
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/03 09:18:27

1.      a flatpercentage rate of income  统一比率的所得税税率

2.      a longposition                   多头部位,利多形势

3.      a longposition              多头寸;买进的期货合同

4.      a putoption on a debt security  债务证券的卖出期权

5.      asales slip                      签购单据,售货清单

6.      ashort position                 空头部位,短缺头寸

7.      ashort position              空头;卖出的期货合同

8.      a taxreturn                           税务申报表

9.      abnormaldepreciation                    特别折旧

10.  abnormal spoilage                       非正常损坏

11.  aboriginal cost                          原始成本

12.  acceptance bank                         票据承兑行

13.  acceptance method                        承兑方式

14.  acceptance risks                        承兑风险

15.  accepting bank                          承兑银行

16.  accessory risks                   附加保险,附加险

17.  accident insurance     意外保险(不包括海上,火灾和人寿险)

18.  accommodation of funds                  资金融通

19.  accompany vt.                    附带,伴随,陪同

20.  account charges                         账户费用

21.  account current (A/C,a/c)               往来帐户

22.  account number (A/N)                    帐号

23.  account statement                       帐户清单

24.  accounting exposure                     会计风险

25.  accounting risks                         会计风险

26.  accounting value                        帐面价值

27.  accounts of assured                     保险帐户

28.  accrued bond interest                应计债券利息

29.  accrued depreciation                    应计折旧

30.  accrued dividend                        应计股利

31.  acknowledgement of declaration (under op预约保险申报确认书

32.  active securities              热头股票,活跃的证券

33.  actual cash value         (保险用语)实际现金价值

34.  actual rate                             实际汇率

35.  adaptive expectations                   适应性预期

36.  additional insurance                加保,附加保险

37.  additional reserve                      追加准备金

38.  adjustable policy                   可调整的保险单

39.  adjustable premium                 可调整的保险费

40.  adjusted debit balance            已调整的借方余额

41.  advance payment of premium              预缴保险费

42.  advance-decline theory                  涨跌理论

43.  adverse exchange                        逆汇、逆汇兑

44.  advice of drawing                       提款通知书

45.  advising bank                           通知银行

46.  affiliated bank                         联行

47.  affiliated person                       关联人

48.  aftermarket                             次级市场

49.  agent for collection                  托收代理银行

50.  Agricultural Bank of China             中国农业银行

51.  agricultural loans                      农业贷款

52.  agricultural(animalhusbandry)tax   农(牧)业税

53.  allowance for doubtful debt            备抵呆帐款项

54.  alternative (either/or) order           选择指令

55.  American Express card                   运通卡

56.  American terms                          美国标价法

57.  amount in figures                       小写金额

58.  amount in words                         大写金额

59.  annual membership dues                   年费

60.  application form for a banking account     银行开户申请书

61.  appointed bank                          外汇指定银行

62.  appreciation of exchange rate           汇率升值

63.  arbitrage                               套利

64.  arbitrage                           套购,套利,套汇

65.  arbitrage of exchange                   套汇

66.  arbitrage of exchange or stock          套汇或套股

67.  arbitrage opportunity                   套价机会

68.  arbitrage risks                         套汇风险

69.  as agent                                做代理

70.  as principal                            做自营

71.  Asian Development Fund (ADB)           亚洲开发银行

72.  ask price = asking price = offer price 出售价,报价,开价,出价

73.  ask-bid system                          竞价系统

74.  assessment of loss                      估损

75.  assets insurance                        资产保险

76.  assignment of policy                    保单转让

77.  assumption of risk                      承担风险

78.  asymmetry                               不对称

79.  at owner's risk                      风险由货主负担

80.  at-the-close order                      收盘指令

81.  at-the-market                           按市价

82.  at-the-money                            平值期权

83.  at-the-opening (opening only) order     开盘指令

84.  auction marketplace                      拍卖市场

85.  automated teller machines (24 hours a day) 自动取款机(24小时服务)

86.  automatic transfers between accounts    自动转帐

87.  average                                 平均数

88.  baby bond                               小额债券

89.  back spreads                            反套利

90.  back wardation                          现货溢价

91.  balance n.                          结余,差额,平衡

92.  bank balance                            存款余额

93.  bank balance over required reserves 超出法定(必备)储备的银行存款余额

94.  bank deposit                            银行存款

95.  Bank of China                           中国银行

96.  Bank of Communications                         交通银行

97.  bank of deposit                                  存款银行

98.  bank of the government                         政府的银行

99.  banker's association                              银行协会

100.          banker'sbank                                中央银行

101.          banker'sguarantee                            银行担保

102.          bank'sbuying rate                          银行买入价

103.          bank'sselling rate                           银行卖出价

104.          bankswith business dealing with the center中央银行的往来银行

105.          Barclaycard                         巴克莱银行信用卡

106.          baserate                                     基本汇价

107.          basisorder                                   基差订单

108.          basisrisk                                    基差风险

109.          bearmarket                             熊市

110.          bearoperation                          卖空行为

111.          bearraiders                            大量抛空者

112.          beneficialowner                        受益所有人

113.          beneficiaryof insurance             保险金受益人

114.          best-effortsoffering         尽力推销(代销)发行

115.          bidand ask prices                      买入和卖出价

116.          bidand ask spread                      买卖差价

117.          bidprice = buying price                买价

118.          bid-askspread                      递盘虚盘差价

119.          bigboard                               大行情牌

120.          bigslump                             大衰退(暴跌)

121.          bill-payingservices                    代付帐款

122.          blackmarket                            黑市

123.          blackmarket financing                  黑市筹资

124.          blackmoney                             黑钱

125.          blanketmortgage                        总括抵押

126.          blockpositioner                        大宗头寸商

127.          blowout                                 畅销

128.          blue-chipstocks                        蓝筹股

129.          boardof arbitration                    仲裁委员会

130.          boardof governors                      理事会

131.          bondfund                               债券基金

132.          borrowingfrom affiliates          向联营公司借款

133.          borrowingpower of securities        证券贷款能力

134.          borrowingrisks                         借款风险

135.          boughtdeal                             包销

136.          breadand butter business               基本业务

137.          breadthindex                           宽度指数

138.          break-even                      不亏不盈,收支相抵

139.          breakout                                突破

140.          bridgingfinance                        过渡性融资

141.          broker                                  经纪人,掮客

142.          brokerage                               经纪人佣金

143.          brokerage                  经纪业;付给经纪人的佣金

144.          brokeragefirm                          经纪商(号)

145.          broker'sloan                           经纪人贷款

146.          brokinghouse                           经纪人事务所

147.          buildingagreement               具有约束力的协定

148.          buildingtax (tax on construction)     建筑税

149.          bullish                                 行情看涨

150.          businessinsurance                      企业保险

151.          businessrisk                           营业风险

152.          businesssavings                        企业储蓄

153.          businesstax                            营业税

154.          businessterm loan                      企业长期贷款

155.          bust-uprisks                           破产风险

156.          buyer'srisks                           买方风险

157.          call(option)                  买方期权,看涨期权

158.          calland put options             买入期权和卖出期权

159.          callfor funds                          控股、集资

160.          callloan transaction                 短期拆放往来

161.          callmarket                             活期存款市场

162.          callmoney                              拆放款

163.          calloptions on an equity   权益(证券)的买入期权

164.          call-options                             认购期权

165.          cancellation                            取消

166.          cancellationmoney                      解约金

167.          cap                                带利率上限的期权

168.          capitalassets                          资本资产

169.          capitallease                           资本租赁

170.          capitalmarket                   信贷市场、资本市场

171.          capitalresources                       资本来源

172.          capitalsurplus                         资本盈余

173.          capitaltransfer                        资本转移

174.          capitalturnover rate                   资本周转率

175.          cardissuing institution                 发卡单位

176.          carefullyselected applicant   经仔细选定的申请人

177.          cargoinsurance                         货物保险

178.          cash                      现金,现款v.兑现,付现款

179.          cash acheque                            支票兑现

180.          cashaccount                            现金帐户

181.          cashadvance                             差旅预支款

182.          cashagainst bill of lading              凭提单付现

183.          cashagainst documents(C.A.D.)         凭单付现,凭单据付现金=documentagainst cash

