扒皮李静linda:艺术家:让 - 奥诺雷弗拉戈纳尔

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*国外油画 *国内油画 *精致工笔 *风景人物
*雕塑奇石 工艺频电影 学习笔记
艺术家:让 - 奥诺雷弗拉戈纳尔

让娜弗拉戈纳尔法国画家1732公元 - 1806公元让 - 奥诺雷弗拉戈纳尔(法语发音:[?ãono?ef?aɡonɑ?]; 1732年4月[2] - 1806年8月22日)是一个法国画家和版画家的后期洛可可方式是区分显着设施,繁荣,和享乐主义。 One of the most prolific artists active in the last decades of the Ancien Régime, Fragonard produced more than 550 paintings (not counting drawings and etchings), of which only five are dated.最丰富的艺术家活跃在过去几十年的旧制度,弗拉戈纳尔生产了超过550幅作品(不包括图纸和蚀刻),其中只有5年。 Among his most popular works are genre paintings conveying an atmosphere of intimacy and veiled eroticism.在他最受欢迎的作品都传达一个亲密和含蓄的色情气氛的风俗画。
Jean-Honoré Fragonard was born at Grasse, Alpes-Maritimes, the son of François Fragonard, a glover, and Françoise Petit.[1] He was articled to a Paris notary when his father's circumstances became strained through unsuccessful speculations, but showed such talent and inclination for art that he was taken at the age of eighteen to François Boucher, who, recognizing the youth's rare gifts but disinclined to waste his time with one so inexperienced, sent him to Chardin's atelier.吉恩 - 奥诺雷弗拉戈纳尔是出生于格拉斯,阿尔卑斯滨海省,弗朗索瓦弗拉戈纳尔,一个格洛弗的儿子弗朗索瓦佩蒂特。[1],他是articled一个巴黎公证时,他的父亲的情况下成为通过不成功的猜测紧张,但表现出这样的人才和对艺术的倾向,他在十八岁的人,认识到青少年的珍贵礼物,但不愿浪费他的时间,所以经验不足,弗朗索??瓦布歇,把他送到夏尔丹的画室。 Fragonard studied for six months under the great luminist, then returned more fully equipped to Boucher, whose style he soon acquired so completely that the master entrusted him with the execution of replicas of his paintings.弗拉戈纳尔师从伟大的luminist六个月,然后返回设备齐全鲍彻,其风格他很快就获得如此彻底,主交给他执行他的绘画作品的复制品。 Though not yet a pupil of the Academy, Fragonard gained the Prix de Rome in 1752 with a painting of "Jeroboam Sacrificing to the Golden Calf", but before proceeding to Rome he continued to study for three years under Charles-André van Loo.虽然尚未学院,弗拉戈纳尔的学生在1752年获得罗马大奖与绘画的“牺牲自己的金牛犊耶罗波安”,但在前往罗马之前,他继续学习3年根据查尔斯安德烈面包车厕所。 In the year preceding his departure he painted the "Christ washing the Feet of the Apostles" now at Grasse cathedral.在他的离职前一年,他画的“基督洗衣机的使徒的脚”,现在在格拉斯大教堂。 On 17 September 1756, he took up his abode at the French Academy in Rome, then presided over by Charles-Joseph Natoire.在1756年9月17日,他在罗马法兰西学院接受了他的归宿,然后由查尔斯约瑟夫Natoire主持。 While at Rome, Fragonard contracted a friendship with a fellow painter, Hubert Robert.在罗马期间,弗拉戈纳尔承包与一位同行画家的友谊,休伯特罗伯特。 In 1760, they toured Italy together, executing numerous sketches of local scenery.在1760年,他们参观了意大利,执行当地的风景无数的草图。 It was in these romantic gardens, with their fountains, grottos, temples and terraces, that Fragonard conceived the dreams which he was subsequently to render in his art.正是在这些浪漫的花园,喷泉,洞穴,寺庙和梯田,弗拉戈纳尔设想,他随后被呈现在他的艺术的梦想。 He also learned to admire the masters of the Dutch and Flemish schools (Rubens, Hals, Rembrandt, Ruisdael), imitating their loose and vigorous brushstrokes.他还学会了欣赏荷兰和佛兰芒语学校(鲁本斯,伦勃朗,哈尔斯,Ruisdael)的主人,模仿他们的松动和有力的笔触。 Added to this influence was the deep impression made upon his mind by the florid sumptuousness of Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, whose works he had an opportunity to study in Venice before he returned to Paris in 1761.