健康养生会所:模块9 Unit 4 重点词汇讲解

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单  元:Unit 4 Behind beliefs
板  块:词汇
1. polish
1) polish vt. 磨光,擦亮,提高,改进
He polished his floor with a special chemical.
2) polish up磨光,擦亮,提高,改进
He polished up an old copper coin.
I’ll need to polish up my French if I’m going to France for my holidays.
3) polish off 吃完,完成
He polished up a plate of fish in no time at all
4) polish n.鞋油,去污剂,亮彩,磨擦
Your shoes need a polish.
He bought a tin of brown polish.
A hot plate can spoil the table’s polish.
Your writing has potential but lacks polish.
2. figure
1)figure n. 数字;钱数
His score is now well into double figures.
It is estimated that his property is up to a figure of $200 million.
2) figure n. 体形,体态
How does she manage to keep her figure when she eats so much?
3) figure n. 人物,重要人物
He was the outstanding political figure of his time.
4) figure n. 人影
I can’t make out a dark figure in the distance.
5) figure v. (经过思考后)认为,以为
I figured that he was drunk and shouldn’t be allowed to drive.
6) figure v. 计算
Larry figured his expenses for the past month.
figure out 想出,理解(某事)
Can you figure out how to do it?
It took me hours to figure those algebra problems out.
3. in other words 换言之,也就是说
In other words, our objective is to avoid losing.
1) find the words 用恰当的语言表达
She only wished she could find the words to express her affection for the old man.
2) keep one’s word  信守诺言
Gail kept her word and returned all the money.
3) in a word 总之,一句话,简言之
―Do you enjoy the film?
―In a word—no.
“你喜欢这部电影吗?” “一句话,不喜欢。”
4) word for word  逐字逐句
The newspaper printed his speech more or less word for word.
5) have a word with sb. 与某人交谈
Could I have a word with you after the meeting?
6) have words with sb, 与某争吵
Yesterday he had words with his classmate about a small thing.
4. represent  v.
1) 代表(某人、某团体)
Mr. Kobayashi was chosen to represent the company at the conference.
The protesters represented only a small section of public opinion.
All the local societies and clubs were represented in the parade.
The red lines on the map represent railways.
The painting represents the first settlers arriving in America.
6)represent oneself as 佯称自己是
They represented themselves as the party of low taxation.
7)represent sb as  把某人描写为
Shakespeare represents Richard III as a cruel-hearted person.
8) 再送给,再提出
The phone company re-presented the bill for payment.
5. mend one’s way 改邪归正,改过自新
In the past, he was a troublemaker, but now he has mended his way.
mend a fault 改正错误
Crying will not mend matters. 哭无济于事。
The patient is mending nicely. 病人正在日益好转。
It is never too late to mend. 改过不嫌晚。
find one’s way out 找到出路
feel one’s way 摸索着前进
fight one’s way 突破---而前进
make one’s way (艰难)朝---走
force one’s way 挤出一条路
have one’s way 随心所欲
push one’s way 挤过去
6. expression  n.
1) 词,词组;措辞
The expression “in the family way” means “pregnant”.
词组“in the family way”的意思是“怀孕”。
2) 表情
Petra looked at her plate with an expression of disgust.
3) 表达,表示
The minister gave expression to his anger in an attack on the government last night.
4) 表露,展现
Tom’s potential artistic talents found their expression in music.
7. mean  v.
1) 意欲,打算
mean to do sth
I’ve been meaning to phone you all the week.
mean sb to do sth
Oh, no! I never meant her to read those comments.
mean for sb to do sth
I didn’t mean for her to get hurt.
be meant to do sth  应该做某事
I thought the police were meant to protect people.
What do you mean by that? 你那么说是什么意思?
I’m determined to solve this mystery even if it means traveling to New York myself.
mean adj. 卑鄙的,不善良的,吝啬的
It was mean of you to eat all the food.
Don’t be so mean to her. 不要对她如此刻薄!
He’s always been mean with his money. 他对钱总是很吝啬。
8. refer to
1) 提到,谈到
We agreed never to refer to the matter again.
Although she didn’t mention any names, everyone knew who she was referring to.
2) 参考,查看,查阅
Complete the exercise without referring to a dictionary.
3) 涉及,关于
The figures in the left-hand column refer to our sales abroad.
4) 让---去查询,提交(某机构或某人)作决定
Professor Watson referred me to an article she had written on the subject.
9. passage n.
1) 过道,走廊
Mary’s room is just along the passage.
2) 通道,通路
We forced a passage through the crowd.
3) 一段,一节
You will understand the whole text after reading the first passage.
4) (法案的)通过
The bill was amended several times during its passage through the Congress.
5) 穿过;越过;经过
The bridge isn’t strong enough to allow the passage of heavy vehicles.