184.          cashand carry    付现自运;现金交易和运输自理;现购自运商店

185.          cashand carry wholesale              付现自运批发

186.          cashassets                              现金资产

187.          cashaudit                              现金审核

188.          cashaudit                        现金审核,现金审计

189.          cashbalance                      现金余额,现款结存

190.          cashbasis                              现金制

191.          cashbasis                          现金制,现金基础

192.          cashbasis accounting                现金收付会计制

193.          cashbefore delivery(C.B.D.)空货前付款,付款后交货,付现款交货

194.          cashbonus                               现金红利

195.          cashbook                  现金簿;现金帐;现金出纳帐

196.          cashboy                                 送款员

197.          cashbudget                             现金预算

198.          cashcard1                           (银行)自动提款卡

199.          cashcard2                               现金卡

200.          cashclaim                               现金索赔

201.          cashcollection basis                    收现法,收现制

202.          cashcredit                       活期信用放款,现金付出

203.          cashcredit slip                         现金支出传票

204.          cash currency                            现金通货

205.          cashcycle                            现金循环,现金周期

206.          cashday                                 付款日

207.          cashdebit slip                          现金收入传票

208.          cashdepartment    (商业机构中的)出纳部=counting-house

209.          cashdeposit                          现金存款;保证金

210.          cashdeposit as collateral               保证金,押金

211.          cash desk                        (商店、饭馆的)付款处

212.          cashdisbursements                       现金支出

213.          cashdiscount (c.d.)    现金折扣,付现折扣=settlementdiscount

214.          cashdispenser                 (美)自动提款机=cashomat

215.          cashdividend                           现金股利

216.          cashdown                                即付,付现

217.          cashequivalent value              现金等值,现金相等价值

218.          cashflow                               资金流动

219.          cashflow                                现金流动

220.          cashflow stream                         现金流(量)

221.          cashholdings                           库存现金

222.          cashholdings                            库存现金

223.          cashin advance (c.i.a.)                 预付现金

224.          cash inbank                       存银行现金,银行存款

225.          cashin hand     (商行的)手头现金,库存现金=cash on hand

226.          cashin transit                        在途现金,在运现金

227.          cashin transit policy                   现金运送保险单

228.          cashin treasury                         库存现金

229.          cashinvoice                             现购发票

230.          cash items                           现金帐项,现金科目

231.          cashjournal                             现金日记簿

232.          cashliquidity                 现金流动(情况);现金周转

233.          cashloan                                现金贷款

234.          cashmanagement services                现金管理业务

235.          cashmarket            现金交易市场,现货市场,付现市场

236.          cashnexus                               现金交易关系

237.          cashon arrival                        货到付现,货到付款

238.          cashon bank           银行存款;银行付款;现金支票付款

239.          cashon deliver (C.O.D) (英)交货付款,现款交货=collect on delivery

240.          cashon delivery (COD)                  交割付款

241.          cashorder(C/O)                        现金订货

242.          cashpaid book                           现金支出簿

243.          cashpayment                            现金支付

244.          cashpayment                             现金付款,现付

245.          cashpayments journal                    现金支出日记帐

246.          cashposition                           头寸

247.          cashposition                        现金状况,现金头寸

248.          cashprice                        现金售价,现金付款价格

249.          cashpurchase                            现购,现金购买

250.          cashrailway                      (商店中的)货款传送线

251.          cashratio                               现金比率

252.          cashreceipts (CR)                       现金收入

253.          cashreceipts journal                    现金收入日记帐

254.          cashrecords                             现金记录

255.          cashregister          现金登记机,现金收入记录机,收银机

256.          cashremittance                          汇款单;解款单

257.          cashremittance note                 现金解款单,解款单

258.          cashrequirement                         现金需要量

259.          cashreserve                             现金储备(金)

260.          cashresources                        现金资源,现金来源

261.          cashresources (reserves)               现金准备

262.          cashsale               现售,现金销售=saleby real cash

263.          cashsale invoice                     现销发票,现售发票

264.          cashsettlement                        现金结算,现汇结算

265.          cashshort and over     现金尾差,清点现金余差;现金短溢

266.          cashslip                                现金传票

267.          cashstatement                   现金报表,(现金)库存表

268.          cashticket                             现销票,门市发票

269.          cashtransaction                         现金交易

270.          cashverification                       现金核实,现金核查

271.          cashvoucher                         现金凭单;现金收据

272.          cashwith order (c.w.o., C.W.O.订货时付款,订货付现,落单付现

273.          cashwithout discount                    付现无折扣

274.          cashyield discount                现金获利率,现金收益率

275.          cash-and-carryarbitrage                 现货持有套利

276.          cashier                                  出纳员,收支员

277.          cashier'scheque (C.C.)          银行本票=cashier's order

278.          centralrate     中心汇率(一国货币对美元的汇率,并据此计算对其他货币的汇率)

279.          certificateof balance                  存款凭单

280.          Certificateof Deposits (CDs)           大额定期存款单

281.          certificatedsecurity                   实物证券

282.          certificatesof deposit (CDs)           大面额存款单

283.          certifyingbank                         付款保证银行

284.          changehands                            交换,换手

285.          charteredbank                          特许银行

286.          chattel                                 动产

287.          chattelmortgage                        动产抵押

288.          chattelmortgage                        动产抵押

289.          chattelmortgage bond         (美)动产抵押(公司)债券

290.          chattelpersonal                        (私人)动产

291.          chattelreal                         准不动产(土地权等)

292.          checkcertificate                        检验证明书

293.          checkdeposit                           支票存款

294.          checklist                             (核对用的)清单

295.          checksheet                              对帐单

296.          checkingaccount                        支票帐户

297.          checkingdeposits                     支票存款,活期存款

298.          checkingreserve                         支票现金储备

299.          checkstand                     (超级市场的)点货收款台

300.          cheque(payable) to bearer            来人支票,不记名支票

301.          chequebook                              支票簿

302.          chequebook stub                         支票簿存根

303.          chequecard                              支票卡

304.          chequecollection                        支票兑取

305.          chequecollector                         支票兑取人

306.          chequecrossed                           划线支票

307.          chequecrossed generally                 普通划线支票

308.          chequecrossed specially                 特别划线支票

309.          chequedeposit                           支票存款

310.          chequedrawer                            支票出票人

311.          chequeholder                            支票执票人

312.          chequeonly for account                  转帐支票

313.          chequepayable at sight                  见票即付支票

314.          chequeprotector                         支票银码机

315.          chequerate   票据汇兑汇率,票汇价格=sightrate ,short rate

316.          chequeregister                          支票登记簿

317.          chequereturned                        退票,退回的支票

318.          chequesigner                            支票签名机

319.          chequestub                              支票存根

320.          chequeto order                     记名支票,指定人支票

321.          ChinaInvestment Bank                   中国投资银行

322.          circulationrisks                       流通风险

323.          circulationtax (turnover tax)         流转税

324.          citybank                               城市银行

325.          claima refound                         索赔

326.          cleancollections                       光票托收

327.          clearingbank                           清算银行

328.          clearinghouse                          清算所

329.          clearinghouse                      清算公司,票据交换所

330.          closeout                               平仓,结清(账)

