新媒体类型有哪些:COBOL - PS file org and opertion

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/10 10:41:29

A record of a sequential file can only be accessed by reading all the previous records.

The records are discriminated from one another using the record length declared in the associated FD statement of the FILE-SECTION. For example, If the record structure that the programmer has declared is 52 bytes, blocks of 52 byte data (records) are assumed to placed one after another in the file. If the programmer is reading the data in a sequential file, every READ statement brings 52 bytes into the memory.

If the file contains, say, 52 byte records; but the programmer tries to read this file with a program which has declared 40 byte records (i.e the total length of the FD structure is 40 bytes), the program will certainly read some pieces of information into the memory but the after the first READ statement, some meaningless pieces of records will be brought into memory and the program will start processing some physical records which contain logically meaningless data.

It is the programmer's responsibility to take care of the record sizes in files. You must be careful when declaring record structures for files. Any mistake you make in record sizes will cause your program to read/write erroneous information. This is especially dangerous if the file contents are being altered (changed, updated).

Since the records are simply appended to each other when building SEQUENTIAL files, you simply end up with a STREAM of byte. If this string does not contain any "Carriage Return/Line Feed" control characters in it, the whole file will appear as a single LINE of character and would be impsossible to process with regular text editors. As you should know by now, text editors are good in reading/writing/modifying text files. These programs will assume that the file consists of LINES and expect the lines to separated from each other by a pair of control characters called "Carriage Return/Line Feed" (or CR/LF).

COBOL has a special type of sequential file organization, which is called the LINE SEQUENTIAL ORGANIZATION which places a CR/LF pair at the end of each record while adding records to a file and expect such a pair while reading. LINE SEQUENTIAL files are much easier to use while developing programs because you can always use a simple text editor to see the contents of your sequential file and trace/debug your program.

Please note that LINE SEQUENTIAL files have two extra characters for each record. For files, which have millions of records, this might use up a significant amount of disk space.

SEQUENTIAL files have only one ACCESS MODE and that is "sequential access". Therefore you need not specify an ACCESS MODE in the SELECT statement. Typical SELECT statements for SEQUENTIAL files are :


In the FILE-SECTION, you must provide FD blocks for each file; hence for a sequential file you could have something like :

   FD MYFILE.       01  MYFILE-REC.           02 M-NAME PIC X(16).           02 M-SURNAME PIC X(16).           02 M-BIRTHDATE.              03 M-BD-YEAR PIC 9999.              03 M-BD-MONTH PIC 99.              03 M-BD-DAY PIC 99.

Note : You must NOT provide record fields for the extra two CR/LF bytes in record descriptions of LINE SEQ files. Once you declare the file to be a LINE SEQ file, these two extra bytes are automatically taken in consideration and added for all new records that are added to a file.


Like all files, sequential and line sequential files must be OPENed before they can be processes and CLOSEd when they are not needed anymore.

Seq and Line Seq files can be opened for :

  2. INPUT
  4. I-O (Input-Output)

Opening a seq file for OUTPUT means that the program will only issue WRITE statements to a NON-EXISTING and JUST CREATED file. Therefore, when you open a file for OUTPUT, COBOL assumes that the file does not exist and try to create a new one. IF THE FILE EXISTS, ITS CONTENTS WILL BE CLEARED WHEN OPENED AND ASSUMED TO BE A BRAND NEW FILE INTO WHICH RECORDS WILL BE ADDED. You should be very careful when opening a file for OUTPUT. One small mistake and all your valuable records are lost forever.

Opening a seq file for INPUT means that the program will only issue READ statements to an EXISTING file. Therefore, when you open a file for INPUT, COBOL assumes that the file exists and try to access it. IF THE FILE DOES NOT EXIST, AN ERROR MESSAGE WILL BE ISSUED INDICATING THAT THE MENTIONED FILE COULD NOT BE FOUND.

Opening a seq file for EXTEND means that the program will add NEW RECORDS to an EXISTING file. Therefore, when you open a file for EXTEND, COBOL assumes that the file exists and subsequent WRITE statements will try to ADD NEW RECORDS at the end of the existing file (in other words; the append mode). Records can only be added to the END of a sequential file.

Some examples are :


When you are finished with a file you must CLOSE it.


You can close more than one files with a single CLOSE statement. When a COBOL program terminates, all files mentioned in the program are automatically closed; therefore you will not get an error message for those files you forget to close or do not close at all. Please note that relying on COBOL to close your files is not a proper programming style. Although not absolutely necessary, you should close your files when you are done with them.

