安卓版本 知乎:吃货须知:节食是通往健康之路

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http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年11月30日 11:12   沪江英语


  Almost everyone considers going on a diet sometime in his or her life. All, regardless of sex and age, have something in common - losing weight and losing it fast.


  Though their common aim may seem basically good, they probably do not realize that misguided dieting can do more harm than good to their health. Going on too strict a diet can destroy the balance of chemicals in the human body. This happens because when the body is suddenly given much less food than usual, it feels as though it is being attacked and tries hard to protect itself by saving energy. It does this by slowing down metabolism, the process by which the food we eat is converted into energy. As energy is supplied to the body at a slower and slower rate, dieters gradually become so weak that they can do nothing. They soon lose interest in everything going on about them, and their resistance to illness becomes so low that they are easily attacked by one illness after another.


  Most of those who diet know that foods like rice, bread, potatoes, cakes, sweets, fruits and some vegetables contain carbohydrates, and so can make one fat. What they do not realize, however, is that carbohydrates are our bodies' main source of energy, and that these foods also contain components essential for the composition of substances that are needed to keep the body healthy. As a result, they try to avoid eating these foods, and consequently, they become weaker and less healthy. They begin to have difficulty sleeping properly and start to suffer from radical mood changes. In more serious cases, they even begin to show signs of mental illness.


  It is strange enough that most strict diets recommend artificial sweeteners to take the place of sugar and other natural sweeteners. In fact, such artificial sweeteners actually increase one's appetite and lead to one's eating even more than usual.


  Of course, the fact that misguided forms of dieting result in so many problems does not mean that no dieting is safe or all dieting is harmful to the health. Proper dieting can not only help a person lose ugly excess fat, but can also help him or her to keep it off and to lead a more active, happier and healthier life.


  You might ask just what a proper diet is. Well, simply expressed, a proper healthy diet is one that is well-balanced, or, in other words, one that includes enough but not too many of the kinds of foods that provide the body with the nutrients that it needs to function properly. The most important of these nutrients are the macronutrients: proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The body needs fairly large amounts of proteins and carbohydrates for building material and energy. Meat, fish, eggs, milk, cream, and nuts all contain proteins and foods like rice, bread, potatoes, etc. Contain carbohydrates. The body needs fat to keep it from the cold and to provide a protective layer for the organs, but only in small quantities.


  Vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, are another group of essential nutrients, though the body does not need as great a quantity of these as it does the macronutrients – proteins, carbohydrates and fats.


  There are two types of vitamins, water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins. Water-soluble vitamins like vitamin C and the B-group vitamins do not stay in the body long and so foods containing these vitamins need to be taken rather often. On the other hand, the fat-soluble vitamins, vitamins A, D, E and K stay in the body for long periods of time and so there is no need to take foods containing them so often.


  One way of getting enough nutrients while keeping one's weight down is to take substitutes for foods which contain too much fat. For example, instead of regular milk, one can take skimmed milk, which contains as many proteins and minerals as regular milk but has had the fat removed. In the same way, vegetable oil can be used for cooking instead of animal oil.



http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年11月25日 10:41   环球网常说“感谢”有助身心健康

  “Giving thanks” actually expresses gratitude to another person, whether verbally, physically, or even in the form of a letter - has profound effects on us, not just mentally but physically.

  Ungrateful people are actually cheating themselves, scientists believe.

  The mere act of thanking people releases chemicals within the body including “reward” chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin - a neurotransmitter that makes us feel serene and happy.

  “If thankfulness were a drug,” says Dr P Murali Doraiswamy, of Duke University, “It would be the world's best selling product. It affects every major organ system.”

  Stress hormones such as cortisol are also reduced by the simple act of thanking someone.

  Another study at Kent State University, Salem, measured the effect.

  Steve Toepfer had a sample group of students write letters of gratitude to people they knew.

  Toepfer ensured the “thanks” weren't for trivial events such as a gift, but for genuine, meaningful events.