331.          closedand mortgage                     闭口抵押

332.          closingorder                           收市价订单

333.          closingrate                            收盘价

334.          closingtransaction                     平仓交易

335.          collar                              带利率上下限的期权

336.          collateralloan                         抵押借款

337.          collectingbank                         托收银行

338.          collectingbank                         托收银行

339.          collectingbank                         代收行

340.          collectioninstructions                 委托(托收的)单据

341.          collectionitems                      托收业务,托收项目

342.          collectionof trade charges             托收货款

343.          collectionon clean bill                光票托收

344.          collectionon documents                 跟单托收

345.          collectionorder                        托收委托书

346.          collectionrisk                         托收风险

347.          collectionrisks                        托收风险

348.          collectionservice                      托收服务

349.          collective-ownedenterprise bonus tax    集体企业奖金税

350.          collective-ownedenterprise income tax   集体企业所得税

351.          commercialand industrial loans         工商贷款

352.          commercialdeposit                      商业存款

353.          commercialpaper                        商业票据

354.          commercialpaper house               经营商业票据的商号

355.          commercialrisk                         商业风险

356.          commercialterms                        商业条件

357.          commission                              佣金

358.          commodityfutures                       商品期货

359.          commodityinsurance                     商品保险

360.          commoncollateral                       共同担保

361.          commonfund                             共同基金

362.          commonstock                            普通股

363.          commontrust fund                       共同信托基金

364.          compensatoryfinancing                  补偿性融资

365.          competitiverisks                       竞争风险

366.          compositedepreciation                  综合折旧

367.          compoundinterest                       复利

368.          compoundrate                           复利率

369.          compoundrate deposit                   复利存款

370.          comprehensiveinsurance                 综合保险

371.          condominium                          公寓私有共有方式

372.          confirmingbank                         保兑银行

373.          congestionarea                         震荡区

374.          congestiontape                       统一自动行情显示

375.          conservatismand liquidity              稳健性与流动性

376.          consortiumbank                         银团银行

377.          constructurerisk                        建设风险

378.          consumerfinancing                      消费融资

379.          contingentrisks                        或有风险

380.          contractmoney                          合同保证金

381.          contractsize                           合约容量

382.          contractsof difference                 差异合约

383.          contractualvalue                       合同价格

384.          controlledrates                        控制的汇率

385.          converge                  集聚,(为共同利益而)结合一起

386.          conversion                              汇兑、兑换

387.          convertiblecurrency                    可兑换的货币

388.          cooling-offperiod                      等待期

389.          cooperativefinancing                    合作金融

390.          corneringthe market                    操纵市场

391.          corners                                 垄断

392.          corporatedeposits                      法人存款

393.          correspondent                           代理行

394.          costof maintenance                     维修费

395.          counter-inflationpolicy                反通货膨胀对策

396.          cover                        弥补,补进(卖完的商品等)

397.          cover    弥补(损失等);负担(开支);补进(商品或股票等);保险

398.          coverage                   承保险别;保险总额;范围保险

399.          coverageratio                          偿债能力比率

400.          cover-note                           暂保单;投保通知单

401.          credit                                   信用,信贷

402.          creditaccount (C.A., C/A)               赊帐=open account2

403.          creditagreement                         信贷协定

404.          creditamount             信贷金额;赊帐金额;信用证金额

405.          creditanalysis                          信用分析

406.          creditbalance                       贷方余额,结欠,贷余

407.          creditbank                             信贷银行

408.          creditbeneficiary                       信用证受益人

409.          creditbusiness                          赊售,信用买卖

410.          creditbuying                            赊购

411.          creditcapital                           信贷资本

412.          creditcards                            信用卡

413.          creditcontrol                          信用控制

414.          creditcontrol instrument               信用调节手段

415.          creditexpansion                        信用扩张

416.          creditextending policy                 融资方针

417.          creditfacility                         信用透支

418.          creditlimit                             信用额度

419.          creditrestriction                      信用限额

420.          creditrisk                              信用风险

421.          creditunion                            信用合作社

422.          creditorbank                           债权银行

423.          cropup (out)                            出现,呈现

424.          crosshedge                             交叉套做

425.          crosshedging                           交叉保值

426.          cumdividend                            附息

427.          cumrights                              含权

428.          cumulativepreferred stock              累积优先股

429.          currencyfutures                        外币期货

430.          currencyfutures contract                货币期货合约

431.          currentfund                            流动基金

432.          currentfutures price                    现时的期货价格

433.          currentratio                           流动比率

434.          customize                         按顾客的具体要求制作

435.          customsduty(tariffs)                 关税

436.          D/D(Banker's Demand Draft)             票汇

437.          dailyinterest                          日息

438.          dailylimit                             每日涨(跌)停板

439.          dateof delivery                        交割期

440.          dealers                                 批发商

441.          deathand gift tax                      遗产和赠与税

442.          debtof honour                          信用借款

443.          debtorbank                             借方银行

444.          decision-makingunder risk              风险下的决策

445.          deed                                    契约

446.          deedtax                                契税

447.          deferredsavings                        定期存款

448.          deficitcovering                        弥补赤字

449.          deficit-coveringfinance                赤字财政

450.          deflation                               通货紧缩

451.          deliverydate                           交割日

452.          demandpull inflation                   需求拉动通货膨胀

453.          demand-depositor checking-accounts     活期存款或支票帐户

454.          depositaccount (D/A)                   存款帐户

455.          depositat call                         通知存款

456.          depositbank                            存款银行

457.          depositmoney                           存款货币

458.          depositrate                            存款利率

459.          depositturnover                        存款周转率

460.          depreciationrisks                      贬值风险

461.          derivativedeposit                      派生存款

462.          deriveddeposit                         派生存款

463.          designatedcurrency                     指定货币

464.          deutschemarks (=DM)                    西德马克

465.          devaluationof dollar                   美元贬值

466.          developer                               发展商

467.          DevelopmentBank                        开发银行

468.          developmentfinancing                    发展融资

469.          devise                                  遗赠

470.          dieintestate                           死时没有遗嘱

471.          Dinerscard                             大莱信用卡

472.          directexchange                         直接汇兑

473.          directfinancing                        直接融资

474.          directhedging                          直接套做

475.          directleases                           直接租赁

476.          directtaxation                         直接税

477.          discountcredit                         贴现融资

478.          discountmarket                         贴现市场

479.          discounton bills                       票据贴现

480.          discountpaid                           已付贴现额

481.          discountedcash flow                    净现金量

482.          discountingbank                        贴现银行

483.          dishonourrisks                          拒付风险

484.          disintermediation                        脱媒

485.          distantfutures                         远期期货

486.          diversification                         分散投资

487.          dividends                               红利

488.          documentof title                       物权单据

489.          documentarycollection                  跟单托收

490.          Documentsagainst Acceptance,D/A        承兑交单

491.          Documentsagainst Payment,D/P           付款交单

492.          domesticcorrespondent                  国内通汇银行

493.          domesticdeposit                        国内存款

494.          domesticexchange                       国内汇兑

495.          doubleleasing                          双重租赁

496.          doublemortgage                         双重抵押

497.          doubleoption                           双向期权

498.          DowJones average                       道·琼斯平均数

499.          downpayment                            首期

500.          downgrade                               降级

501.          downside                                下降趋势

502.          downtick                                跌点交易

503.          Dragoncard                             龙卡

504.          draw                                    提款

505.          drawcheque                             签发票据

506.          draweebank                             付款银行

507.          drawingaccount                         提款帐户

508.          dualexchange market                    双重外汇市场

509.          dualtrading                            双重交易

510.          duefrom other funds                    应收其他基金款

511.          due toother funds                      应付其他基金款

512.          dumping                                 抛售

513.          earlywarning system                    预警系统

514.          easycredit                             放松信贷

515.          economicexposure                        经济风险

516.          efficientportfolio                      有效证券组合

517.          electronicaccounting machine           电子记帐机

518.          electroniccash                          电子现金

519.          electroniccash register                电子收款机

520.          electronicdebts                        电子借贷

521.          electronicfunds transfer                电子资金转帐

522.          electronictransfer                     电子转帐

523.          emergencytariff                        非常关税

524.          encumbrance                债权(在不动产上设定的债权)