6) 时间的流逝
With the passage of time, things began to look more hopeful.
10. instruct  v.
instruct sb to do sth
Our staff have been instructed to offer you every assistance.
as instructed  依照指示
We returned the questionnaire as instructed.
instruct sb in sth
Greater effort is needed to instruct children in road safety.
instruct sb that
I want you to instruct them that they have to attend an important meeting to attend this afternoon.
4) (法律)聘请(律师)出庭
Once you have decided to proceed with a case, you should instruct a good lawyer.
11. circumstance  n.
I can’t imagine a circumstance in which I would be quarrelling with her.
2)under/in no circumstances  决不,无论如何都不
Under no circumstances are you to leave the house.
3)in/under the circumstances  在这种情况下,既然如此
The result was the best that could be expected under the circumstances.
Force of circumstance compelled us to leave. 形势所迫, 我们不得不走。
12. suit
1) vt. 适合,相配
Will it suit you if I come around at three?
That song doesn’t suit his voice.
Your hairstyle doesn’t suit your face.
2) n.(一)套,套装
Today he is wearing a sports suit
He looks very handsome in a suit of dark clothes.
3) vt. suit oneself 随某人的便
―I don’t really feel like going out tonight.    ―Suit yourself.
―我今晚不是很想出去。     ―随你的便。
4) be suited to 和……相配
These clothes aren’t really suited to a tropical climate.
13. honour
1) n. 荣誉,光荣的事
For the French team, winning tomorrow’s game is a matter of national honour.
Earlier this year I had the honour of meeting the President and Mrs Bush.
2) n. 荣誉称号,荣誉勋章
Churchill received many of his country’s highest honours.
3) vi./vt. 感到荣幸;礼待(某人)
I felt deeply honoured to be playing against the former Wimbledon Champion.
Our honoured guests this evening are the scientists from America.
4) 给(某人)以荣誉
The government has honoured him many times for his great contributions to his motherland.
it is an honour to do sth. 很荣幸做某事
in honour of 为了表示对(某人)的崇敬
do the honours (在社交场合)尽主人之谊
honour a contract / agreement 履行合同/协议
14. possession  n.
1) 所有物,财产
I packed my remaining possessions into the trunk.
2) (正式)拥有,占有
The house has been in the family’s possession since the 1500s.
be in one’s possession / have sth in one’s possession  拥有某物
come into one’s possession  为某人所得到,落入某人之手
take/have possession of sth  拥有某物,拿到某物
15. picture
1) 画,图画,照片
A picture of a waterfall hung on the wall.
2) 描写,描绘,描述
Archaeologists are trying to build up a picture of life in Mayan cities.
3) 图画,画面
Something is wrong with the TV—the picture is blurry.
4) 形象,印象
I still have a vivid picture of the first time I saw Paris.
1) 想像,设想
Rob had pictured her as kind of serious, but she wasn’t like that at all.
2) 拍摄,画,绘
The billboard pictured a handsome, thirtyish man smoking a cigarette.
3) 描述,描绘
The situation is realistically pictured in the first chapter.
1. My sister was against my suggestion that we go to Shanghai for our holidays while my brother was __________ it.
A. in favor of                   B. in memory o          C. in honor of            D. in search of
2. The best example of a paradox is the proverb ‘More _______ less speed’.
A. haste                B. range                C. possession            D. purse
3. Please do not ______ when somebody else is talking.
A. intend                      B. interpret                C. interrupt               D. invest
4. Thanks for the advice, but this is something I have to _________ out myself.
A. fulfill                  B. identify              C. figure                D. claim
5. Under no _________ will I go there again.
A. circumstance             B. situation             C. giant                 D. happen
6. ―Mom, I still have an ache in my stomach.
―Don’t worry. The pain will go away_________.
A. by the by                 B. side by side         C. by and by            D. one by one
7. ―The boss said we had only three days to finish the work.
―Don’t worry. We have already ______ two thirds of it.
A. got down                B. got through           C. throw away           D. given away
8. By reading we enrich the mind, by conversation we _______ it.
A. polish                    B. make                C. do                  D. treasure
9. It was __________ to everyone that he was seriously ill, because he was looking pale all day.
A. vague                     B. apparent             C. deliberate             D. loose
10. Always read the ________ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.
A. explanations            B. instructions          C. descriptions          D. introductions
1. While listening to the terrible story, I felt my facial _________(表情) beginning to change.
2. All the mistakes in my English composition had been _________(加下划线) in red ink by my teacher.
3. Don’t worry. There are two ________(直截了当的) ways of achieving this result.
4. The instructions for this clever method are given _________(频繁地) and are easy to understand.
5. The president went abroad for a friendly visit, accompanied by his _________(译员).
6. Why you let her talk you into doing such a foolish thing is beyond my _________(理解力).
7. Increased speed of _________(通讯) means that people can act much more quickly and work more efficiently.
8. Now I find that the level of _______(能力) among hospital staff is not as high as expected.
9. He was rather ________(含糊的) about the reasons why he was so late for class this morning.
10. Building inspectors should have a _________(完全的) knowledge of construction materials, otherwise, quality problems will come up in some buildings.
