对小孩子表扬的成语:ECB re 3 year LTRO

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/08 20:09:32

Apologies for being off line – far too many Christmas parties.

All eyes on the ECB’s 3 year LTRO auction today. Personally, I believe the take up by banks will be large, which, I believe, will be bullish (potentiall seriously bullish) for markets.

Just 1 example, why not obtain cheap (1.0% money) from the ECB, with a chance of the ECB lending rate declining even further, in exchange for your “toilet paper” collateral. The borrowed funds could be used by you to buy back/retire outstanding debt, which is trading at a discount, thereby providing an instant realised gain, an improvement in your core tier 1 ratio and lower interest costs in the future. Furthermore, European banks can repay the borrowed money in a year, if they wish. As a result, accessing the ECB’s 3 year LTRO is a no brainer in my view. In addition, European banks have significant debt funding requirements next year – analysts suggest over E750bn.

The ECB is encouraging banks to utilise this facility. The “stigma” issue will be superced by the ULTRA CHEAP ECB FINANCING.

Will banks borrow from the ECB to buy Euro Zone Sovereign debt is the other big question. Personally, I do not believe that LARGE and INTERNATIONAL banks will play this game in any meaningful way, as they will be concerned about adverse analyst/investor reaction, given that they have to disclose their holdings of Sovereign debt on a Q’rly basis. However, SMALLER banks and, quite frankly, banks that are in trouble will play this game, as I suspect they will work on the basis that they have no choice.

Most of you disagree with me about my view of impending QE in the Euro Zone. I continue to believe that it WILL HAPPEN. Indeed, the ECB’s financing of banks could be deemed QE, to the extent that the funds are not deposited with the ECB.

First the ECB is going to find it harder and harder to sterilise its existing bond purchases, let alone additional amounts bought under the SMP programme. Indeed, on a number of occasions to date, the ECB has  not succeeded in fully sterilising bond purchases – this problem will become a bigger and bigger issue.

Second, the ECB’s mandate is to keep inflation “below, but around 2.0%”. Euro Zone Inflation, will decline sharply, inlikely  2012 (starting end of 1st Q) – base effects make this a certainty and, in addition, the global slowdown will also have an effect. In those circumstances, the ECB can justify QE on the basis it is fulfilling its mandate. In addition, there may also be some kind of “fiscal compact” in place at that time, which will provide further ammunition for the ECB.

I remind you that German representatives, the only serious opponents to QE, comprise just 2 members out of a total of 23 ECB voting members.

Watch the financials today – both banks and insurers. If I’m right, I expect them to out perform significantly. The ECB announces the level of take up at 10.15 am UK time, I believe.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
路透柏林/布鲁塞尔12月15日电 欧洲央行(ECB)总裁德拉吉周四称,欧元区政府在重建市场信心方面的途径正确,但提醒他们购买公债的紧急项目"既非永久,亦非无限".在德拉吉讲话前,西班牙公债标售顺利进行,缓解了投资者对於欧洲市场可能加速下滑的担忧.上周的欧盟峰会未能让投资者相信,欧元区更接近解决债务危机.  德拉吉在德国发表讲话称,欧元区17个成员国政府"现在处於正确轨道,坚定实施预算整固的做法是对的.""若信心复苏,这种不可避免的短期(经济)萎缩或会得到缓解."为减轻市场弥漫的避险情绪,德拉吉表示,需使政策更加清晰,他并敦促政界先要"明确表达",然後"行动". 西班牙公债收益率(殖利率)下降,较德国公债利差缩窄,此前该国在今年最後一次公债标售中标售规模远高於预期,令市场感到意外,尽管其借贷成本仍然逼近欧元问世以来的高位.欧元兑美元短暂升穿1.30,欧洲股市上涨,部分是因为西班牙公债标售令忧虑得到缓解.随着许多金融机构在年底前关闭账目,市场普遍预计欧元区面临市场的下一次主要考验是在1月中旬,届时意大利开始为4月前逾1,000亿欧元的到期债务融资.意大利新政府要求议会周五举行信任投票,以使330亿欧元(430亿美元)节支计划及早获批,恢复市场对这个欧元区第三大经济体的信心.意大利总理蒙蒂一直在全力推进一项立法,削减支出并提高税赋以支持公共财政,并削减相当於国内生产总值(GDP)120%的债务.
**经济或陷入衰退** 欧洲理事会主席范龙佩(Herman Van Rompuy)周四表示,欧盟领导人将於明年1月底或2月初在布鲁塞尔再次举行峰会,讨论经济增长和就业问题,因欧盟正走向"类似衰退"的境地.在欧元区第四季可能陷入衰退之时,德国和法国周三呼吁召开特别会议讨论成长问题.欧盟领导人12月8-9日举行会晤,同意制定新条约以强化欧元区债务和预算规定."在经济停滞甚至陷入类似衰退的时候,将那些话题提上日程非常重要,而不是仅仅谈论财政整顿,"范龙佩说.人们愈加担忧,决策者聚焦于削减支出以快速减少赤字,将使得更难刺激增长和创造就业,尤其是为年轻人创造就业岗位.批评人士称,南欧国家正在实施的严厉的节支措施将令加剧这些国家的衰退,引发经济收缩和收入下降的恶性循环,并可能导致严重的社会动荡.希腊成为最引人注目的例证,其债务规模相当於国内生产总值(GDP)的160%.目前预计希腊经济今年萎缩6%,尽管大幅削减支出,其预算赤字仍将超过GDP的10%. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)希腊工作组主管Poul Thomsen周三敦促希腊政府重新考虑打破"禁忌",开始裁减公务员,因其无法依赖更多的加税和全面削减支出.德拉吉表示,在中期"只有实施已耽搁太久的深层次结构改革才能取得持续性成长."在柏林被问及新财政联盟条约签署前将购入多少公债时,德拉吉回答称,"我们有着证券市场计划(SMP),就像我数次表示过的,这不是永久的也不是无限的."