
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/19 02:49:28
第四章.文化与思考  1.文学 - 有时,人人都可以成为诗人
Novelist 小说家, literature 文学, indecent literature 色情文学, romance 爱情小说,plot情节, epic novel 史诗小说, poem 诗歌, prose 散文, verse 韵文, poet诗人, epitaph 碑文, inspiration 灵感, rhyme 韵律,anthology 名诗选集, poet laureate 桂冠诗人
Literary works 文学作品, financial hardship 财政危机, literary youth 文学青年, immortal 不朽的, science fiction科幻小说, book party 作者签名售书会, May I have your autograph? 您可以给我签个名吗? genre 风格, impromptu verse 即兴诗
Infiltrated 渗透, sonnet 十四行诗, elegy 哀歌, war song 战歌, epic 叙事诗, plagiarize 剽窃, songwriter 词作者, Your mean nothing to me.对我来说你什么也不是. simile 明喻, poignant 辛辣, satire 讽刺, rhetoric 修辞手法, metaphor 暗喻
He has good penmanship 他的书法很好. He writes with good style. 他的文笔很优美. Calligraphy 书法, cacography 书法拙劣, handwriting 书写体
non-fiction 非小说类散文作品, essay 随笔, autobiography 自传, ghostwriter 代笔者, biography 传记, anecdote 逸闻趣事, posterity 后世, myth 神话
Antihero (作品中)非英雄主角; protagonist 主人公,主角, antagonist 对手,敌人, readership 读者群, description 描写.
2.艺术 - 这才是真正的艺术
Life is short, and art is long. 人生短暂,艺术永恒. Crayon 蜡笔, clay 黏土
Motion picture 电影, first run movie 首映电影, multiplex cinema 复合电影院(多厅电影院,多银幕电影院),box office 售票厅,perform 公演, tragedy 悲剧, comedy 喜剧
Blockbuster 大片, animation 动画片, adult movie 成人电影, horror movie 恐怖片, thriller 惊悚片, hair-raising 令人毛骨悚然的,paparazzo 狗仔队, scenario 剧本, erotic 色情, violent 暴力 rampant 泛滥猖獗,entertainer 演艺人员, edutainer 寓教于乐工作者
Vocalist 歌手, talent show 才艺展示, concert 音乐会,singing contest 歌唱大赛, acoustic guitar 升学吉他, musical instrument 乐器, tambourine 小手鼓, accompaniment 伴奏, percussion instrument 打击乐器, clapping 掌声, recital 独唱会, orchestra 管弦乐队, tone-deaf 乐盲
National anthem 国歌,hymn 赞美诗
Get a compliment 受到称赞
Subtitle 说明或对白的字幕,副标题, celebrity 名声,名人, lead role主演, trailer 预告片,拖车, voice actor 配音演员, co-star 联合主演
3.逻辑与思考 -我思故我在
Respire 呼吸, overwork 过度操劳, cerebral death 脑死亡, I think, therefore I am. 我思故我在.
Consider 考虑, reflect on 反思,meditate 沉思, meditation 冥想, speculate 深思(毫无头绪的想法), Don't build castles in the air. 你别异想天开了.
Fancy 空想, ridicule 嘲笑,imaginative 富有想象力的, distort 歪曲 logical fallacy 逻辑谬误
Rational 理性的,irrational 非理性,hypothesis 假设, infer 推断,eminent 历史学家
Tiresome 劳心费神,make a habit of ~养成一种习惯, the fallacy of generalization 概括性谬误,intuition 直觉,pseudo 假的,虚伪的[秀逗-音], shaman 萨满教的道士,僧人或巫师, fortuneteller 算命先生
Begging the question 循环推理谬误,以未经证实的观点作为立论依据; hasty generalization 草率概括的谬误,从不多的事例中得出一般性的结论; appeal to authority 诉诸权威的谬误,诉诸主张相同逻辑的其他权威人士; post hoc/ ad hoc 因果关系的谬误,因为某事件发生在其他事之前或之后,所以错误地认为两者之间存在因果关系
Torment 痛苦,折磨, torture 拷问,拷打, tortuous 曲折的,歪曲的,邪恶的, retort 反驳,反击,回报, bias against 对...有偏见, bias towards 对...有利的偏见,hypersonic 超音速的,come out of 养成...的习惯,make a habit of 养成...习惯, ponder 沉思,考虑,contemplate 凝视,沉思,冥想, brood 郁郁沉思,(鸟类)孵雏, agonize苦闷,烦恼,痛苦
4.语言 - 嘴可以歪,话必须正~
Material civilization 物质文明, spiritual civilization 精神文明, feat 功劳,功绩,伟业;技艺, confer 授予,赋予, utter 发言, vernacular 母语[mother tongue], speech disorder 语言障碍, in revenge 报复
Consonant 辅音字母, vowel 元音字母, coinage 新单词, neology 新单词,etymology 词源, loanword 外来词, suffix 后缀, affix 词缀
Spoken language 口语, written language 书面语, argot 黑话, jargon 专业术语, malapropism 词语误用, abstruse 晦涩难懂,obtuse 愚蠢的
Proverb 言语, Honesty is the best policy.诚实才是上策. Maxim 格言, family motto 家训, class motto 班训
Monologue 独白, dialogue 对话[conversation], stage aside 旁白,dispute 争论[argument, debate, controversy], wrangle 争吵, rhetoric 修辞学, delivery 演说[speech], sermon 说教, banter 开玩笑,hissing 揶揄
A barking dog never bites. 会叫的狗不咬人. What you don't know can't hurt you. 不知者不为其所害. Too many cooks spoil the broth. 三个和尚没水喝. Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. 恶有恶报. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. 这山望着那山高. Talk of the devil, and he will appear. 说曹操,曹操到. Once bitten, twice shy. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子. Look before you leap. 三思而后行. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. 初生牛犊不怕虎.
Monogamy 一夫一妻制, keep … at a distance 与…保持距离, pun 双关语, linguist 语言学家, onomatopoeia 象声词
5.沟通与交流 - 你不认识我,我怎么认识你?
Mischief 调皮蛋,gibber 哩哩哇啦, pervert 变态, obscene phone call 骚扰电话, allege 信誓旦旦,不容置疑[claim, assert ], confess 坦白, chatter 叽叽喳喳, cockroach 蟑螂, reckless driving 鲁莽驾驶, counsel 规劝, curse 诅咒, narrate 讲述, ingratiate 阿谀奉承[flatter, fawn, adulate, blandish ], applaud 鼓掌喝彩, extol 称赞[exalt, praise, commend, eulogize ], mutter 嘀咕, abbreviate 缩写, acronym 头文字, nag 不停唠叨,retort 回嘴,swear off cigarette 发誓戒烟,propose 提出,grumble 发牢骚,implore 求, abridge 概括
Follow suit 跟着做,跟着出同花色的牌, exaggerate 夸大,夸张, mumble 喃喃而语,咕哝, sotto voice 音调甚低地,低声地, pronounce 发音,宣布, solace 安慰