525.          endorsementfor collection              托收背书

526.          engagein arbitrage (to)                套汇

527.          entityn.                               单位,整体,个体

528.          entrancefee                             申请费

529.          equalizationfund                       (外汇)平衡基金

530.          equipmentleasing services              设备租赁业务

531.          equityportfolio                        股票资产

532.          establishingbank                       开证银行

533.          ethicsrisks                            道德风险

534.          Euro-bank                               欧洲银行

535.          Eurocard                                 欧洲系统卡

536.          Europeanterms                          欧洲标价法

537.          evaluationof property                   房产估价

538.          evasionof foreign currency             逃汇

539.          exceptionclause                        免责条款

540.          excessinsurance                        超额保险

541.          exchangeadjustment                     汇率调整

542.          exchangealteration                     更改汇率

543.          exchangearbitrage                      外汇套利

544.          exchangebank                           外汇银行

545.          exchangebroker                         外汇经纪人

546.          exchangebrokerage                      外汇经纪人佣金

547.          exchangebusiness                       外汇业务

548.          exchangeclearing agreement             外汇结算协定

549.          exchangeclearing system                汇结算制

550.          exchangecompetition                    外汇竞争

551.          exchangecontract                       外汇成交单

552.          exchangecontrol                        外汇管制

553.          exchangeconvertibility                 外汇兑换

554.          exchangecustoms                        交易所惯例

555.          exchangedepreciation                   外汇下降

556.          exchangedumping                        汇率倾销

557.          exchangefluctuations                   汇价变动

558.          exchangefor forward delivery           远期外汇业务

559.          exchangefor spot delivery               即期外汇业务

560.          exchangefreedom                        外汇自由兑换

561.          exchangeloss                           汇率损失

562.          exchangeparity                         外汇平价

563.          exchangeposition                       外汇头寸

564.          exchangeposition                     外汇头寸;外汇动态

565.          exchangepremium                        外汇升水

566.          exchangeprofit                         外汇利润

567.          exchangeproviso clause                 外汇保值条款

568.          exchangequota system                   外汇配额制

569.          exchangerate                           汇价

570.          exchangerate fluctuations              外汇汇价的波动

571.          exchangerate parity                   外汇兑换的固定汇率

572.          exchangerate risks                     外汇汇率风险

573.          exchangereserves                       外汇储备

574.          exchangerestrictions                   外汇限制

575.          exchangerisk                           外汇风险

576.          exchangerisk                           兑换风险

577.          exchangesettlement                     结汇

578.          exchangespeculation                    外汇投机

579.          exchangestability                      汇率稳定

580.          exchangesurrender certificate          外汇移转证

581.          exchangetransactions                   外汇交易

582.          exchangevalue                          外汇价值

583.          exchangewar                            外汇战

584.          excise                                   货物税,消费税

585.          exercisedate                           执行日

586.          exerciseprice, striking price           履约价格,认购价格

587.          expendituretax                         支出税

588.          expendituretax regime                  支出税税制

589.          expensesincurred in the purchase       购买物业开支

590.          expirationdate                         到期日

591.          exportand import bank                  进出口银行

592.          exportgold point                       黄金输出点

593.          exposure                                 风险

594.          externalaccount                        对外帐户

595.          extraneousrisks                        附加险

596.          extrinsicvalue                         外在价值

597.          facevalue                              面值

598.          facultativeinsurance                   临时保险

599.          fairand reasonable                     公平合理

600.          farfuture risks                        长远期风险

601.          farmsubsidies                          农产品补贴

602.          farmlandoccupancy tax                  耕地占用税

603.          favourableexchange                     顺汇

604.          faxbase                                税基

605.          feasttax                               筵席税

606.          featheredassets                        掺水资产

607.          fee                                     不动产

608.          feeinterest                            不动产产权

609.          fictionspayee                          虚构抬头人

610.          fictitiousassets                        虚拟资产

611.          fictitiouscapital                       虚拟资本

612.          fiduciarya.                 信托的,信用的,受信托的(人)

