a place called you:Oracle clinical管理培训

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Oracle clinical管理培训

收藏 分享 2011-11-20 13:15| 发布者: avtechcn| 查看数: 6| 评论数: 0

摘要: Oracle clinical管理培训Oracle Clinical Administration Training

Oracle clinical管理培训Oracle Clinical Administration Training

Course Description

SANCTUARY BIO LABS offers short term and long term training programs in the area of Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, Biostatistics (SAS, SPSS & R) and Clinical Research at very affordable price. All our courses conducted by experienced professionals who have in who have enormous industry domain knowledge.


Oracle Clinical provides the life science industry with the most integrated Clinical Data Management (CDM) and Remote Data Capture (RDC) application on the market, while also providing best-of-breed CDM and RDC functionality. OC provides single application architecture for both CDM and RDC. OC provides additional functionality in key areas such as integration, data collection, localization, and reporting.


Fresher or Experienced aspirants


Students from Life Sciences, computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics background, who are at Graduate and Masters Level


Programs oriented towards helping you get certification

Industrial projects

Academic Projects

Personality Development

For further information callus today

for more information telephone consultation :400 -888-5228 or training@avrechcn.cn

温馨提示:Oracle Clinical临床试验数据管理系统是唯一一个将RDCOracle Remote Data Capture)完美整合在传统数据库中的临床数据采集系统。AVTECH中心借助美国总部的强大技术支持,是中国市场上第一家也是唯一一家提供Oracle Clinical技术服务与培训的机构.