by and by         mend one’s ways       in other words
for a long time     quite a few            throw away
1. The Communist Party committees tried to ‘re-educate’ him but he refuse to __________.
2. It will come all the easier to like him __________ when we are all together.
3. I have been waiting for her _________, but she hasn’t turned up yet.
4. Now even ________ scientists continue to doubt whether cloning is beneficial to human beings.
5. Britain must now _________ this opportunity by electing a Labor government.
6. He didn’t do well in the College Entrance Examination. ________, he may not go to any key university.
search for        be associated with        refer to
For instance      make a point             be meant to
1.       In children’s minds summer __________ picnics.
2.       I have always __________ of visiting my mother on her birthday.
3.       Motorola, _________ , has announced that from now on all Motorola-produced mobile phones will have access to the Internet.
4.       He who would __________ pearls must dive below.
5.       They __________ serve as an introduction, to whet your appetite for further study and to help you understand those around you better.
6.       The traveler __________ his guide book for details of his journey.
W: Hi. I’d like to know something about idiom. Could you please tell me?
M: With pleasure. An idiom is a group of  words or an (1) e_________ whose meaning often cannot be understood by looking at the meanings of the (2) s_________ words in it. Its meaning can be completely different from the meanings of its (3) c_________ . It you can’t recognize when an idiom is being used, you can (4) m_________ what you read or hear spoken.
W: Then where do many idioms come from?
M: They mostly come from the Bible which was first written in Hebrew and then translated into Greek. However, many idioms have either lost their (5) o_________ meanings or have only a vague or loose (6) c_________ to Hebrew or Greek idioms.
W: What meanings do Biblical idioms have?
M: Biblical idioms originally had (7) s_________ and clear meanings because they were often meant to (8) u_________ the moral of a story  and to give audiences an image to help them to understand the story better. And there are also many idioms from the Bible that use animals to create an image. Another focus of Biblical idioms is often food or things (9) r_________ to food.
W: Should we master as many Biblical idioms as possible?
M: Of course. Idioms are an important part of language and are used in everything. Studying them can help improve you comprehension, and by learning enough important idioms, you can develop a high level of (10) c_________ in your communication
There are many idioms in the English language and (1) ________ a few of them come from the Bible. Centuries ago, when the Bible was (2) ________ from Hebrew into Greek, many Hebrew and Greek idioms have become part of English. However, many of these idioms have either lost their original meanings or have only a vague or loose connection to them now. For instance, “by and by” was used to mean (3)“________”, but now it means “before long”.
Originally biblical idioms had straightforward and clear meanings because they were often intended to underline the moral of a story and to give (4) ________ an image to help them understand the story better. A well-known idiom “feet of clay” comes from a dream story in the Bible. Nowadays, it is used to mean that there is a (5) ________ weakness in somebody we admire or respect.
Some idioms from the Bible are connected with animals, which are used to (6) ________ an image. Besides, another focus of biblical idioms is often food or things related to food. For instance, children are often referred to as the “apple of their parents’ eyes”, which means that their parents love them very much and are very proud of them. It comes from an (7) ________ written by King David in the Bible, in which he asked God to remember to take care of him like a child.
In fact, idioms are an important part of language and used in everything from (8) ________ to films and newspaper. We can benefit a lot from learning them. For example, studying them can help improve your (9) ________ and if you learn enough important idioms, you can develop a high level of competence in your communication skills. What’s more, if you have a thorough
understanding of English idioms and their origins, you can better understand and (10) ________
the history and cultures of English-speaking countries because idioms are carriers of history and culture.
(一)单项选择::1—5 AACCA    6—10 CBABB
(二)单词拼写:1. expression   2. underlined       3. straightforward     4. frequently
5. interpreter   6. comprehension   7. communication    8. competence
9. vague      10. thorough
(三)词组填空:(A)  1. mend his way     2. by and by        3. for a long time
4. quite a few        5. throw away       6. In other words
(B)  1. is associated with    2. made a point of    3. for instance
4. search for               5. are meant to        6. referred to
(四)对话填空:1.expression   2.separate     3.components    4. misunderstand   5.original
6. connection  7. straightforward  8. underline  9. related     10. competence
(五)短文填空:1. quite     2. translated     3. immediately 4. audiences      5. hidden
6. create     7. passage      8. literature    9. comprehension  10. appreciate