613.          fiduciaryfield                        信用领域,信托领域

614.          financebroker                           金融经纪人

615.          financialadvising services             金融咨询服务

616.          financialarrangement                    筹资安排

617.          financialcrisis                        金融危机

618.          financialforward contract               金融远期合约

619.          financialfutures                        金融期货

620.          financialfutures contract              金融期货合约

621.          financialinsolvency                     无力支付

622.          financialinstitutions' deposit         同业存款

623.          financiallease                         金融租赁

624.          financialrisk                           金融风险

625.          financialstatement analysis             财务报表分析

626.          financialsystem                        金融体系

627.          financialtransaction                   金融业务

628.          financialunrest                        金融动荡

629.          financialworld                         金融界

630.          firstmortgage                           第一抵押权

631.          fiscaland monetary policy              财政金融政策

632.          fixedassets                            固定资产

633.          fixedassets ratio                      固定资产比率

634.          fixedassets turnover ratio             固定资产周转率

635.          fixedcapital                           固定资本

636.          fixedcosts                             固定成本

637.          fixeddeposit (=time deposit)           定期存款

638.          fixeddeposit by installment            零存整取

639.          fixedexchange rate                     固定汇率

640.          fixedpar of exchange                   法定汇兑平价

641.          fixedsavings withdrawal                定期储蓄提款

642.          fixed-rateleases                       固定利率租赁

643.          flexibilityand mobility                灵活性与机动性

644.          flexibilityof exchange rates           汇率伸缩性

645.          flexibleexchange rate                  浮动汇率

646.          floatingexchange rate                  浮动汇率

647.          floatingpolicy                         流动保险单

648.          floating-rateleases                    浮动利率租赁

649.          floor                                 带利率下限的期权

650.          floorbroker                            场内经纪人

651.          fluctuationsin prices                  汇率波动

652.          foregift                                 权利金

653.          foreignbanks                           外国银行

654.          foreigncorrespondent                   国外代理银行

655.          foreigncurrency futures                外汇期货

656.          foreignenterprises income tax           外国企业所得税

657.          foreignexchange certificate            外汇兑换券

658.          foreignexchange crisis                 外汇危机

659.          foreignexchange cushion                外汇缓冲

660.          foreignexchange dumping                外汇倾销

661.          foreignexchange earnings               外汇收入

662.          foreignexchange liabilities            外汇负债

663.          foreignexchange loans                  外汇贷款

664.          foreignexchange parity                 外汇平价

665.          foreignexchange quotations             外汇行情

666.          foreignexchange regulations            外汇条例

667.          foreignexchange reserves               外汇储备

668.          foreignexchange restrictions           外汇限制

669.          foreignexchange retaining system       外汇留存制

670.          foreignexchange risk                    外汇风险

671.          foreignexchange services               外汇业务

672.          foreignexchange transaction centre     外汇交易中心

673.          forwardexchange                        期货外汇

674.          forwardexchange intervention           期货外汇干预

675.          forwardexchange sold                   卖出期货外汇

676.          forwardforeign exchange                远期外汇汇率

677.          forwardoperation                       远期(经营)业务

678.          forwardswap                            远期掉期

679.          fraternalinsurance                     互助保险

680.          freedepreciation                       自由折旧

681.          freeforeign exchange                   自由外汇

682.          freighttax                              运费税

683.          fringebank                             边缘银行

684.          fullinsurance                          定额保险

685.          fullpayout leases                      充分偿付租赁

686.          fullprogressive income tax             全额累进所得税

687.          fund                                    资金、基金

688.          fundaccount                            基金帐户

689.          fundallocation                         基金分配

690.          fundappropriation                      基金拨款

691.          fundbalance                            基金结存款

692.          funddemand                             资金需求

693.          fundfor relief                         救济基金

694.          fundfor special use                    专用基金

695.          fundin trust                           信托基金

696.          fundliability                          基金负债

697.          fundobligation                         基金负担

698.          fundraising                            基金筹措

699.          fundamentalinsurance                   基本险

700.          fundsstatement                         资金表

701.          futurescommission merchants            期货经纪公司

702.          futurescontract                         期货合约

703.          futuresdelivery                        期货交割

704.          futuresmargin                          期货保证金

705.          futuresmarket                          期货市场

706.          futuresprice                           期货价格

707.          futurestransaction                     期货交易

708.          FXfutures contract                     外汇期货合约

709.          gallopinginflation                     恶性通货膨胀

710.          gap                                     跳空

711.          generalendorsement                     不记名背书

712.          generalfund                            普通基金

713.          generalmortgage                        一般抵押

714.          Girobank                               汇划银行

715.          givenrate                              已知汇率

716.          golong                                  买进,多头

717.          go short                               短缺;卖空,空头

718.          goingaway                              分批买进

719.          goingrate                              现行汇率

720.          GoldEar Credit Card                     金穗卡

721.          governmentrevenue                      政府收入

722.          graduatedreserve requirement           分级法定准备金

723.          GreatWall card                         长城卡

724.          grosscash flow                         现金总流量

725.          guaranteeof payment                    付款保证

726.          guaranteedfund                         保证准备金

727.          hammeringthe market                    打压市场

728.          handlingcharge                         手续费

729.          harmonyof fiscal and monetary policies     财政政策和金融政策的协调

730.          hedge                                   套头交易

731.          hedgeagainst inflation                 为防通货膨胀而套购

732.          hedgebuying                            买进保值期货

733.          hedgefund                              套利基金

734.          hedgingmechanism                        规避机制

735.          hedgingrisk                             套期保值风险

736.          hirepurchase                           租购

737.          hitthe bid                             拍板成交

738.          hoardedmoney                           储存的货币

739.          holdingthe market                      托盘

740.          horizontalprice movement               横盘

741.          hotissue                               抢手证券

742.          hotmoney deposits                      游资存款

743.          hotstock                               抢手股票

744.          houseproperty tax                      房产税

745.          hypothecation                           抵押

746.          idlecapital                            闲置资本

747.          idlecash (money)                       闲散现金,游资

748.          idledemand deposits                    闲置的活期存款

749.          immobilizedcapital                      固定化的资产

750.          immovableproperty                      不动产

751.          importregulation tax                   进口调节税

752.          imposition                               征税;税;税款

753.          imprestbank account                    定额银行存款专户

754.          inforce                                (法律上)有效的

755.          in thetank                             跳水

756.          inactivemarket                         不活跃市场

757.          incomein kind                          实物所得

758.          incometax liabilities               所得税责任,所得税债务

759.          incometaxes                            所得税

760.          indemnity                               赔偿,补偿

761.          indirectarbitrage                      间接套汇

762.          indirectfinance                        间接金融

763.          indirecthedging                         间接套做

764.          indirectleases                    间接租赁(即:杠杆租赁)

765.          indirectrate                           间接汇率

766.          indirecttaxation                       间接税

767.          individualincome regulation tax        个人调节税

768.          individualincome tax                   个人所得税

769.          individualsavings                      私人储蓄

770.          Industrialand Commercial Bank of China 中国工商银行

771.          industrialfinancing                     工业融资

772.          industrial-commercialconsolidated tax  工商统一税

773.          industrial-commercialincome tax        工商所得税

774.          industrial-commercialtax               工商税

775.          inflation                               通货膨胀

776.          inflationrate                          通货膨胀率

777.          inflationaryspiral                   螺旋式上升的通货膨胀

778.          inflationarytrends                     通货膨胀趋势

779.          infrastructurebank                     基本建设投资银行

780.          initialmargin                           初始保证金

781.          initialmargin                          期初保证权

782.          initialmargins                         初始保证金

783.          initialreserve                         初期准备金

784.          insider                                 内幕人

785.          installmentsavings                     零存整取储蓄

786.          institution                             机构投资者

787.          insuranceappraiser                     保险损失评价人

788.          insurancebroker                        保险经纪人

789.          insurancecontract                     保险契约,保险合同

790.          insurancesaleman                       保险外勤

791.          insuranceservices                      保险业务

792.          insureagainst fire                     保火险

793.          insured                                 被保险人

794.          interbankmarket                        银行同业市场

795.          inter-businesscredit                   同行放帐

796.          intereston deposit                     存款利息

797.          interestper annum                      年息

798.          interestper month                      月息

799.          interestrate futures contract           利率期货合约

800.          interestrate policy                    利率政策

801.          interestrate position                   利率头寸

802.          interestrate risk                      利率风险

803.          interestrestriction                    利息限制

804.          interestsubsidy                        利息补贴

805.          interest-raterisk                       利息率风险

806.          interimfinance                         中间金融

807.          intermediarybank                       中间银行

808.          intermediateaccount                    中间帐户

809.          internalreserves                       内部准备金

810.          internationalbanking services          国际银行业务

811.          InternationalInvestment Bank (IIB)     国际投资银行

812.          internationalleasing                   国际租赁

813.          in-the-money                         有内在价值的期权

814.          intraday                                日内

815.          intrinsicutility                       内在效用

816.          intrinsicvalue                        实际价值,内部价值

817.          inwarddocumentary bill for collection  进口跟单汇票,进口押汇(汇票)

