fscanf matlab:如何记住别人的名字

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/06/01 14:31:22



  步骤:    被介绍给某人时就要注意,几分钟后自己重复一下他的名字。如果忘了,可借机去和他说些话并问下名字。    1)写下新认识的人的名字,同时想像其人的脸。    2)问问一个复杂的字怎么写,如果有可以看看他的名片。要把名字的写法在脑中形成图像。    3)把名字和一个普通词关联。(如,谐音) 



  技巧:   1)迅速记录下新的名字;    2)训练并培养对人名字的敏感度; 



  案例:   在会议中记住别人的名字: 



          table       |






     * Frank  *Dean


        table         | * Allan


     *me     *Jack    *Bob





    * Frank  *Dean


         table        | * Allan


    *me     *Jack    *Bob



      Bob- 长胡子,市场




  Meeting Tips: Learning Names




  你能说出哪个简单的词,使你的客户听到后立刻喜欢上你提供的业务并成为你永远的用户? 哪两个词能够帮你带来源源不断的业务?答案是:你客户的名字。

  不论何时你联系你的客户--不论直接的,还是电话、传真、或邮件--一直要用他们的名字。 当你这样做时,业务上的经历就变化个人的了。并且当你的业务经历变为个人的时,你的客户变的完全依赖这个关系,因而变为你的朋友。 当你用客户的名字,他们变得和你一样关心你的成功。

  当听到他们的名字时,你的客户变成了你的拥护者。 他们会帮你吹喇叭,并维护你的荣誉。 他们会把你推荐给他们的朋友并永远忠实于你,即使他们在别处可能以更便宜的买到同样的产品或服务。





  The Words Your Customers Love to Hear


  What are the two little words you can say to all of your customers that will immediately endear your business to them and guarantee they will be your customers for life? What two little words can drive your business through the roof? The answer: your customers' names.


  Whenever you have contact with your customers -- whether it's in person, or by phone, fax, or e-mail -- always use their names. When you do so, the business experience becomes personal. And when the business experience becomes personal, your customers become vested in the relationship and thereby become your friend. When you use the customers' names, they become as concerned about your success as you are.


  At the sound of their names, your customers become your champions. They will toot your horn and defend your honor. They will recommend you to their friends and be loyal to you to the end, even when they can get the same product or service elsewhere for less money.


  Unfortunately, 99% of business owners and their employees fail to realize the importance of personalizing the business relationship. While they are happy to take my hard-earned dollars, most businesses couldn't care less what my name is. That's why so many businesses fail: They see their customers as numbers, not names. The 1% of businesses that understand the impact of personalizing the business experience are the ones that will flourish for many years to come.


摘自:《Business Week》


