朗文教育(官网):[组图] 论道:大道之行 绝美无伦(下集 35P)

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/04/29 04:12:37

[组图] 论道:大道之行 绝美无伦(下集 35P)  

  从技术角度而言,道路不过是连接两地的一条途径。然而,道路之魅力四射,自鸿蒙初开,就激起过无数诗人、画家与摄影师的灵感。曾经涌现了太多讴歌道路的歌曲与画作,诸如Bryan Adams的《Open Road》、Aerosmith的《On the Road Again》和Beatles的《Long and Winding Road》,都是值得一提的佳作。摄影师也常常选择道路为主题进行创作,不论一条古老的乡村土路,还是一条现代的高速公路,道路永远都是沟通、探索与无限的象征。地球到月球的距离仅36万公里,可美国道路网总长达640万公里。更为引人注目的是道路的特殊性,它就像海绵一样,默默地见证和承受着周围发生的一切,这就是道路与走过、驶过它们的特定地域的历史、人物紧密相连的缘故,也是你欣赏这些道路照片,能感受到比一般的道路技术定义多得多震撼的原因!(参考:编译稿源)

Roads roads… Icelandic roads by Piotr Adam Szuszkiewicz (冰岛的路)

The Luminarium: We Are Dust & Shadow by Jack Damon (我们是尘土和阴影)

01 by Serge

Tokyo: lines by Tata Vislevskaya (东京:线路)

Tokyo – Urban Neon Nights by Thomas Birke (东京:城市霓虹夜)

Oiled and Faded by Buck Pago (涂抹与褪色)

Manchester By Night by Mark Ferguson (夜色下的曼彻斯特)

On the way by Albert Janzen (在路上)

Landscapes Cities by ?lvaro Martino (城市景观)

Hano? the beautiful by Jp Paul (美丽河内、越南)

Desert road into the mountains by Michael Krigsman (沙漠公路进山)

The road to… by Lorien (路往何方)

The long and winding road by Hannelore Schmid (道路弯又长)

Dark road by Latyrx (暗路)

Green Tunnel or ‘The Road to Hobbiton’ by Hauke Steinberg (绿色隧道 或‘通往霍比顿的路’)

Northport Road Summer – Explore by Denny Moutray (夏之路)

Roller Coaster Road – Spring by billtam (过山车道)

That road, Monument Valley by John Dalkin (通往纪念碑谷)

Yellow brick road by Daryn Moffitt (金砖路)

Hong Kong – Rail and Road Traffic Trails by Markus Bahlmann (香港:轨道和街道交通踪迹)

The Road that Never Sleeps by TurnipFarmer (不眠之路)

Hong Kong – Connaught Road Central by Markus Bahlmann (香港:甘诺敦道)

The long and winding road by Rainer Schütz (道路弯又长)

What’s a Road trip Without a Road by David Bailey (没有路,谈何公路之旅)

Bend in the road by snarl (百转千回)

Road by Patrik Engman (路)

Sognefjellsveien mountain road, mid June by Martin Ystenes (Sognefjellsveien山路,六月中旬)