818.          isolationof risk                       风险隔离

819.          issuebank                              发行银行

820.          JCBcard                                 JCB卡

821.          jointfinancing                         共同贷款

822.          keyrisk                                关键风险

823.          kill abet                              终止赌博

824.          landuse tax                            土地使用税

825.          largedeposit                           大额存款

826.          largeleases                            大型租赁

827.          latentinflation                        潜在的通货膨胀

828.          latentinflation                        潜在的通货膨胀

829.          leaseagreement                         租约

830.          leaseand release                       租借和停租

831.          leasebroker                            租赁经纪人

832.          leasefinancing                         租赁筹租

833.          leaseimmovable                         租借的不动产

834.          leasein perpetuity                     永租权

835.          leaseinsurance                         租赁保险

836.          leaseinterest insurance                租赁权益保险

837.          leaseland                              租赁土地

838.          leasemortgage                          租借抵押

839.          leaseout                               租出

840.          leaseproperty                          租赁财产

841.          leasepurchase                           租借购买

842.          leaserental                            租赁费

843.          leaseterritory                         租借地

844.          leaseback                               回租

845.          leasebroker                             租赁经纪人

846.          leasedimmovable                        租借的不动产

847.          leasehold                               租赁土地

848.          leasehold                      租借期,租赁营业,租赁权

849.          leaseholdproperty                      租赁财产

850.          leaseholder                             租赁人

851.          leaseholder                             承租人,租借人

852.          leasesagent                            租赁代理

853.          leasesarrangement                      租赁安排

854.          leasescompany                          租赁公司

855.          leasesstructure                        租赁结构

856.          leasing                                 出租

857.          leasingagreement                       租赁协议

858.          leasingamount                          租赁金额

859.          leasingasset                         出租财产,租赁财产

860.          leasingclauses                         租赁条款

861.          leasingconsultant                      租赁顾问

862.          leasingcontract                        租赁合同

863.          leasingcost                            租赁成本

864.          leasingcountry                         承租国

865.          leasingdivision                        租赁部

866.          leasingequipment                       租赁设备

867.          leasingindustry                        租赁业

868.          leasingindustry (trade)                租赁业

869.          leasingmoney                           租赁资金

870.          leasingperiod                          租赁期

871.          leasingregulations                     租赁条例

872.          legalinterest                          法定利息

873.          legaltender                            法定货币

874.          legaltender                          本位货币,法定货币

875.          lessee                                   承租人,租户

876.          lessor                                  出租人

877.          letterof confirmation                   确认书

878.          lettertransfer                         信汇

879.          leveragedleases                        杠杆租赁

880.          lien                                    扣押权,抵押权

881.          lifeinsurance                          人寿保险

882.          lifeof assets                          资产寿命

883.          limitorder                             限价指令

884.          limitedfloating rate                   有限浮动汇率

885.          lineof business                 行业,营业范围,经营种类

886.          liquidation                             清仓

887.          liquidity                               流动性

888.          liquidityof bank                       银行资产流动性

889.          listedstock                            上市股票

890.          livestocktransaction tax               牲畜交易税

891.          loanaccount                            贷款帐户

892.          loanamount                             贷款额

893.          loanat call                            拆放

894.          loanbank                               放款银行

895.          loanvolume                             贷款额

896.          loan-depositratio                      存放款比率

897.          loansto financial institutions          金融机构贷款

898.          loansto government                     政府贷款

899.          localbank                              地方银行

900.          localincome tax (local surtax)         地方所得税

901.          localsurtax                             地方附加税

902.          localtax                               地方税

903.          longarbitrage                          多头套利

904.          longposition                           多头头寸

905.          longposition                     多头寸;买进的期货合同

906.          long-termcertificate of deposit        长期存款单

907.          long-termcredit bank                   长期信用银行

908.          long-termfinance                        长期资金融通

909.          lossleader                           特价商品,亏损大项

910.          lossof profits insurance                收益损失保险

911.          losson exchange                        汇兑损失

912.          low-currencydumping                    低汇倾销

913.          low-currencydumping                    低汇倾销

914.          M/T (=Mail Transfer)                   信汇

915.          mainbank                               主要银行

916.          maintenancemargin                最低保证金,维持保证金

917.          majormarket index                      主要市场指数

918.          managementrisk                          管理风险

919.          managingbank of a syndicate            财团的经理银行

920.          manipulation                            操纵

921.          margin                                  保证金

922.          margincall                             保证金通知

923.          margincall                            追加保证金的通知

924.          marginmoney              预收保证金,开设信用证保证金

925.          marginrate                             保证金率

926.          markdown                                跌价

927.          marketdiscount rate                    市场贴现率

928.          marketexpectations                     市场预期

929.          marketmakers                            造市者

930.          marketorder                            市价订单

931.          marketrisk                             市场风险

932.          marketability                           流动性

933.          market-clearing                         市场结算

934.          Mastercard                              万事达卡

935.          matching                                搭配

936.          matureliquid contracts                  到期合约

937.          maximumlimit of overdraft               透支额度

938.          measuresfor monetary ease              金融缓和措施

939.          mediumrate                             中间汇率

940.          medium-termfinance                     中期金融

941.          memberbank                             会员银行

942.          Millioncard                             百万卡

943.          minimumcash requirements          最低现金持有量(需求)

944.          minimumreserve ratio                   法定最低准备比率

945.          mintparity                             法定平价

946.          monetaryaction                         金融措施

947.          monetaryaggregates                     货币流通额

948.          monetaryand credit control             货币信用管理

949.          monetaryand financial crisis           货币金融危机

950.          monetaryarea                           货币区

951.          monetaryassets                         货币性资产

952.          monetarybase                           货币基础

953.          monetarycirculation                    货币流通

954.          monetarydevice                         金融调节手段

955.          monetaryease                           银根松动

956.          monetarymarket                         金融市场

957.          monetarymarket                         金融市场

958.          monetaryrisk                           货币风险

959.          monetarystringency                     银根奇紧

960.          monetaryunit                           货币单位

961.          moneycapital                           货币资本

962.          moneycollector                         收款人

963.          moneycredit                            货币信用

964.          moneydown                              付现款

965.          moneyequivalent                        货币等价

966.          moneypaid on account                   定金

967.          money-flowanalysis                     货币流量分析

968.          money-over-moneyleases                 货币加成租赁

969.          moralhazard                             道德风险

970.          mortgagebank                           抵押银行

971.          motorvehicle and highway user tax      机动车和公路使用税

972.          movablesall risks insurance            动产综合保险

973.          movablesinsurance                      动产保险

974.          multinationalbank                      跨国银行

975.          multiunit                                公寓楼

976.          mutualinsurance company                相互保险公司

977.          nationalbank                           国家银行

978.          nationalizedbank                       国有化银行

979.          nearmoney                              准货币

980.          nearbycontracts                         近期合约

981.          nearbyfutures                          近期期货

982.          nearbyrisks                            近期风险

983.          negotiability                            流通性

984.          negotiatingbank                        议付银行

985.          nesting                                 配套

986.          netsettlement status               净结算状况,净结算头寸

987.          neutralmoney                           中介货币

988.          neutralityof the central bank          中央银行的中立性

989.          nominalaccount                         名义帐户

990.          nominaldeposit                         名义存款

991.          non-memberbank                         非会员银行

992.          non-residentaccount                    非居民存款

993.          notionalprincipal                      名义本金

994.          notionalsum                            名义金额

995.          off-balance-sheet                        表外业务

996.          offerrate                              卖出汇率

997.          officialborrowing                      政府借款

998.          officialdevaluation                    法定贬值

999.          officialrate (of exchange)             官方汇价

1000.     officialshort-term credit              官方短期信用

1001.     offsetreserve                          坏帐准备金

1002.     on adiscount basis                      (以)折价形式

1003.     openaccount business (= open account trade)赊帐交易

1004.     openan account                         开户

1005.     openfair transaction tax                集市交易税

1006.     openmarket                              公开市场

1007.     openmarket operation                   公开市场业务

1008.     openmarket policy                      公开市场政策

1009.     openmortgage                           可资抵押

1010.     opennegotiation                        公开议付

1011.     openoutcry                         公开喊价,公开叫价

1012.     openpolicy                             预约保单

1013.     openposition                       (期货交易中的)头寸

1014.     openpositions                          敞口头寸

1015.     open-ended                  开口的,无限制的,无限度的

1016.     openingorder                           开市价订单

1017.     operatingbank                          营业银行

1018.     operatingcash flow                     营运现金流(量)