这种影响是深刻的印象,在他的脑海乔瓦尼巴蒂斯塔Tiepolo,其作品他有机会在威尼斯的研究之前,他在1761年返回巴黎的花语豪华。 In 1765, his "Coresus et Callirhoe" secured his admission to the Academy.在1765年,他的“Coresus等Callirhoe”获得了学院的录取。 It was made the subject of a pompous (though not wholly serious) eulogy by Diderot, and was bought by the king, who had it reproduced at the Gobelins factory.这是一个华而不实的主题(虽然不完全严重)的悼词由狄德罗,并买了由国王,曾在戈布兰工厂转载。 Hitherto Fragonard had hesitated between religious, classic and other subjects; but now the demand of the wealthy art patrons of Louis XV's pleasure-loving and licentious court turned him definitely towards those scenes of love and voluptuousness with which his name will ever be associated, and which are only made acceptable by the tender beauty of his color and the virtuosity of his facile brushwork; such works include the Blind man's bluff[3], Serment d'amour (Love Vow), Le Verrou (The Bolt), La Culbute (The Tumble), La Chemise enlevée (The Shirt Removed), and L'escarpolette (The Swing, Wallace Collection), and his decorations for the apartments of Mme du Barry and the dancer Madeleine Guimard.迄今为止弗拉戈纳尔犹豫宗教,经典和其他学科之间,但现在的路易十五的乐趣,爱好和淫乱法庭富有的艺术赞助人的需求转向对爱与voluptuousness与他的名字将永远被关联的那些场面他肯定,并只接受招标由他的色彩美和他的浅显的笔法精湛,这样的作品包括盲人的虚张声势[3],Serment D' AMOUR(爱VOW),乐Verrou(螺栓),Culbute香格里拉(滚筒),睡裙拉enlevée(衬衫),L' escarpolette(摆动,华莱士收藏馆),和他的夫人杜巴里和舞蹈家马德琳Guimard公寓的装饰。 A lukewarm response to these series of ambitious works induced Fragonard to abandon Rococo and to experiment with Neoclassicism.这些一系列雄心勃勃的工程引起的反应冷淡弗拉戈纳尔放弃洛可可和新古典主义的实验。 He married Marie-Anne Gérard, herself a painter of miniatures[4], (1745–1823) on 17 June 1769 and had a daughter, Rosalie Fragonard (1769–1788), who became one of his favourite models.他与玛丽 - 安妮热拉尔结婚,自己是一个微缩的画家[4](1745年至1823年)于1769年6月17日,并有一个女儿,罗萨莉弗拉戈纳尔(1769年至1788年),成为他最喜爱的车型之一的。 In October 1773, he again went to Italy with Pierre-Jacques Onézyme Bergeret de Grancourt and his son, Pierre-Jacques Bergeret de Grancourt.在1773年10月,他再次前往意大利与皮埃尔 - 雅克Onézyme Bergeret DE Grancourt和他的儿子皮埃尔 - 雅克Bergeret DE Grancourt。 In September 1774, he returned through Vienna, Prague, Dresden, Frankfurt and Strasbourg.在1774年9月,他回到维也纳,布拉格,德累斯顿,法兰克福和斯特拉斯堡。 Back in Paris, Marguerite Gérard, his wife's 14-year-old sister, became his pupil and assistant in 1778.回到巴黎,他的妻子14岁的妹妹,玛格丽特热拉尔,成为他的学生和助手于1778年。 In 1780, he had a son, Alexandre-Évariste Fragonard (1780–1850), who eventually became a talented painter and sculptor. 1780年,他有一个儿子,亚历山大埃瓦里斯特弗拉戈纳尔(1780年至1850年),最终成为一个有才华的画家和雕塑家。 The French Revolution deprived Fragonard of his private patrons: they were either guillotined or exiled.法国大革命剥夺了他的私人赞助弗拉戈纳尔:他们被送上断头台或流放。 The neglected painter deemed it prudent to leave Paris in 1793 and found shelter in the house of his friend Maubert at Grasse, which he decorated with the series of decorative panels known as the Les progrès de l'amour dans le cœur d'une jeune fille,[5] originally painted for Château du Barry.被忽视的画家认为审慎的做法是在1793年离开巴黎,发现在他的朋友在格拉斯Maubert,这是他的Les进步的倾慕DANS LE COEUR D' UNE喜臻艺术精品FILLE知名的装饰板系列装饰的房子栖身[5]原画城堡杜巴里。 Jean-Honoré Fragonard returned to Paris early in the nineteenth century, where he died in 1806, almost completely forgotten.让娜弗拉戈纳尔回到巴黎在19世纪初,在那里他于1806年去世,几乎完全忘记了。