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Filed Under 摄影图片 By 旅行者
Posted on 本文最后更新于2011-01-06 10:50:10
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图片:2010年美国国家地理摄影大赛作品欣赏(上)By MJJQ BLOG
National Geographic's Photography Contest 2010


1 博茨瓦纳Kanana露营地。我们把车停在路边打算观看长颈鹿觅食,突然我们发现小土丘后面潜伏着一个黄色脑袋。是饥肠辘辘的母狮。她边观察边等待,准备伺机而动,终于她在长颈鹿觉察到危险的那一刻发动了攻击,猛扑上去。然而,母狮的追赶没有成功。她饿得躺倒在地,被杂草遮蔽了。她距离我们不到10英尺。她再一次进入等待中。
Kanana Camp, Botswana. Pulling over by the side of the road to watch a grazing giraffe, we spotted an amber head lurking behind a small mound. A hungry lioness. Watching, waiting, camera to my eye, she eventually chose her moment and pounced just as the giraffe sensed danger. The lioness gave chase, but failed. Hungry, she lay down, invisible, in the grass not ten feet from us and waited again. (Photo and caption by Alex Tan)


2 日落时分翻滚在蒙大拿草原上空的超级雷暴云。
A supercell thunderstorm rolls across the Montana prairie at sunset. (Photo and caption by Sean Heavey)


3 救赎。为拯救世界而珍惜生命。
Salvation. Appreciate life to save the world. (Photo and caption by Hongsik Kim)


4 大金字塔。古埃及人认为,人在地球上生命的结束意味着在另一个世界生命旅程的开始。因此国王的遗体被埋葬在金字塔下是为了让他进入到另一个世界。
The Great Pyramids. The people of Ancient Egypt believed that death on Earth was the start of a journey to the next world. The embalmed body of the King was entombed underneath or within the pyramid to protect it and allow his transformation and ascension to the afterlife. (Photo and caption by Jesus Oranday)


5 热爱音乐。这张照片拍摄于巴厘岛的Tenganan村。一名男子正在为残疾儿童演奏音乐。虽然男孩不是他儿子,但他却视如自己亲生儿子。
The Music Of Love. This picture was taken in Tenganan Village, Bali (2010). Tenganan is the most famous Bali Aga (original Balinese) village and is located close to Candi Dasa in East Bali. A man was playing bamboo music to entertain a disabled child which is not his son, but he loves this child likes he loves his own son. (Photo and caption by Ario Wibisono)


6 液体星球。这是以常人很少用的视角拍摄的水体照片。
Liquid Planet. Another picture from the Liquid Vision Series, which shows a different point of view of waves. An angle that people are not used to seeing. (Photo and caption by Freddy Cerdeira)


7 阿拉斯加州科迪亚克岛布什金河畔的棕熊。这头熊上午在河中捕鱼,然后爬上河岸躺倒在草地上。拍摄这张照片时太阳已经升起一个多小时,树上的水珠开始蒸发。当时的气温接近露点,水汽正从棕熊的体表冒出。从外表来看,它一点儿都不在乎河里的垂钓者和岸上的摄影师。
Brown bear, Buskin River, Kodiak Alaska. This bear had been fishing in the river on this morning. It climbed onto the bank and laid down in the grass. This photo was taken about an hour after sunrise just as the sun was starting to clear the trees. The temperature was near the dew point and steam was rising off its body. It didn’t seem at all concerned by the fishermen in the river or the photographer on the bank. (Photo and caption by James Haskins)


8 作揖的螳螂。这种美丽的昆虫在进化过程中会经历两段休眠期,但它鲜艳的体表颜色能让它混迹于鲜花丛中而躲避被其他动物捕食的危险。在它即将进入成年期的时候,它的命运更加充满风险,不过一旦她退去照片上这层外衣,它就正式进入了羽翼丰满的阶段,然而大约两个星期后它将告别这里。它在这个微型生态系统中总共将逗留六个星期。
Praying Mantis - Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii. This beautiful whalbergii evolved through two of its nymph-stages on the Barberton Daisy at left, surviving because of its bright color which blended so well with the flower. Towards the end of its growth into an adult, it became a little more adventurous (but not much more) as pictured here. Once it had shed the layer in this picture, it became a fully-fledged adult, and departed after about two weeks. Total stay in this tiny ecosystem was approximately six weeks. (Photo and caption by Fred Turck)


