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  • 什么时候开发天赋能让女孩更聪明?
    • 发表于:2011-12-9 09:22
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    #thread_11521141_div {border:1px solid #369;width:300px;height:150px;background:#e2ecf5;z-index:1000;position:absolute;display:none;} #thread_11521141_div h4 {height:20px;background:#369;color:#fff;padding:5px 0 0 5px;} #thread_11521141_div p {padding:12px 0 0 30px;} #thread_11521141_close{float: right;margin-right: 10px;}



    头  衔:高级写手 只看楼主






      8岁左右,女孩大脑里的一个主管记忆的部分--海马趾开始活跃起来。在这一时期,女孩的海马趾要比男孩大,更重要的是,她们海马趾中的神经元的 数量和神经传递的速度也超过了男孩。所以此时与同龄的男孩相比,女孩表现出了很大的记忆力优势。这主要归功于女孩有较好的海马趾记忆。所以,父母可以针对 女孩这一阶段的这一特点,去引导女孩发挥记忆力天赋。如鼓励她背古诗词、做一些与记忆力有关的游戏等,把女孩的记忆能力开发到最大。


    10-12岁是女孩大脑中控制思维、想象、语言创造能力的物质——大脑额叶的飞速发展期。这对于女孩的一生来说,将是一个绝对关键的时期。当女 孩在12岁之后,经常使用的大脑区域会有更多的神经传递,而在不经常使用的大脑区域则没有。而且在那些未使用的大脑区域,大脑会进行自动“减除”——去除 多余的大脑组织。这也就是说,一个小女孩在10-12岁时所经历的关系、亲情、体育运动、美术和音乐活动以及所学到的理论知识,很有可能会在她以后的生活 中“保持”或至少“重现”,而她们在这一阶段没有经历过的事情,在以后是很难做好的。
  • When developing talent can let the girl more intelligent?
    • Published in:2011-12-9 09:22
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    #thread_11521141_div {border:1px solid #369;width:300px;height:150px;background:#e2ecf5;z-index:1000;position:absolute;display:none;} #thread_11521141_div h4 {height:20px;background:#369;color:#fff;padding:5px 0 0 5px;} #thread_11521141_div p {padding:12px 0 0 30px;} #thread_11521141_close{float: right;margin-right: 10px;}


    The author:Parent-child it

    Head bit: senior writersOnly look at the

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    5 years old is the girl before brain development and the key period, also is one of the fastest brain development period, to five years later, their brain development is slow.So in this period parents in addition to the church girl should learn to those skills, such as speaking, control of his emotions, etc, but also deal with her brain to protect.As she often to instill some good feelings, let her away from the dangerous and harmful information.

    【 5 years old before 】 stir up a girl of language talent

    5 years old is the girl before brain development and the key period, also is one of the fastest brain development period, to five years later, their brain development is slow.So in this period parents in addition to the church girl should learn to those skills, such as speaking, control of his emotions, etc, but also deal with her brain to protect.As she often to instill some good feelings, let her away from the dangerous and harmful information.
    In addition, in 5 years old before, and the girl's gift for language has been very good to show it.Therefore, in this period, parents to teach girl talk, but also guide girl use of her this talent.Such as encouraged her to read poetry;To listen to her story, and then encouraged her to repeat, etc, these can be in the girl on the basis of language talent, greatly improve her language ability.

    【 was about eight 】 focus on training the girl's memory

    8 years or so, the girl in the brain of a competent memories-the toe the hippocampus began warmed up.In this period, and the girl's hippocampus toe than big boy, and, more important, they toe the number of neurons in the hippocampus and the neural transmission speed also than boys.So at this time and age than boys and girls showed a lot of memory advantage.This is mainly due to the girl have better hippocampal toe memory.So, parents can for the girl in this stage, the this one characteristic, to guide the girls play memory talent.Such as encouraged her to the back, do some ancient and memory game about the and so on, the girl's memory capacity development to the maximum.

    【 10 to 12 】 development girl art talent

    10 to 12 years old is the girl in the brain control thinking, imagination, language creation ability of substances--the brain's frontal lobe of rapid development.The girl's life for, it will be an absolute critical period.When the child in 12 years later, often use brain areas will have more neural transmission, and often do not use in areas of the brain is not.And those who did not use in areas of the brain, the brain to "minus"-remove excess brain tissue.This that is to say, a little girl from 10 to 12 experienced as relationship, family, sports, art and music activities and had learned to theory knowledge, is likely to be in her later life "holds" or at least "again", and they at this stage had not experienced things, it is hard to do well in the future.