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2010年01月21日 16:03 标签:简欧英语 英语是世界上最通用的语言,是30个国家的官方语言,接近10亿的人口在说英语。在许多专业领域,比如航空,商务,科学,娱乐和外交等,英语是国际公认的语言。英帝国曾是世界的领头羊,现在的美国又是超级大国,这让英语的地位变得巩固,让我们看看为何英语成为世界的时尚,看看学习英语为什么变得前所未有的重要。

English is arguably the most useful language in the world, and the closest one to be considered a universal language.  It is the official language of 30 countries, and is spoken by more than half a billion people.  It’s often the international language of many fields including communications, science, business, aviation, entertainment, radio, and diplomacy.  The British Empire and the United States’ recent positions as the world’s leading superpowers have further solidified its position as a dominant language.  Let’s take a look at some reasons for how you can benefit from learning this important language.



English Speakers

English is spoken as a native language by hundreds of millions of people and dozens of countries.  The countries where it is an official language include the United States, the United Kingdom, India, Australia, the Philippines, South Africa, and Canada.  However, if you consider people who learned English as a foreign language, the number of people who speak the language skyrockets, as it is by far the most popular second language to learn worldwide. 




Ask anyone what they would like to do if they had lots of time and money and they most likely will say “travel the world”.  Well guess what?  Travelling can be made much more fulfilling by learning English because so many places around the world can speak it to some degree.  A Chinese person who travels to Thailand for example, will not have to learn the Thai language to speak with the locals as many of the locals are able to communicate with basic level English.  The same thing goes for most European countries.  A case in point is Germany, whose people are renowned for their fluency in English. 




Many learners flock to English schools for a very practical reason:  to earn more money and improve their careers.  It is true that your skill level in English is directly proportional to the size of your salary.  International employers are seeking workers who can participate in the modern globalized business environments and in many cases the international language for business is English.  Therefore the better your English is, the better opportunities you will have.




Most pages on the Web

The unofficial language of the Internet is English.  There are over 1 billion websites written in English, which is more than any other language.  Many of the world’s top internet companies such as Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft are based in English speaking countries.  Nowadays, as the economy depends heavily on information technology and the Internet, it is essential to be able to surf the English language web.  Programming languages and their instruction manuals which power the entire technological machine behind the scenes also have English words in them.





Though overtaken by television as the world’s favorite activity, reading books is still one of the most beneficial and wholesome activities.  With knowledge of English, you open the door to a huge new library.  Whether it is the original version of a book you have never read before, or a book which has not yet been translated into your native language, one fact remains the same;   there is a plethora of books available that are written in English.



The press & news

If you want to stay on top of things in the modern world, you have to keep up to date with the news to find out the latest trends, happenings, political activities, and tragedies.  However, you can’t rely only on a single source of information.  The more diverse your sources are the closer you will be getting to the truth.  By learning English, you’re opening the door to thousands of sources of information with facts and opinions that you may have never been exposed to before. 




Did you know that over ninety percent of research papers are published in English, all though only half of the scientists who published them are native English speakers?  This clearly shows that English is the language of choice in the scientific community.  Coincidentally it also happens to be the language in which most technical textbooks are written in, so if you’re interested in a career in science or medicine it is absolutely essential.





1. 不要参加英语考试培训班。语言学习,长期以来被传统教育误导,一直都是为考试而学习,纸上谈兵,是语言学习最大的误区。语言的功能在于交际,掌握语言必须通过交际的手段实现,同样测试英语能力,也一定要通过交际的手段才能测试,因此社会上各种英语考试,出发点就错了,拿个试卷评价语言能力是荒唐的,就如让你做一份汉语试题,根据分数我能说明你的汉语能力高低吗?语言是艺术和人文,是阅历和心灵的折射,不能用数学的分数来衡量。所以学习英语,如果参加考试辅导班,是错误的导向,没有必要枉费时间和金钱,或许你过了考试能拿到证书,但时代变化了,上海的哪家外企还在看你的证书啊?但无一不在审视你的英语表达能力。

2. 不要参加满堂灌的课堂。如果你聪明点,到一家学校走走,不必要进入课堂,在教室外面看看,如果老师在不停地讲课,学生在不停地记录,或者你听到的全是老师的声音,这样的课堂一定要避开。因为语言学习需要出声,互动,参与。如果老师讲话的时间,在课堂上超过了学生训练的时间,这不是语言学习课堂,是专题讲座。

3. 不要错误选择教学材料。语言同步于时代,你一定要学习最新的,这不仅激发无限乐趣,更容易接近英美人士。有的学校选择新概念英语,却不知它岁数已老,英国人早已不那么说英语了;有的学校提供网络教程,多年都是老面孔,不图发展;昨天有位妈妈带着自己19岁的女儿过来,说听取了上外老师的建议,为女儿报读了3万元的英语学习班,结果学了一周,孩子就不愿去了,我问她为什么,孩子说没有兴趣,之后拿出上课的材料来,那是15年前我在英国看过的一本书上的复印材料,如果这样教学,学生怎能学好英语呢?!这就如你要教给学汉语的外国人:要做又红又专的共产主义的接班人,这样的语言已经过时;有的学校干脆就选择PPT材料,把书本上的东西搬到电脑上,换个媒介物,这种方法只能偶尔使用,如果教学就依赖PPT, 学生很快就陷入消极思维,缺乏互动和训练,成为满堂灌课堂,就如小孩子看电视一样,随着光影闪动,她已完全失去了积极思维,没有交际欲望,像沙发土豆。

4. 不要失之偏颇,英语提高是综合。很多学生说,我就想提高口语,还有的说,我就练练怎么写邮件就好了,其实英语能力的提高,最快捷的方法是综合提升,失之偏颇,强调单一能力,是学习英语的误区,听说读写四种能力相互交织,相辅相成,无法分割,更不要人为地肢解它。

5. 不要在初级选择大锅饭。尤其对于初级学习者,如果选择了大锅饭,老师就不能为你针对性施教,你在英语学习的初期,就容易丧失信心和兴趣,这种代价是巨大的。英语学习者很多是受过挫折的,以致对英语产生抵触心理,影响了前程。初级阶段的学习,一定有好的老师精心地制作量身教程,系统性提高,这样才能冲破云层,看到太阳,实现英语学习的加速度,这时候,你再也不会担心遗忘,也不用担心学不好英文,因为英语已经贴身,成为你生活的新动力。

