appsync for ios8.4:Nature Immunology:揭示炎症抑制的新免疫机制 - 生物研究-生物谷

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/04/27 23:31:18

最新一期的《自然:免疫学》( Nature Immunology )杂志报道了浙大医学院求是特聘教授项春生博士与中国科学院上海生命科学研究院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所孙兵教授领导的研究小组的最新合作研究成果。研究人员通过小鼠模型发现,在先天性免疫系统中有一个非常关键的调控分子,它能有效调控机体内的免疫应答信号通路,形成既有效、又不过度的免疫平衡状态。




Nature Immunology 9, 369 - 377 (2008)  Published online: 16 March 2008 | doi:10.1038/ni1577

TRIM30 negatively regulates TLR-mediated NF-B activation by targeting TAB2 and TAB3 for degradation

Mude Shi1,6, Weiwen Deng1,6, Enguang Bi1, Kairui Mao1, Yongyong Ji1, Guomei Lin1, Xiaodong Wu1, Zhiyun Tao1, Zhenhu Li1, Xinfen Cai1, Shuhui Sun2, Charlie Xiang3 & Bing Sun1,4,5

Toll-like receptor (TLR) signalingis pivotal to innate and adaptive immune responses and must be tightlycontrolled. The mechanisms of TLR signaling have been the focus ofextensive studies. Here we report that the tripartite-motif proteinTRIM30,a RING protein, was induced by TLR agonists and interacted with theTAB2-TAB3-TAK1 adaptor-kinase complex involved in the activation oftranscription factor NF-B. TRIM30 promoted the degradation of TAB2 and TAB3 and inhibited NF-B activation induced by TLR signaling. In vivo studies showed that transfected or transgenic mice overexpressing TRIM30 were more resistant to endotoxic shock. Consistent with that, in vivo 'knockdown' of TRIM30 mRNA by small interfering RNA impaired lipopolysaccharide-induced tolerance. Finally, expression of TRIM30 depended on NF-B activation. Our results collectively indicate that TRIM30 negatively regulates TLR-mediated NF-B activation by targeting degradation of TAB2 and TAB3 by a 'feedback' mechanism.