  One group of students didn't write letters, one did.

  The group that wrote the letters found that their levels of life satisfaction increased - and that those who were experiencing mild depression found that their symptoms abated.

  The key, it seems, is genuine gratitude: your body has to “know” that a positive event has occurred, and that you've responded.

  “If you're looking to increase your well-being, take 15 minutes to write letters of gratitude to someone,” said Toepfer, who published his study in the Journal of Happiness Study.














http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年11月10日 16:01   沪江英语喝咖啡的7大健康益处


  Coffee Can Help You Proofread Better


  The caffeine in coffee could actually help you to spot grammar errors, according to a new study in the Journal of Experimental Psychology.


  Researchers found that caffeine helped students to correct errors in subject-verb agreement and verb tense, MSNBC reported. However, the caffeine still didn't seem to make a difference at identifying misspelled words -- sorry.


  Coffee Could Lower Women's Depression Risk


  Women who drink a few cups of caffeinated coffee have a lower risk of depression than women who don't drink any coffee, according to a Harvard study.


  That research, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, shows that women who drink two to three cups of coffee a day have a 15 percent lower risk, while women who drink four or more cups of coffee a day have a 20 percent lower risk.


  Study research Dr. Albert Ascherio told HuffPost earlier that "caffeine is known to affect the brain," because it "modulates the release of mood transmitters."

  Albert Ascherio博士早前告诉HuffPost说“现在已经知道咖啡因可以影响脑部,”因为它“能够调节情绪传递的释放。”

  "I'm not saying we're on the path to discovering a new way to prevent depression," he said. "But I think you can be reassured that if you are drinking coffee, it is coming out as a positive thing."


  Coffee Could Save Your Brain


  A study in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease suggests that there's something in coffee -- though researchers have yet to determine what exactly that "something" is -- interacts with caffeine to boost the levels of granulocyte colony stimulating factor (GCSF), a growth factor that seems to be able to fight off Alzheimer's disease in mice.


  Coffee Could Lower Men's Prostate Cancer Risk


  A Harvard School of Public Health study shows that men who drink six cups of coffee a day have a 60 percent decreased chance of developing a dangerous form of prostate cancer, as well as a 20 percent decreased chance of developing any other kinds of prostate cancer.


  The study, published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, also shows that just drinking just some coffee a day -- just one to three cups -- could still cut prostate cancer risk by 30 percent.


  Coffee Could Ward Off The World's Most Common Cancer


  New research presented at the American Association for Cancer Research conference shows that coffee could help to ward off basal cell carcinoma, the most common cancer in the world。


  Researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School found that women who drink three or more cups of caffeinated coffee a day have a 20 percent lower risk of the skin cancer, while men had a 9 percent lower risk。


  Decaf coffee didn't seem to have the same protective effect -- so "our study shows that the inverse association with BCC appears due to caffeine, not other components in the coffee consumption," study researcher Fengju Song, Ph.D., earlier told HuffPost。

  不含咖啡因的咖啡则没有这种的效果——所以“我们的研究显示防治基底细胞癌的因素和咖啡因有关,和咖啡中的其他成分无关,”参与这项研究的Fengju Song博士早前告诉HuffPost说。

  Coffee Could Protect You From Type 2 Diabetes


  Drinking coffee is associated with a lower Type 2 diabetes risk, with more coffee consumption linked to a greater decrease in risk, according to an Archives of Internal Medicine review of studies from 2009.


  In that review, researchers looked at data from more than 450,000 people in 18 studies, and found that for every extra cup of coffee drank a day, a person's risk of Type 2 diabetes decreased by 7 percent.


  However, researchers cautioned that "the putative protective effects of these beverages warrant further investigation in randomized trials."


  Coffee Could Decrease Parkinson's Risk


  Drinking a few cups of coffee a day could lower the risk of developing Parkinson's disease by as much as 25 percent, according to a study published last year in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.


