新博中心学校课文朗读:『Time』一周摄影图片精选:Oct 5

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『Time』一周摄影图片精选:Oct 5- Nov 11,2011

链接: 《Times》新闻摄影图片精选     新闻摄影@Leica.org.cn

Monday, November 7, 2011  
一个年轻的印度穆斯林女孩站在宰牲节祈祷的人群旁,新德里。摄影师:Gurinder Osam
A young Indian Muslim girl stands while others pray in New Delhi during 'Id al Adha, the Festival of Sacrifice.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011
一名索马里渔夫扛着一只箭鱼。摄影师:Mohamed Abdiwahab
A Somali fisherman carries a swordfish through the Hamarweyne district near the port of Mogadishu.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011
一支由地雷遇害者组成的当地足球队在进行训练,车臣。从1994年至今,已经有超过3000起平民误踩地雷的惨剧在车臣发生。摄影师:Diana Markosian
Players from a local football club Laman Az formed by landmine victims practice in a sports hall in the Chechen capital, Grozny.

Friday, November 11, 2011
援英美军牺牲士兵纪念日,飞行员Bryan Kondub半跪悼念,剑桥美国公墓。摄影师:Dan Kitwood
Senior Airman Bryan Kondub kneels beside the grave of a fallen soldier at the Cambridge American Cemetery after a memorial service in Madingley.

Friday, November 11, 2011
一对新婚夫妇在布拉格的老城广场拍婚纱照,捷克。世界各地的情侣均选择2011年11月11日结婚。摄影师:Michal Cizek
A bridal couple pose in Prague's Old Town Square after their marriage.

Friday, November 11, 2011
人们在死海岸边附近的温泉里泡澡,以色列。摄影师:Menahem Kahana
Israelis bathe in hot springs on the shore of the Dead Sea near Ein Gedi.