
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/05 19:12:36


 读书的艺术” (The Art of Reading)一节大为精彩,引人入胜,许多话都说到我心坎里去了。在文明社会中,读书是一种乐趣。林语堂将一生喜爱读书的人和一生不知读书的人做了比较后得出结论:“没有读书习惯的人,就时间和空间而言,被囚禁在周遭的世界里”。(The man who has not the habit of reading is imprisoned in his immediate world, in respect to time and space)但是,一个人拿起书的时候情形则发生了很大的变化,“他立刻有机会接触世界上一位最为善谈者。这位善谈者引领你走进另一个国界,或者另一个时代。”(he is immediately put in touch with one of the best talkers of the world. This talker leads him on and carries him into a different country or a different age.)可见,读书不仅使人长知识,而且能开拓一个人的视野。这大概就是培根为什么在《论学习》中说“有经验的人虽能逐一处理或判断具体的事务,但总体策划、统筹全局则最佳由饱学之士来做”(expert men can execute, and perhaps judge of particulars, one by one; but the general counsels, and the plots and marshaling of affairs, come best from those that are learned.)的原因吧。
  读书有许多益处,其主要功用是提高你个人的修养,具体地讲,它帮助你学会思考( thought and reflection),让你有风韵和风味(charm and flavor)。读书会使你有一张美丽的面孔,“不是由花粉和胭脂所造就的一张美丽的面孔,而是纯粹由思想的力量赋予的一张美丽的面孔。”(a face not made up by powder and rouge, but by the sheer force of thinking)读书会使你很有味,因为“如果一个读者从书中得到味道,他会在谈吐中显露出来;如果他的谈吐中有味,那么他的写作中自然就有味了。”(If a reader gets the flavor of books, he will show that flavor in his conversation, and if he has the flavor in his conversation, he cannot help also having a flavor in his writing.)
  应该读什么书呢?作者认为,每个人在不同的时期应该有不同的选择,即便一个人在人生不同阶段读同一本书也会有不同的感受。说到最好的读书方法是一个人按照自己的兴味,去寻找所喜爱的作家时,林语堂用了一个很妙的比喻:“ 犹如一个人对他的心上人一见钟情,一切都是恰到好处。她的高度恰好,脸蛋姣好,头发颜色合度,说话的嗓音高低合度,谈话和微笑的样子合度。合适的作家不必经老师的教导年轻人就会爱上的。他会发觉那个作家对他正合适,他的风格、品位、观点和思维方式都是合适的。于是,他就如饥似渴地阅读那个作家写的每个字每句话。因为他与作家之间有一种精神融洽,他对那个作家写的一切内容都能融会贯通。”(Like a man falling in love with his sweetheart at first sight, everything is right. She is of the right height, has the right face, the right color of hair, the right quality of voice and the right way of speaking and smiling. This author is not something that a young man need be told about by his teacher. The author is just right for him; his style, his taste, his point of view, his mode of thinking, are all right. And then the reader proceeds to devour every word and every line that the author writes, and because there is a spirit affinity, he absorbs and readily digests everything.)