
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/04/29 07:01:17
要求: 1. 条理清楚,语意连贯, 句式规范,字迹工整。
2. 以下内容供参考。
look, cross, left and right, carefully…
drink, slow down, wear a seat belt(系安全带) , traffic light, a helmet(头盔), fast…
get on\off, push, wait, in line…
In order to keep the road orderly and people safe,everyone should follow traffic rules. When you walk, you should walk at the  side of the road. Always be careful and lookleft and right before you cross the road. If you like riding, don’t run throughthe red traffic lights. Don’t ride too fast. If you ride a motorbike, rememberto wear your helmets. If you drive, you should slow down at the traffic lights.You must always wear a seat belt. You must never drink. When many passengersare waiting for the bus, please stand in line and wait for your turn. Don’tpush others. Don’t get off the bus until it has stopped.
Let’s try our best to make our city morebeautiful.
请以I want tobe… 为题。写一篇80词左右的短文。
要点: 1. 你的理想是什么?
2. 你问什么会有这样的理想 ?
3. 你将如何实现你的理想?
要求: 1.短文应包括所有要点,课适当发挥;
I want to be an Englishteacher
I want to be an English teacher when I growup. Firstly, I like English. I want to use it often in my daily life. Secondly,I like working with students, and enjoy being asked questions andanswering them. Thirdly, I’m good at English, So I can teach my Students theright way to learn English.
Now what I should do is to study hard andget high marks in English tests, and try to practice speaking English as muchas possible. Only in this way can I realize my dream of being an Englishteacher one day.
某市今年举办主题为“把希望代给贫困孩子”的活动。 现在请你以学生会的名义写一份倡议书,内容要点如下(括号中的词汇课供参考):
1.      许多贫困家庭无力负担孩子去上学; (afford)
2.      孩子们没有足够的钱去买学习用品和衣物;(school things and clothes)
3.      每个孩子都应该有上学的权利:(have the right to do something)
4.      我们应该尽最大的努力去帮助他们,比如……(try one’s best to do something)
5.      让我们一起给贫困孩子创造一个更美好的未来。(work together)
注意:1. 文章开头、结尾已给出,便不计入总词数;
2. 词数80左右。1kejian.com
In some parts of our country, there aremany children out of school. Because their familycan’t afford to send them to school. At the same time, children don’t haveenough money to buy school things and clothes. In my opinion, each child shouldhave the right to go to school, but there are few chances for them. So weshould try our best to do something to help them, just like giving them schoolthings, clothes and so on. We believe if we work together, we can make a betterfuture for them.
Thanks for your joining!