9 岁月的痕迹,然而在观察者的眼中它却是一种美。
A Wrinkle in Time. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. (Photo and caption by Nikki Krecicki)


10 孤芳自赏。当时我正乘坐直升机在空中寻找可以拍摄的画面,突然被千万棵云杉簇拥的一棵大树进入了我的眼帘,于是一张光线完美的照片就到手了。
Alone. I was up in the air in an helicopter, taking images for the community and suddenly I saw one tree surrounded by thousands of spruces and I got only one shot in this perfect light. (Photo and caption by Mats Almlöf)


11 巴西费尔南多迪诺罗尼亚群岛是一个野生动物保护区,然而今天,即使生活在如此偏僻群岛水域的海豚也成了不良消费习惯的受害者。
The archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, Brazil is considered a wildlife sanctuary, but today, even in this isolated archipelago dolphins are victims of the bad habits of consumption. (Photo and caption by João Vianna)


12 广袤的宇宙。自然母亲始终把一切都做到极致。
Cosmic. Mother nature doing what she does best. (Photo and caption by Patrick John O'Doherty)


13 我们的孩子。从尼泊尔与西藏接壤的樟木通往拉萨的友谊公路上,筑路工人随处可见。工业化进程已经对这里产生了重大影响。在气候条件严酷的世界屋脊藏民仍然是唯一能在此生存的民族。照片中一名藏族小男孩正牵着自己当筑路工人的父亲的手。
The child in us. Traveling from Zhangmu (Nepal-Tibet border) to the Tibetan capital - Lhasa you can see road workers all along the Friendship Highway. The Chinese industrialization has affected Tibet a great deal. But despite the Chinese government's attempts to settle Chinese population across the Tibetan Plateau, the Roof of the World still remains a place where only the Tibetans can survive its harsh climate conditions. A Tibetan boy holding the hand of his father who works on the road construction, Tibet. (Photo and caption by Sergi Barisashvili)


14 照片中靠前的那只狒狒正在骚扰一只小狒狒,正对着镜头的雄狒狒又对骚扰者发起了攻击。尽管整个战斗只持续了几秒钟,但却惊天动地,凶狠无比。群落中的其他成员四处逃散给它们让路。毫无疑问,狒狒群落中始终在上演一幕幕大戏。
The baboon in front was harassing one of the babies in the troop. This male facing the camera attacked him. The whole fight was over in a few seconds but it was loud and seemingly vicious. The rest of the troop was scrambling around trying to get out of their way. There is, needless to say, always a lot of drama going on in a baboon troop. (Photo and caption by Sharon Raoli)


15 充满危险的旅途。一名妇女扒坐在从孟加拉首都达卡开往北方列车的连接部位上,她的行李藏在车厢底下。这是穆斯林的斋月,人们要举行为期三天的庆祝活动。为了过节,成千上万的人离开城市赶往自己的家乡与家人团聚。那些买不到票或无钱买票的人就会爬上车顶或像这名妇女那样在车厢连接部位寻找一个安静的地方。
Unsafe Journey. A woman is riding between the railway carriages of a local train heading north from Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Her luggage is tucked under the carriage in front of her. It is the month of Ramadan, a fast which culminates in Eid-ul-Fitr, a three-day celebration. Tens of thousands of people leave the city to go to their home village and celebrate with their families. Trains are packed and many who fail to get tickets before they sell out or can't afford buying them at the black market ride on the roof of the train or, like this woman, finds a quiet spot between the carriages. (Photo and caption by Amy Helene Johansson)


16 纽约港上空的闪电。这是一个电闪雷鸣的时刻。几乎没有一丝风,雨也没有下来,我安全地呆在室内,打开窗户静候。这是那个夜晚150道闪电中的第82次。
Lightning Strike NY Harbor. This shot was captured during a major electrical storm. There was little wind and no rain which allowed me to stay safely inside and shoot from an open window. This was the 82nd exposure out of 150 made that night. The camera was mounted on a tripod, exposures made with a cable release for 5 seconds at f10. Except for a some minor level adjustments and a square crop this was what came out of the camera. (Photo and caption by Jay Fine)


17 博伊斯的日出。薄雾笼罩,晨光熹微,这是我一心向往的地方。如果你仔细观察,会发现照片中央偏左的空地上有一头鹿。一个小小的圆点,脑袋探在灌木外边。
Boise Sunrise. With the fog and morning light this looks like a place I'd love to be. If you look very closely, you can see a deer in a clearing in the center left area of the picture (small dot, head poking above bushes, see detail). (Photo and caption by Glen Hush)


