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Knowledge Forum的示范,知识建构的工具
发表于2011 年 06 月 04 日 由侯爽
在电脑辅助协同学习的领域,Marlene Scardamalia算是很有名,甚至可以说是本领域的创造者之一。她的主要贡献是《知识建构》的理论,而进行知识建构的平台Knowledge Forum.
Real ideas and authentic problems
Unlike textbook problems, authentic problems in real life are ones that students really care about. In the knowledge building community, students gain understanding by producing real ideas based on authentic problems.认识从生活中真实的问题出发
Improvable ideas
All ideas from students are treated as improvable. Students work continuously to improve the quality, coherence, and utility of ideas. The learning culture must make students feel safe and comfortable to take risks in revealing ignorance, voicing half-baked notions, giving and receiving criticism.所有的概念与想法皆可改进
Idea diversity
The diversity of ideas raised by students is essential to the development of knowledge advancement. To understand an idea is to understand the ideas that surround it, including those that stand in contrast to it. Idea diversity creates a rich environment for ideas to evolve into new and more refined forms.多元化的意念与想法
Rise above
Through working with growingly diverse and complex problems, students sustainably improve their ideas and understanding. They eventually achieve new syntheses, more inclusive principles and higher level concepts.自觉提升讨论层次,开展更深入的讨论方向
Epistemic agency
Students themselves actively find their way to knowledge advancement. They fully consider the various ideas given by the learning community and negotiate a fit between each others’ ideas. They set their own learning goals and plans, are self-motivated and engage in evaluation by themselves.自觉参与主导知识建构的过程
Community knowledge, collective responsibility
Students’ contributions to shared goals of the learning community are prized and rewarded as much as individual achievements. Team members produce ideas of value to others and share responsibility for the overall advancement of knowledge in the community.共有的知识,集体对认知负责
Democratizing knowledge
All individuals are invited to contribute to the knowledge advancement in the classroom and take pride in the achievement.创建新知民主化
Symmetric knowledge advancement
Expertise is distributed within and between communities. Symmetry in knowledge advancement results from knowledge exchange and from the fact that to give knowledge is to get knowledge.知识上的共同增长
Pervasive Knowledge Building
Knowledge building is not confined to particular occasions or subjects but pervades mental life— in and out of school.不受时空限制建构新知
Constructive uses of authoritative sources
To support their learning, learners need to respect and understand authoritative sources to get in touch with the present state and growing-edge of knowledge with a critical attitude.有建设性而不盲目地利用权威文献
Knowledge Building discourse
Students are engaged in discourse to share, refine and transform knowledge to reach for the goal of knowledge advancement.以建构新知为目的的讨论
Embedded and transformative assessment
Assessment is part of the effort to advance knowledge— it is embedded in the day-to-day learning process and used to identify problems as the learning proceeds. The community creates and engages in its own internal assessment, which is more fine-tuned and rigorous than external assessment.评估嵌进知识建构的过程中,以提升和改进群
我刚进入安大略省教育研究所的时候我有了机会参加Scardamalia教的一门关于知识建构社会的课。课程的组织当然是按照上面的原则,而且平台就是Knowledge Forum。那时候我觉得是一门非常有意思的课程,Knowledge Forum这个平台虽然看起来有一点破旧,但功能确实很厉害。跟别人描述课程的过程以及平台的设计和功能很难,所以我拍了一个小的电影跟大家分享我的经验。希望会有所帮助。(截屏的叙事都是英语的,抱歉)。