1019.     operatinglease                          经营租赁

1020.     operatingleases                        操作租赁

1021.     operatingrisk                           经营风险

1022.     operationaccount                       交易帐户

1023.     option                             期权,选择权,买卖权

1024.     optionbuyer                             期权的买方

1025.     optionfee (=option premium or premium o期权费

1026.     optionpurchase price                   期权的购进价格

1027.     optionseller                           期权的卖方

1028.     optionson futures contract             期货合同的期权交易

1029.     ordinarybank                           普通银行

1030.     ordinarydeposit                        普通存款

1031.     ordinarytime deposit                   普通定期存款

1032.     ourbank                                开户银行

1033.     out-of-the-money                      无内在价值的期权

1034.     output-capitalratio                    产出与资本的比率

1035.     outrightposition                       单笔头寸

1036.     outwarddocumentary bill for collection    出口跟单汇票,出口押汇

1037.     outwardremittance                      汇出汇款

1038.     over-loanposition                      贷款超额

1039.     overnightcall loan                     日拆

1040.     overseasbank                           海外银行

1041.     overseasbranches                       国外分行

1042.     oversold                                超卖

1043.     over-the-counter      场外的,买卖双方直接交易的,不通过交易所交易的

1044.     over-the-counter(OTC) option            场外交易市场

1045.     overvalued                              估价过高

1046.     Pacificcard                            太平洋卡

1047.     packagepolicy                          一揽子保险

1048.     paintingthe tape                       粉饰行情

1049.     pairing                                  配对

1050.     parking                                 寄售

1051.     partialassignment                      部分转让

1052.     partiesto a collection                 托收各当事人

1053.     pawn                                    典当

1054.     payup                                  付清,缴清

1055.     payeeor beneficiary                受款人,收款人,受益人

1056.     payingbank                             付款银行

1057.     payingbank                             汇入行,付款行

1058.     paymentfacilities                      支付服务设施

1059.     paymentof account                      预付金

1060.     paymentof exchange                     结汇

1061.     paymentreserve                         支付准备

1062.     paymentrisks                            支付风险

1063.     payrolltax                             薪金税

1064.     pegging                                 固定汇率

1065.     permanentcapital                       永久性资本

1066.     personalaccount                        个人帐户

1067.     personaldeposit                        私人存款

1068.     personalloans                          个人贷款

1069.     pettycurrent deposit                   小额活期存款

1070.     pettyinsurance                         小额保险

1071.     placean order                          订购;下单

1072.     plasticcard                             塑料卡

1073.     Pocard                                 牡丹卡

1074.     pointof delivery                       交割地点

1075.     policyof discount window               窗口指导政策

1076.     politicalrisk                           政治风险

1077.     poorfor insurance                      风险大的保险户

1078.     popularitybank                         庶民银行

1079.     position                           头寸;交易部位;部位

1080.     post                                   过帐;登入总帐

1081.     postalremittance                       邮政汇款

1082.     postalsavings                          邮政储蓄

1083.     pre-creditrisk                         信贷前风险

1084.     predetermined                           预先约定的

1085.     premium                                 期权费

1086.     premium                                 期权权利金

1087.     premiumfor lease                        租赁保证金

1088.     premiumrate                            保险费率

1089.     premiumrates                           优惠率

1090.     premiumtariff                          保险费率表

1091.     presentdiscount value                  贴现现值

1092.     presentingbank                         提示银行

1093.     prevailingrate                         现行汇率

1094.     pricediscovery                         价格发现

1095.     primaryinsurance                       基本险

1096.     principal                               本金

1097.     principal                               本金

1098.     principal(= drawer,consignor)          委托人

1099.     principaland interest                  本利

1100.     principals(stockholders)               股东

1101.     privatelyowned enterprise income tax    私营企业所得税

1102.     producttax                             产品税

1103.     productivityrisk                       产量风险

1104.     profitand loss accounts                损益帐户

1105.     profitor loss on exchange              外汇买卖损益

1106.     profittaking                           获利回吐

1107.     progressivetaxation                    累进税

1108.     property                                物业

1109.     propertyassets                         不动产

1110.     propertycompany                        房地产公司

1111.     propertyinsurance                      财产保险

1112.     propertytaxes                          财产税

1113.     propertyunder construction             楼花

1114.     propertyvalue                          房产价

1115.     proposalform                           投保单

1116.     proposalof insurance                   要保书

1117.     proprietary                             自有资产

1118.     proprietaryinsurance                   营业保险

1119.     prospectus                              募资说明书

1120.     protectivetariffs                      保护性关税

1121.     providentfund                          准备基金

1122.     provisionalaccount                     临时帐户

1123.     proxy                                   代理委托证书

1124.     publicaudit                            公开审计

1125.     publicdeposit                          政府存款

1126.     publicmoney                            公款

1127.     pureinterest                           纯利息

1128.     put(option)                         卖方期权,看跌期权

1129.     put-options                              认售期权

1130.     qualityrisks                           质量风险

1131.     quantityrisks                           数量风险

1132.     ransom                                  赎金

1133.     rateof deposit turnover                存款周转率

1134.     rateof depreciation                    折旧率

1135.     ratioof cash reserves to deposits      存款支付准备率

1136.     ratioof cash reserves to deposits      存款支付准备率

1137.     ratioof cash reserves to deposits      存款支付准备率

1138.     ratioof doubtful loans to total loans  坏帐比率

1139.     ratioof profit to capital              收益同资本的比率

1140.     rationingof exchange                   外汇配售

1141.     realestate                             不动产

1142.     realestate and personal property tax    不动产和动产税

1143.     realestate brokerage services          不动产经纪业务

1144.     realestate investment trust             不动产投资信托公司

1145.     real estateloans                       不动产贷款

1146.     realestate mortgage                    不动产抵押

1147.     realestate mortgage bonds              不动产抵押债券

1148.     realestate tax                          不动产税

1149.     reciprocalreinsurance                  互惠互保

1150.     redbalance                             赤字差额

1151.     redbalance                             赤字差额

1152.     redbalance                             赤字差额

1153.     rediscountbank                         再贴现银行

1154.     rediscountpolicy                       再贴现政策

1155.     reexchange                               回汇、退汇

1156.     registrationfee                        注册费

1157.     relateddocuments                       有关单据

1158.     remitvt.                                传寄,汇寄,送

1159.     remittancebank                         汇款银行

1160.     remittanceby draft                     汇票汇款

1161.     remittancecharges                      汇费

1162.     remittancen.                            汇款

1163.     remittern.                             汇款人

1164.     remittingbank                          汇出银行

1165.     remittingbank                          汇出行,汇款行

1166.     remittingbank (= entrusting bank)      托收行

1167.     repressedinflation                     抑制性通货膨胀

1168.     requestingbank                         委托开证银行

1169.     requiredreserve ratio                  法定准备率

1170.     reserveaccount                         准备金帐户

1171.     reservedeposit                         准备存款

1172.     reservefinancing                        累积融资

1173.     reservemargin                          准备金比率

1174.     reserveratio                         法定存款准备金比率

1175.     reserverequirements                    法定存款准备金

1176.     reservingbank                          储备银行

1177.     resistance                              阻挡区

1178.     resourcetax                            资源税

1179.     restrictivelending policy              贷款紧缩政策

1180.     restrictivemonetary policy             紧缩通货膨胀

1181.     retailtransaction                      零售交易

1182.     retaliatorytariff                       报复性关税

1183.     revenueaccount                         收入帐户

1184.     reversal                                反转

1185.     revisethe repay and condition           已定的细则

1186.     riggedmarket                           受操纵的市场

1187.     rightof pledge                         质权

1188.     risk(or risk-bearing) capital          承担风险的资本

1189.     riskadjusted return                    风险调整报酬率

1190.     riskanalysis                           风险分析

1191.     riskanalysis                           风险分析

1192.     riskassets                             冒风险的资产

1193.     riskassets                             风险资产

1194.     riskdecision                           风险性决策

1195.     riskfund                               风险基金

1196.     riskguaranty                           风险担保

1197.     riskhedge                               风险保值

1198.     riskhedging instruments                 风险保值工具

1199.     risklosses                              风险损失

1200.     riskmanagement                         风险管理

1201.     riskminimization                       风险减至最小限度

1202.     riskmoney                           (出纳员)短款补贴

1203.     riskpremium                         风险补贴,风险溢价

1204.     riskprevention                         风险防范

1205.     riskproject                             风险项目

1206.     riskprotection                         风险保护

1207.     riskratio                              风险率

1208.     risktransfer                           风险转移

1209.     risktransformation                     风险转移

1210.     risk/venturecapital                    风险资本

1211.     risk-adjusteddiscount rate              风险调整折现率

1212.     risk-coveringinsurance                 风险保险

1213.     risk-returncharacteristics             风险与收益特性

1214.     riskscontribution                      风险分摊

1215.     risk-takingcompany                     风险企业

1216.     riskycost                              风险成本

1217.     riskyinvestment                        风险投资

1218.     riskyloans                             有风险贷款

1219.     riskyreserve                           风险储备

1220.     riskyrevenue                           风险收入

1221.     run ona bank                           银行挤兑

1222.     safedeposit facilities                 保险箱业务

1223.     safetydeposit boxes                    保管箱

1224.     saleand leaseback agreement           出售资产与回租安排

1225.     saleof property                        出售物业

1226.     salestax                               销售税

1227.     salestaxes                             销售税

1228.     salttax                                 盐税

1229.     savingaccount (S.A.)                   储蓄帐户

1230.     savingsaccounts                        储蓄存款帐户

1231.     savingsand loan association            储蓄与放款合作协会

1232.     savingsand loan share accounts       储蓄贷款协会的股金券

1233.     savingsbank                            储蓄银行

1234.     savingsdeposit                         储蓄存款

1235.     scientificresearch unit bonus tax      科研单位奖金税

1236.     screen(stocks)                         选股

1237.     securitiesbrokerage services           证券经纪业务

1238.     securitiesunderwriting services        证券承销业务

1239.     securitybond                            保付单

1240.     securityfor an obligation              债权担保

1241.     seek amarket                            寻求入市机会

1242.     self-liquidatedloans                   自偿性商业贷款

1243.     self-ownedcapital ratio                自有资本比率

1244.     sellforward                            远期卖出

1245.     seller'srisks                          卖方风险

1246.     sellingbank                            卖方银行

1247.     sellingrisk                             销售风险

1248.     settlement                              交割

1249.     settlementprice                         结算价格

1250.     shiftingrisk                          转嫁风险,转移风险

1251.     shippingtonnage duty                   船舶吨税

1252.     shortarbitrage                         空头套利

1253.     shortposition                          空头

1254.     shortpurchase                           买空,空头补进

1255.     shortrate                              短期汇率

1256.     shortseller                            卖空者

1257.     shortageof financial resources         财源短缺

1258.     short-livedsecurities                   短期有效证券

1259.     short-termdeposits                     短期存款

1260.     short-termfunds                        短期资金

1261.     shunting                              (美)套利、套汇

1262.     side-workbank                          兼业银行

1263.     simpleinterest                         单利

1264.     singleexchange rate                    单一汇率

1265.     sinkingfund                            偿债基金

1266.     slackof finance                        银根松缓

1267.     slaughteringtax                        屠宰税

1268.     slidingpeg                             (汇率)滑动钉住

1269.     smallbusiness finance                   中小企业融资

1270.     smallleases                            小型租赁

1271.     small-orderautomatic system             小额定单执行系统

1272.     socialsecurity payments                支付社会保障金

1273.     socializedmedical insurance            社会医疗保险

1274.     softcurrency                           软币

1275.     solicitor'sfee                         律师费

1276.     sourceof finance                       融资渠道

1277.     specialbank                            特殊银行

1278.     specialconsumption tax (special consumer tax)特别消费税

1279.     specialdeposit                         特种存款

1280.     specialfinance                         特别融资

1281.     specialfuel oil tax                    烧油特别税

1282.     specialregulation tax                  专项调节税

1283.     specializedforeign exchange bank       外汇专业银行

1284.     specificinsurance                      特殊保险

1285.     speculatingrisks                        投机风险

1286.     speculation                             投机

1287.     speculationin stock                    股票投机

1288.     speculationon foreign exchange         外汇投机

1289.     spotand forward prices                 即期与远期价格

1290.     spotexchange                           现汇

1291.     spotexchange rate                      单方面外汇买卖

1292.     spotexchange transactions              即期外汇业务

1293.     spotrate of exchange                   即期外汇汇率

1294.     spread                             差额,利差,利润幅度

1295.     spreadbetween domestic and overseas int     国内外利润差额

1296.     squareposition  差额轧平(未抵冲的外汇买卖余额的轧平状况)

