全民足球彩票:英语自然拼读法(English Phonics)的定义_远小近大fgdg

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/06/06 06:12:32

英语自然拼读法(English Phonics)的定义

学会英文拼音,就是是阅读的基础。而使用自然拼读法教拼音是个相当有效的方法(看“文章一: 什么方法教小孩阅读英文最好?”)。自然拼读法(Phonics)和语音学(Phonetics)是不一样的。语音学是研究人类语言声音的学科,而自然拼读法是教字母发音和文字拼音的一种教育模式。



26个字母 (alphabet letters) 的发音,包括:

  • 子音(consonant letter sounds):b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z
  • 短元音(short vowel sounds)和长元音(long vowel sounds): a, e, i, o, u (应先学短元音后再学长元音的发音)

特殊组合 (Special combination) 的发音,包括:

  • 混合音(consonant blend sounds):br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr, wr, bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, sl, scr, str, sm, sn, sp, sc, sk …
  • 字母c, g, y的特殊发音 (special sounds of “c”, “g” and “y”): ce, ci, cy, ge, gi, gy, 和结尾用的 y
  • 复合子音(digraph sounds):sh, ch, th (voiced), th (unvoiced), wh, ng, nk
  • 复合元音(double vowel sounds): ai, ea, ee, oa, oi, oo, ou, ue, ui …
  • 不发音的 E 字体(silent E):例子请看本文最后一段。
  • 元音加 “r” 的发音 (r-controlled vowels): ar, er, ir, or, ur

复杂的语言,很多特殊的发音例子(看“文章四: 需知道英文的特点”)。要正确把握英文拼音,不能硬记发音,因为实在太多不规则的例子,必须多读文章和整体的句子。最好方法是每当学会一些简单发音规则的时候,便反复阅读相关句子来练习。普通的发音熟练了,便很容易发现和记住一些不规则的特殊英文字。

最后, 我找了一篇很有意思的歌词,是1971年在美国电视上首播的。它举了一些不发音的 E 字体例子,歌名叫 “Silent E!”。

Silent E!

Who can turn a can into a cane?
Who can turn a pan into a pane?
It’s not too hard to see, it’s Silent E!

Who can turn a cub into a cube?
Who can turn a tub into a tube?
It’s elementary, for Silent E!

He took a pin and turned it into pine,
He took a twin and turned him into twine.

Who can turn a cap into a cape?
Who can turn a tap into a tape?
A little glob becomes a globe instantly,
If you just add Silent E!

He turned a dam - Alakazam! - into a dame,
But my friend Sam stayed just the same.

Who can turn a man into a mane?
Who can turn a van into a vane?
A little hug becomes huge instantly.
Don’t add W, don’t add X, and don’t add Y or Z.
Just add Silent E!

(PBS children’s show “The Electric Company” in 1971)