The CLOSE statement has a very important function. Sometimes, your program needs to re-start reading a seq file from the beginning. (Please note that every READ statement you execute, brings the next record into memory and when you skip a record, you cannot backspace the file to previous records.) In such a situation, you will have to REWIND the file, that is make the first record the active one in memory. You can achieve this only by closing the file and re-opening it for INPUT.

You should be careful not to open an already opened file. Closing already closed files usually do not cause any problems but should be avoided. You should make sure that your program opens and closes files at proper places in your logic flow so that no input-output is tried on closed files.

Simple INPUT-OUTPUT Statements for SEQ Files.

Once you open a seq file, you can use READ or WRITE statements to read or append records to this file. You cannot use a READ statement for a file opened for OUTPUT or EXTEND and similarly you cannot use a WRITE statement for a file you have opened for INPUT.

A typical READ statement looks like :


A good programmer must check whether the READ statement could find a record to read successfully. That means; the programmer must check whether there were any records to READ when the statement was executed. The situation can be checked with the following construct :


The construct tells the COBOL compiler to execute the paragraph labeled NO-RECORDS-FOUND when the READ statement cannot find any records to read.

Another example could be :

      READ MY-FILE AT END DISPLAY "No more records!"                      CLOSE MY-FILE                      STOP RUN.

Once your program EXECUTES a successful READ statement, the information in the data record that was just brought into memory will be available in the corresponding variables mentioned in your record description declaration (the FD block).

When you want to put records in a seq file, you have to open it for OUTPUT or EXTEND (depending on the requirements of the algorithm of your program). The COBOL statement that is used to put records into a file is the WRITE statement. The important pointa that you should be careful with are that,

  1. the file should be opened
  2. new values for the field variables of the FD record description must be moved to proper variables of the record
  3. the RECORD NAME is specified in the WRITE statement and NOT the FILE NAME.

This will be best described by an example :

Suppose you want to add a new record to the file

        SELECT MYFILE ASSIGN TO DISK "MYFILE.DAT"                ORGANIZATION IS SEQUENTIAL.        ....        FD  MYFILE.        01  MYFILE-REC.            02 M-NAME PIC X(16).            02 M-SURNAME PIC X(16).            02 M-BIRTHDATE.               03 M-BD-YEAR PIC 9999.               03 M-BD-MONTH PIC 99.               03 M-BD-DAY PIC 99.

You must first open it, then move new values to the fields in MYFILE-REC and finally WRITE the record into the file.

       OPEN EXTEND MYFILE.       ....       MOVE "UGUR" TO M-NAME.       MOVE "AYFER" TO M-SURNAME.       MOVE 1955 TO M-BD-YEAR.       MOVE 1 TO M-BD-MONTH.       MOVE 1 TO M-BD-DAY.       WRITE MYFILE-REC.       .....


Sometimes you need to make some small changes in the contents of a file. Of course it possible to create a brand new file with the new, modified contents but this is not practical. COBOL provides you with an OPEN I-O mode with which you can modify only the required record in a file.

In other words, there is another file opening mode; the I-O mode; and another special REWRITE statement. Suppose that you want to change the surname field of the 20th record of a seq file (originally "AYFER") into "AYFEROGLU".

The program that you can write could read like

         SELECT MYFILE ASSIGN TO DISK "MYFILE.DAT"                 ORGANIZATION IS SEQUENTIAL.         ....         FD  MYFILE.         01  MYFILE-REC.             02 M-NAME PIC X(16).             02 M-SURNAME PIC X(16).             02 M-BIRTHDATE.                03 M-BD-YEAR PIC 9999.                03 M-BD-MONTH PIC 99.                03 M-BD-DAY PIC 99.         PROCEDURE DIVISION.         ....             OPEN I-O MYFILE.             ....             MOVE 20 TO N.             ....             PERFORM READ-A-REC N-1 TIMES.       *       * TO MAKE SURE THAT WE ARE ON THE CORRECT RECORD       *             IF M-SURNAME NOT = "AYFER" DISPLAY "WRONG RECORD"                                        DISPLAY "RECORD NOT UPDATED"                                        CLOSE MYFILE                                        STOP RUN.             MOVE "AYFEROGLU" TO M-SURNAME.             REWRITE MYFILE-REC.             .....             CLOSE MYFILE.             ....


It is NOT possible to delete records of a seq file. If you do not want a specific record to be kept in a seq file any more, all you can do is to modify the contents of the record so that it contains some special values that your program will recognize as deleted (remember to open the file in I-O mode and REWRITE a new record).


  1. Very easy to process,
  2. Can be easily shared with other applications developed using different programming languages,


Can be only processed sequentially. If you need to read record number N, you must first read the previous N-1 records. Especially no good for programs that make frequent searches in the file.