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2011年12月28日 07:41:40
来源: 新华国际

【美国世界政策研究所网站12月14 日文章】题:中国和美国:爱恨交织的根源(作者《纽约时报》前总编辑西摩·托平)
考虑到这些,尽管面临削减军事开支的国内压力,五角大楼在当前的预算计划中要求国会增加拨款,加强美国在西太平洋的武装力量。奥巴马总统上个月宣布计划在澳大利亚的一个新基地部署 2500名海军陆战队员。国务卿希拉里站在马尼拉湾的一艘美国军舰上重申美国和菲律宾的军事联系。
Relations between China and the United States "since the ancient times" mixed with love and hatred
December 28, 2011 07:41:40
Source:Xinhua international
Xinhua micro bo

The text:biginsmall】 【print】
The United States the world policy institute web site on December 14 article 】 topic: China and the United States: the root of mixed with love and hatred (the author of the New York times "before the chief editor's west · flat)
When we look forward to the future, looking in the troubled world of our security situation, no other foreign policy task than determine the relationship with the People's Republic of China is more important.That will be dangerous competition relationship, or President Obama proposed mutually beneficial partnership?Now everything is not sure.Some contradictions and misunderstanding may give the future by dark clouds.
Look at the facts: the steady development of China's armed forces have their deployment along the coast anti-ship missile launch site, these weapons to destroy American ships.In the south China sea, Beijing has always claim about palmer Russell islands (namely the xisha islands-this net I note) and the islands, pratt (that is, I-we note the nansha islands) have sovereignty.
Considering that, despite the cuts in military spending facing the domestic pressure, the pentagon in the current budget plan asked congress to increase funding, strengthen the united in the armed forces of the western Pacific.President Obama announced the plan last month in Australia with a new base in the deployment of 2500 marines.Secretary of state Hillary Clinton stood in the Manila bay a U.S. warship that America and the Philippines on military ties.
But, with the tension of the contrast is formed, Beijing now has more than 125000 outstanding young people in the United States at the education institutions.Look at the situation: China is the United States' leading creditor, to hold more than 1 trillion dollars us treasuries, and are buying more.A large number of Chinese in Beijing buy coke and Hamburg McDonald's;In macy's such stores purchasing clothing-complete, I dare say, you can't find a few not "made in China" label clothes.
China and the United States contact existing in the process of these contradictions and conflicts is both parties since the ancient times mixed with love and hatred of the relationship between the result.You must be traced back to the relationship on the fundamental to better understand China's leadership in the current behavior, policy and intention.
I for half a century and the process of communication report found that both sides relationship has been vague, against.
The United States the world policy institute web site on December 20 articles 】 topic: China's America: the cooperation over competition (the author of "west · flat)
Many people to China to build the strategic significance of the navy said concerns.These actions include from Ukraine to buy an aircraft carrier, this is China's first-in the reconstruction of ship aircraft carriers.It also vigorously expanding submarine fleet, some of which are the nuclear-powered submarine.But the Chinese may be the strengthening of the navy as the necessary defensive measures.China still has insecurity.Trade is the lifeline of China-bringing its manufacturing base and the raw materials necessary for food production, most of them come from the United States, used to feed its rapid growth of the population.But paradoxically, it is the U.S. navy in the hands of the sea to the Middle East port channel.The oil tanker in the waterway driving provides 58% of China's oil imports.China country can make its navy idea to reduce dependence on the channel.Beijing has deployed the destroyer to crack down on Somali pirates activities.
The United States in Taiwan with China on the problem of the two countries is still against the most easy cause the debate.At present the parties in the south China sea and the Taiwan strait aisle military will improve contingency was due to accident or cause an estimated error of the sea or air conflict.
Looking to the future, the establishment and the China lasting partnership and no President Obama saying he will look for absolute formula.The two world economic and military power in the degree of competition is inevitable.