1297.     stagflation                             滞胀

1298.     stampduty                              印花税

1299.     stamptax                                印花税

1300.     state-ownedenterprise bonus tax        国营企业奖金税

1301.     state-ownedenterprise income tax       国营企业所得税

1302.     state-ownedenterprise regulation tax   国营企业调节税

1303.     state-ownedenterprise wages regulation 国营企业工资调节税

1304.     statusinquiry                          信用状况调查

1305.     stickydeal                             棘手交易

1306.     stockindex futures                     股票指数期货

1307.     stockindex futures contract            股票指数期货合约

1308.     stockindexes                           股票指数

1309.     stockwrap                              股市行情

1310.     stockpilefinancing                     储存融资

1311.     stop-gapfund                           临时通融资金

1312.     strikeprice                            协定价格

1313.     subaccount                              公帐户

1314.     sublease                                 转租,分租

1315.     subrogatedright                        代位求偿

1316.     subscription                            认股书

1317.     subsidyaccount                         补助金帐户

1318.     sum-of-the-years'digits method of depre年数总和折旧法

1319.     sundryaccount                          杂项帐户

1320.     surrenderof exchange                   移存外汇

1321.     surtax                                   附加税

1322.     swapposition                           调期汇率头寸

1323.     swaprate                               掉期率

1324.     swing                          变动(幅度),摆动,涨落

1325.     symmetry                                对称

1326.     syndicateleases                        银团租赁

1327.     syntheticfinancial futures position     综合金融期货头寸

1328.     syntheticoptions                       合成期权

1329.     T/T (=Telegraphic Transfer)            电汇

1330.     tariff                                  关税

1331.     taxanticipation note (bill,bond) 预付税金票据,先期缴税债券

1332.     taxavoidance                            避免

1333.     taxbase                                征税基础

1334.     taxcode                                税法

1335.     taxcollection                          税收制度

1336.     taxconcession                          赋税优惠

1337.     taxcredit leases                       减税租赁

1338.     taxevasion                              逃税

1339.     taxgrades                              征税级距

1340.     taxholiday                             免税期

1341.     tax ontransport                         运输税

1342.     taxrelief                              税收减免

1343.     taxstatutes                            税收法

1344.     taxable                              可征税的,应纳税的

1345.     taxingpower                         税收能力,课税能力

1346.     technologyrisk                          技术风险

1347.     telegraphictransfer (T/T)              电汇

1348.     telephonetransfers                     电话转帐

1349.     tellquel exchange rate                 调整汇率

1350.     teller'swindow (= teller' station)     出纳窗口

1351.     temporarybridging finance              临时融资

1352.     tenderbond                             投标保证金

1353.     tendern.                     货币,投、招标,提供,偿付

1354.     termsof loan                            放款条件

1355.     theadditional insured                  附加被保险人

1356.     thecapacity of a tax                   税收负担

1357.     theConstruction Bank of China          中国建设银行

1358.     theGilts                                金边债券

1359.     theInternational Trust and Investment C中国国际信托投资公司

1360.     theopen interest                       未结清权益

1361.     thePeople's Bank of China              中国人民银行

1362.     therate structure of the tax           税率结构

1363.     thriftencouragement                    储蓄鼓励

1364.     tightmarket                            旺市

1365.     timelag                                时滞

1366.     timeorder                              限时订单

1367.     time-depositaccounts                   定期存款帐户

1368.     to behedging                           进行套做保值

1369.     todefuse (attempted monopoly positions)    冲破(形成的市场垄断状况)

1370.     totalforeign exchange                  外汇收支总额

1371.     totalFX portfolio                      外汇投资总额

1372.     totalloss                              全损

1373.     totalloss of part                      部分全损

1374.     totalloss only                         全损赔偿险

1375.     tradeclaim                             商业索赔

1376.     traderisk                              交易风险

1377.     tradingpit                             交易场

1378.     transactionexposure                     交易风险

1379.     transactionscosts                      交易费用

1380.     transfern.                              转让,划拨,转帐

1381.     transferto reserve account             转到准备金帐户

1382.     transferablemoney                      可转帐货币

1383.     translationexposure                    转换风险

1384.     transmittingbank                       转证银行

1385.     transnationalleases                    跨国租赁

1386.     traveller'sletter of credit             旅行信用证

1387.     trustbank                              信托银行

1388.     trustfund                              信托基金

1389.     trustleases                            信托租赁

1390.     trustservices                          信托业务

1391.     trusteebank                            受托银行

1392.     turnoverof account receivable          应收帐款周转率

1393.     turnoverratio of working capital       流动资本周转率

1394.     two-tierexchange rate                  双重汇率

1395.     ultimateborrower                        最终借款人

1396.     ultra-cheapmoney policy                超低息政策

1397.     unbalancefinance                       赤字财政

1398.     uncoveredinterest arbitrage            未担保利率套利

1399.     underinsurance                          保险不足

1400.     underinsured                            保额不足

1401.     underlyingsecurities                   标的证券

1402.     undertakingunit bonus tax              事业单位奖金税

1403.     underwriter                             承销商

1404.     underwriter                             保险承受人

1405.     underwriting                            承保

1406.     underwritingaccount                    保险帐户

1407.     underwritinglimit                      承保限额

1408.     underwritingprofit                     承保利益

1409.     unemployedcapital                      游资

1410.     unexpiredinsurance                     未过期保险

1411.     uninscribeddeposit                     不记名存款

1412.     unissuedstock                          未发行股票

1413.     unlimitedguarantee                     无限责任担保

1414.     unwinda trade                          清理交易

1415.     up-frontfee                      预付费用,先期费用

1416.     urbanhouse and land tax                市房地产税

1417.     urbanmaintenance and construction tax  城市维护建设税

1418.     V.A.T(ValueAdded Tax)                  增值税

1419.     valueadded tax                         增值税

1420.     valuedate                              起息日

1421.     valuer                                  估价行

1422.     variationmargin               盈亏保证金,变动保证

1423.     vehicleand vessel licence use tax  车船使用牌照税

1424.     vehicleand vessel use tax              车船使用税

1425.     Visacard                               维萨卡

1426.     volatile                           易变的,不稳定的

1427.     volatilemarket                   不稳定的市场行情

1428.     voluntaryconveyance                    无偿转让

1429.     voluntarysavings                       自愿储蓄

1430.     warehousing                              非法回购

1431.     warrantmoney                           保证金

1432.     weakmarket                             弱市

1433.     withdrawalfrom circulation           (货币)回笼

1434.     withdrawalof bank notes                钞票回笼

1435.     withdrawalof funds                     资金回收

1436.     withholdingincome tax                 预提所得税

1437.     withholdingtax                          预提税

1438.     workingbalance                   周转余额,往来余额

1439.     workingbudget   流动预算,经营预算,周转预算,业务预算

1440.     worldbank                              世界银行

1441.     write                         签发,签署,承保,编写

1442.     zero-sumgame    一方得益引起另一方相应受损的游戏;零和竞赛