo Burnett, 上海, 中国)

17. Did you mean


Probably the best way to to show your website address on a business card.


18. Chris Fisher: Microphone Shaped Business Card

18. Chris Fisher: 麦克风状的名片 

It’s easy to do a gimmicky card that would grab attention but the challenge was to make an impression without shouting out. Chris Fisher is one of the most-listened-to radio jockeys on Dubai’s airwaves.
要做一个花俏引人注目的名片很简单,但问题是如何在让人印象吸人眼球的同时不让人惊叫呢。名片上的Chris Fisher 是Dubai 无线广播的电台骑师。
19. Mixtape Generation Cassette Business Card


The best part of is that the phone number is hand-written. Gives this nice feeling that somebody had to do something before giving it to you (link)
20. Meat Business Card


Eye catchy design, however I can’t understand what meat has to do with investment company? These Meatcards are non-toxic, but not intended to be food. Eat at your own risk. (link)


21. Clapperboard Business Card


Creative business card designed for Feelme Crew – a team of people, dealing primarily with video shooting and editing. (Designed by:

为Feelme Crew 设计的创意名片,他们是一群与视频编辑打交道的群体。(设计

Creative Business Cards (PART I)