18 不错,春天到了。站在桥头准备捕鱼的小孩。
Yes it's spring. Fishing on the end of the bridge. (Photo and caption by Stan Bouman)


19 注视。这种鸟目前仅存400只。
The Look. There are only 400 of these birds in existence. (Photo and caption by Rolf Skrypzak)


20 勃朗峰上遭遇风暴。当时我的朋友Laszlo Varkonyi正在率领领先一组队员在攀登勃朗峰。他不幸于今年四月在攀登珠穆朗玛峰途中桑生,当时一座大冰塔突然倒塌。
Against the windstorm on Mont Blanc. My friend Laszlo Varkonyi is leading a group on Mont Blanc, he died on Everest this April in a fatal accident: a big serac fell down. (Photo and caption by Aniko Molnar)


21 神秘的虫子。它停在我的晒衣绳上。我不知道它姓啥名谁,它的长度只有一英寸。我们生活在澳洲新南威尔士的北部河区。屋子周围的雨林经常会过来这种有趣的生物。
Mystery Bug. This was on my clothesline. I have no idea what it is. I have used a macro lens as the insect was only an inch or so long. We live in the Northern Rivers district of New South Wales, Australia. The rainforest around our house sometimes brings forth intriguing creatures like this. I know it looks like a studio shot but it isn't. The photograph was was taken in natural light. The background is a sheet that was serendipitously drying on the clothesline at the time. I have rotated the image to make the insect easier to examine. If anyone can tell me what it is I would be grateful. (Photo and caption by Stephen Hocking)


22 自然的力量。我驾着四轮驱动车去拍摄冰岛火山喷发的照片。这是一个朗月高照的夜晚,然而狂风大作,我无法在车外稳稳地站住。突然神奇的时刻出现了,这种大自然的景色很少有人看到过。我冲出汽车顶着强风把相机架在发动机罩上,屏住呼吸,连续拍了30帧,可惜只有一张是完美无缺的。
Pure Elements. I drove my 4x4 over rivers to get a view of the Volcano eruption at "Fimmvorduhals" in Iceland. It was a full moon and strong winds gave me problems standing still outside the truck. I had my camera with me and zoom lens but no tripod, suddenly there was a magical moment, I was experiencing a display of nature rarely seen by man. I found my camera with the zoom lens, rushed out of the truck, trying to fight the strong wind. I pushed the camera on to the hood of the truck trying to stand still, holding my breath, I shot 30 frames, and only one shot was good. (Photo and caption by Olafur Ragnarsson)


23 失手的自行车手。没有把握住刹车的自行车手倒地后痛苦不堪,这位身强力壮的极限运动爱好者此刻却显得那么单纯、疲惫不堪甚至不堪一击。
Bicycle Crash. Zestful BMX (Bicycle Moto-Cross) rider crashes after a failed attempt to grind the handrail. When in pain, even the ambitious, strong, extreme sports loving man looks like a simple, tired, vulnerable person. (Photo and caption by Karolis Milasevicius)


24 这是安哥拉卢班戈附近的著名地标塞拉大勒巴公路,建于上世纪70年代,几十年来一直印在该国的明信片上,但都是白天的镜头。我想尝试进行夜间拍摄。但似乎不太可能:漆黑一片、大雾弥漫,而且海拔1800米。我原来打算用60秒的最大暴光值,但汽车走完这段路程需要几分钟车时间,而且浓密雾气挡住了视线!突然云消雾散,有汽车在下山也有汽车在上山,60秒钟不到它们在路段中间相遇了... 于是这张照片便诞生了!
The Serra da Leba Road near Lubango (Huíla, Angola). This is Serra da Leba, a landmark in Angola. A road built in the 70's, it's been in the country's postcard images for decades, but all shots were taken by day. I wanted something different and tried a night shot. But it seemed impossible: pitch dark, foggy, altitude of 1,800m (5,000ft). I wanted no more than 60sec of exposure, max, to avoid digital noise. But a car takes a few minutes to climb or descend this section of the road. The fog was dense and blocking the view! Suddenly the fog cleared, a few cars went down, others went up, they met in the middle in under 60sec... Painting done! (Photo and caption by Kostadin Luchansky