
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/20 13:01:25
国外禁片大盘点[2011-10-30] 1条评论 下一组:留学达人实拍:令人欲哭无泪的中美物价对比1/180
《发条橙》(1971)      1999年在英国被禁播。Dustin Hoffman stars as a Mathematician who experiences some harassment from local men, who go on to rape his wife Amy, leading him to respond with a violent attack.        达斯汀·霍夫曼扮演了一位被常当地人骚扰的数学家,并且这些人随后还强奸了他的妻子艾米,这导致他进行了猛烈的还击。The initial rape scene was criticised, as Amy begins to find it pleasurable due to a sexual history with the rapist. Feminist cinema critics accused director Peckinpah of glamorizing rape and the BBFC asked for cuts to the scene, but the film was finally passed fully uncut for DVD in September 2002.    最初的强奸场景被广为批判,因为艾米曾经与强奸犯有过私情,因此开始享受被强奸。女权主义电影评论家指控导演佩金法给强奸带上光环,英国电影审查局要求对该场景进行剪切,然而这部电影最终于2002年9月经过审查发行无删节DVD。Released in the same year as A Clockwork Orange, The French Connection, and Dirty Harry, the film sparked heated controversy over the increase of violence in cinema.  与《发条橙》、《法国贩毒网》和《肮脏的哈利》同年发行,这部电影激发了对于暴力美学电影的更为热烈的争论。