  In that review of studies, which was published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, researchers examined 26 studies that involved 125,000 British people, to find that two or three cups of coffee seemed to have the optimal effect, The Telegraph reported.



http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年11月02日 11:26   中国日报网-英语点津乘车上下班有害健康

  Workers who commute by car, bus or train to the office are more likely to suffer from stress and exhaustion, according to a study.

  Scientists assessed 12,000 employees aged between 18 and 65.

  They found that those who travelled to work by car or public transport reported higher levels of stress and tiredness compared to active commuters who travelled by foot or bicycle.

  It is now expected that the study, from Lund Unversity in Sweden, will encourage further investigation into the health impacts of commuting and the best forms of transportation.

  Researcher Erik Hansson said: 'Generally car and public transport users suffered more everyday stress, poorer sleep quality, exhaustion and, on a seven point scale, felt that they struggled with their health compared to the active commuters.

  'The negative health of public transport users increased with journey time.'

  According to the Office for National Statistics, the average Briton commutes for 54 minutes every day.

  But now the scientists claim that the advantages of daily travel, such as higher pay or housing conditions, need to be weighed against the adverse health effects.

  It may also have a cost impact on industry.

  According to a CBI and Pfizer Absence and Workplace Health Survey, the UK economy lost 190 million working days to absence last year, with each employee taking an average of 6.5 days off sick, costing employers £17billion.

  However researchers highlight that the findings, published in the journal BMC Public Health, do not prove that commuting causes ill health and further research is needed.

  Income, family background and environmental factors are other variables that need to be considered.

  Hansson added that the findings would help to ‘readdress the balance between economic needs, health, and the costs of working days lost'.















http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年10月31日 10:40   沪江英语

  4 Secrets To Never Getting Sick


  Ever wonder why you always seem to come down with a life-interrupting virus this time of year, while other women you know sail through the seasons sniffle-, cough-, and ache-free?


  Follow these simple steps to boost your virus protection:


  Make Friends With Fresh Air


  Common wisdom has it that staying indoors, where it's warm and toasty, is easier on your immune system than being outside in the cold. Problem is, being inside puts you in close constant contact with other people -- and their germs。


  Not only does escaping into the fresh air give you a break from all those germs circulating inside, but going for a stroll can actually boost your immunity。


  Relaxation Fights Off Colds


  There are a trillion reasons why taking time to chill out might be the last item on your to-do list. But here's why it should be a priority: Being stressed will increase your susceptibility to catching a cold. That may be because, over the long term, it leads to the ongoing release of stress hormones, such as glucocorticoids。


  These impede your body's ability to produce cell-signaling molecules called cytokines, which trigger a disease-fighting response from your immune system. You're also less likely to take care of yourself -- get ample sleep, eat right, exercise -- when you're stressed。


  Clean Hands Are Everything


  Cold and flu can spread all too easily through touch. Keep your fingers away from your eyes, nose, and mouth as much as possible, and make sure to master the art of hand-washing. Soap and water remain your most effective tools there, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention。


  Germs can grow on bar soaps, so use the pumped kind -- or better yet, a hands-free dispenser and choose regular soap over antibacterial. Lather for a solid 20 seconds before rinsing, and make sure to dry thoroughly (but not on your germy clothes!): Damp hands are far more likely to spread bacteria than dry ones。


  The Magic Bullet


  An occasional restless night is nothing to worry about, but a continuous lack of zzz's can hamper your immune system's ability to function. Though experts often say that sleep requirements vary by individual, a 2009 Carnegie Mellon study found that anything short of seven hours nearly triples your odds of catching a cold -- and that means seven straight hours, with no middle-of-the-night wake-ups。


  小编注:The Magic Bullet Theory 魔弹理论,早期传播学研究理论,核心内容是传播媒介拥有不可抵抗的强大力量,它们所传递的信息在受传者身上可以引起直接速效的反应。
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