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讀孫子兵法學英文/一記回馬槍 【經濟日報╱朱文章】 2011.11.11 10:47 pm  

人有周轉不靈之時,當鋪遂應運而生。以前,朝奉是當舖靈魂人物:典當品的真偽、來歷和價值,全靠他慧眼定奪。低估,給了賤價(dime a dozen),使人產生被剝削感,從此不再上門;高估,給了高價,專業蒙塵(black and blue),不但讓同行訕笑,見獵心喜(my enemies' misfortune is my opportunity),口耳相傳之下,必定導致生意受損。以下是司馬中原《鄉野傳奇》一個小故事:

某天,掌燈時分,金滿城當鋪來了位寒士(Grub Street hack),並且出示一只「似玉非玉,似瓷非瓷,纖毫畢露,如繪如雕」的鮮紅鳳凰細瓶。細聲說道,已經山窮水盡(on his beam-ends),只好將寶物典當(on the block)。


數月後,李老朝奉發現,紅絲鳳是隻假瓶。他擺下酒宴,當著幾十位朝奉宣布:「我收了假瓶,再也沒臉再幹下去了!欠東家2萬銀洋,一時償還不起,日後賣田折產,總要清還的(ante up)。」說著,攫起瓶朝柱角摔去。在場的朝奉,回各省傳誦著這件離奇事情。



孫子說:「先其所愛,微與之期,踐墨隨敵,以決戰事。是故始如處女,敵人開戶」。李朝奉在眾人面前一番言詞,目的是騙歹徒回籠,旨在欺敵(pull one's leg),實際上是一記回馬槍(a parting shot),因為抓到「所愛」,得到「敵人開戶」的效果,終而順利拿回典當金。

例:"Pawnbrokers stress resale value of the item, and a five-year-old 42" Sony TV is a dime a dozen these days."「當舖掌櫃眼中在意的,是典當品的出售價值,一台用了很多年的電視機,在他們看來一文不值。」

"His image would be knocked black and blue if he made wrong decision often in determining the amount of the loan too high."「如果經常錯估典當品的價值,給了高價次數過多,就會名聲掃地。」

"Lee's misfortune is their opportunity; such is the nature of the game and they intend to take it."「老李的際遇讓他們見獵心喜,這也是這一行的常態。」

"During his long career as a Grub Street hack and closet poet, Du Fu diligently frequented the derelict pawn shops."「杜甫雖有文名,但收入甚寡,經常典當度日。」

"He was on his beam-ends when people came after him for the debts."「債主追討上門,他深感山窮水盡。」

"In order to survive the financial crisis, he was forced to put this most valuable vase on the block."「他把寶瓶出售,希望度過財務難關。」

"Pawnbroker Li had to ante up a lot of money to get his mistake fixed."「李朝奉必須籌足大筆金錢,好彌補犯下的大錯。」"Pawnbroker Li decided to pull his leg and con the customer into returning so he could take back the loan."「李朝奉略施小計,讓典當者回籠,以取回款項。」

"The point of his parting shot was actually 'I'm going to locate the person who steals our money.'"「他臨別感言的真意其實是:我發誓找到那個小偷。」
