
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/04/28 12:13:45


Notice the trend here? 


At the end of the day, all that women really want more thananything else is to have fun and be shown a good time. This is particularlytrue when it comes to beautiful women, who do not need to worry about"being accepted" or insecurities. They quite simply don't haveanything more important to do than focus on making sure that their lives arelike one big vacation. I'm not just talking about the party girls either; evenhighly motivated career women want to let their hair down at the end of the dayand carelessly enjoy life.

当一天结束的时候, 所有的女人都真的想能够享受乐趣并乐在其中多于任何其它事情 。对于漂亮女人更是这样,她们不需要担心 “被接受”或者不安全元素。与专注于确保自己的生活像是在度假相比她们真的没有更重要事要做了。我不只是在讨论这样的女孩,甚至干劲十足的职业女性也想在一天结束的时候解开紧束的头发草草享受生活的乐趣.

It is for this reason why women are NOT attracted to men whocome off as "average". If you are one of the millions of men whowould during a conversation refer to yourself as "just an averageguy", then you are having problems with women. Right?


Of course, because you are simply being too normal to be anyfun. Women want men that have a sense of adventure and an element of dangerabout them, not the guys who like to play it safe. The last thing a woman wantsto hear come out of a man's mouth is "I'm just your average guy...", theywant to hear stuff like "You've never met anyone like me before" andthen be shown why that statement is true. 


Hot women have the power of choice - to be selective -because men are constantly attempting to engage them in conversation. When yourcompetition is that stiff, you need to rise above the rest and stand out, oryou will be forgotten before the sun rises the next day, even if you did manageto get her number. Those of you wondering why they always blow you off when youcall, now you know the answer; you were simply forgettable.


Don't take it personal. You aren't being determined to be soinsignificant to these women because there is something wrong with you or thatyou are making any kind of huge mistake. It is happening to you because ofsomething that you are NOT doing, and that something is setting yourself apartfrom the vast number of other men out there. 


"Fitting in" is definitely not something you wantto do if you want top-notch girlfriends.


You probably aren't a boring person, and those who DO hangaround you probably have a good time in your company, but when you are outmeeting new women how are they going to know that? It is true that women aremore socially proficient than men by nature, but they can't read your mind. Ifyou want to avoid being labeled as "just another average, boring guy"you are going to have to do something about it. If not, you will always bethrown into the bargain bin with all of the other men who failed to see thepoint.

你可能不是个讨人烦的人,公司相关的事情也处理的得心应手,但是在外边新碰见的女孩怎样知道这些呢?女人天生比男人感性[socially proficient被翻成感性,个人感觉不准确]但他们却不能知道你的想法。如果想避免被标记为”又是平常,讨人烦的家伙”, 你最好做点什么。否则,将永远和其它没有认识到这一点的男人被当作便宜货。

That point being; women want to have FUN (which I alreadyexpressed earlier), and a normal guy (otherwise known as a boring guy) justcan't provide them with that.


I'm not saying that you should throw a Mohawk on your headand wear a spiked leather jacket, or that you need to get a custom paint job onyour car that changes colors as people pass by (very lame, FYI). Those extremesare things that men with zero game use in an attempt to lure in women becausethey need material things to compensate for their overall lack of game or selfesteem. What you need to be doing is focusing on making yourself BE aninteresting person that is different than the rest, not just someone who eitherlooks interesting or owns cool stuff. You must also learn how to present thatto women in a fashion that can be conveyed through a normal conversation veryquickly. There really is no point in being a fun, adventurous guy when youdon't know how to properly show the women that you desire those charactertraits. 

我不是说你要在头上弄个莫霍克发型,穿穗花皮革夹克或者需要去做个当人们经过可以变换颜色的定制车体涂装(很二,FYI)。 只有那些没有勇气的人尝试吸引女人时采用那些极端的手段,因为他们需要通过物质弥补自己勇气和自尊方面的缺失。你需要做的与其他人们不同的是专注让自己成为一个有趣的人,不只是成为看起来有趣或有酷酷的内涵的人。你必须学着通过一次平常的谈话迅速展示出自己很入流。当你不知道怎样适当的向女人展现你想展现的性格特点时真的没有什么要点使你被当作个有趣、爱冒险的人。

The first impression is very important, and it is duringthat small window of time that you must show a woman why she will have FUN ifshe hangs around you, and you aren't like all of the other losers she's alreadyshot down that night.


Now you know exactly what every women is out there searchingfor when they go with in their high heels and sexy outfits. If you want tolearn all of the secret strategies on how to become the guy they are lookingfor and more, I've included every last bit of that info in my Black Book. Besure to check it out, because until you do you're missing out on more womenthan you can imagine.
