重庆永川租房:“假面时代”来临 PS美化照片成趋势(图)

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/06 07:45:59



http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年11月14日 18:16   中国日报网-英语点津  假面时代来临


  PS generation describes the phenomenon that many people would like to polish their photos to perfection with Photoshop software before uploading them to social networking websites or microblogs, which may show others a man-made beautiful image but at the same time might become a target of online mock too. And frequent application of Photoshop may also lead to a tendency of pretence in daily life, keeping everything real to oneself and pretending to be someone else all the time.

  “假面时代”(PS generation)专指多数人将照片用PS软件处理过后才上传到社交网站或微博等网络平台。假面时代除了向人展示伪装后的美丽外表,有时还有可能成为网友恶搞的对象。而习惯伪装照片的背后,很多人更开始伪装自己的言谈举止,把真实的自己隐藏起来,整天以假面示人。