花落伴官途 叶无花:國家人口列表 [510.15]

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/04/29 00:03:43


[编辑] 各國排名

排名國家 / 政治體人口資料日期佔世界比例來源-World6,970,300,00010月 24, 2011100%US Census Bureau's World Population Clock1 中華人民共和國1,339,724,852November 1, 201019.22%2010 China Census2 印度1,210,193,422March 1, 201117.36%Provisional 2011 Indian Census result3 美國312,266,000March 1, 20114.48%2011 United States Census result4 印尼237,556,363May 20103.41%2010 Indonesian Census5 巴西190,732,694August 1, 20102.74%2010 Official Brazilian Census results6 巴基斯坦177,299,000March 1, 20112.54%2011 Pakistan Census result7 奈及利亞158,423,00020102.27%UN estimate for 20108 孟加拉151,493,00010月 24, 20112.17%Official Bangladeshi Population Clock9 俄羅斯142,914,136January 1, 20112.05%[3][4]10 日本127,950,000June 1, 20111.84%Official Japan Statistics Bureau11 墨西哥112,336,538April 15, 20111.61%2010 final census result12 菲律賓94,013,200Mid-20101.35%National Statistics Office medium projection13 越南87,375,00020111.25%Official estimate14 衣索比亞82,101,99820111.18%Official estimate15 德國81,751,602January 1, 20111.17%Official estimate16 埃及81,010,00010月 24, 20111.16%Official Egyptian Population clock17 伊朗75,763,00010月 24, 20111.09%Official Iranian Population clock18 土耳其73,722,988December 31, 20101.06%Turkish Statistical Institute19 泰國67,041,000July 1, 20100.96%Key Statistics of Thailand, 2009, Table 1.4 (Population projections), National Statistics Office of Thailand20 剛果民主共和國65,966,00020100.95%UN estimate for 201021 法國n365,821,885January 1, 20110.94%Official INSEE estimate22 英國62,435,709January 1, 20110.9%Eurostat estimate23 義大利60,626,442December 31, 20100.87%Official ISTAT estimate24 南非50,586,757July 1, 20110.73%Statistics South Africa: Mid-year population estimates, 201125 韓國48,988,83320110.7%Statistics Korea26 緬甸47,963,00020100.72%UN estimate for 201027 西班牙46,125,154July 1, 20110.66%Official INE estimate28 哥倫比亞46,212,00010月 24, 20110.66%Official Colombian Population clock29 烏克蘭45,706,126May 1, 20110.66%Official UKRSTAT estimate30 坦尚尼亞43,187,82320100.62%Official estimate31 阿根廷40,091,359October 27, 20100.58%Provisional census results32 肯亞38,610,097August 24–25, 20090.55%Official census results33 波蘭38,186,86020100.55%Official estimate34 阿爾及利亞36,300,000January 1, 20110.52%Official estimate35 加拿大34,591,00010月 24, 20110.5%Official Canadian Population clock36 摩洛哥32,295,00010月 24, 20110.46%Official Moroccan Population clock37 烏干達31,800,00020100.46%Official estimate38 伊拉克31,672,00020100.45%UN estimate for 201039 阿富汗31,412,00020100.42%UN estimate for 201040 蘇丹n1630,894,00020080.44%2008 census results41 秘魯29,461,933June 30, 20100.42%Official INEI estimate (in Spanish)42 委內瑞拉29,412,00010月 24, 20110.42%Official Venezuelan Population clock43 尼泊爾28,584,97520110.41%Official estimate44 馬來西亞28,334,13520100.4%The 2010 Population and Housing Census (Census 2010)45 烏茲別克27,445,00020100.4%UN estimate for 201046 沙烏地阿拉伯27,136,97720100.39%Official Saudi estimate47 迦納24,233,431September 26, 20100.35%Provisional 2010 census results48 北韓24,052,23120080.35%2008 census49 敘利亞23,695,00020100.34%Civil affairs records(2010)50 中華民國n423,188,078July 31, 20110.33%Official National Statistics Taiwan estimate51 澳洲n522,741,54010月 24, 20110.33%Australian Official Population Clock52 葉門22,492,03520090.32%Official estimate53 羅馬尼亞21,413,815January 1, 20110.31%Eurostat estimate54 馬達加斯加20,714,00020100.3%UN estimate for 201055 斯里蘭卡20,653,00020100.3%Official estimate56 莫三比克20,579,26520070.3%2007 census57 象牙海岸19,738,00020100.28%UN estimate for 201058 喀麥隆19,406,100January 1, 20100.28%Official estimate59 安哥拉19,082,00020100.27%UN estimate for 201060 智利17,297,30010月 24, 20110.25%Official INE projection (page 36)61 荷蘭16,697,80020100.27%Netherlands estimate for 201062 哈薩克16,518,000May 1, 20110.24%National Statistics Agency estimate63 布吉納法索15,730,977July 1, 20100.23%Official estimate64 尼日15,730,75420110.23%Official estimate65 馬拉威14,901,00020100.23%UN estimate for 201066 馬利14,517,176April 1, 20090.21%Preliminary 2009 census result67 瓜地馬拉14,361,66620100.21%Official estimate68 厄瓜多14,306,876November 28, 20100.21%Preliminary 2010 Ecuadorian census result69 柬埔寨13,395,682March 3, 20080.19%Cambodian 2008 Census70 尚比亞13,046,508October 16, 20100.19%2010 Zambia Census result71 辛巴威12,571,00020100.18%UN estimate for 201072 塞內加爾12,434,00020100.18%UN estimate for 201073 古巴11,241,161December 31, 20100.16%Official estimate74 查德11,227,00020100.17%UN estimate for 201075 比利時10,918,405January 1, 20110.16%Eurostat estimate76 希臘10,787,690June 1, 20110.16%2011 census estimate77 葡萄牙10,636,979January 1, 20110.15%Eurostat estimate78 突尼西亞10,549,100July 1, 20100.15%National Statistics Institute of Tunisia79 捷克10,535,811March 31, 20110.15%Official estimate80 玻利維亞10,426,15420100.15%Official estimate81 盧安達10,412,82020100.15%Official estimate82 海地10,085,21420100.14%Official estimate83 匈牙利9,986,000January 1, 20110.14%Official estimate84 幾內亞9,982,00020100.15%UN estimate for 201085 白俄羅斯9,503,80720090.14%2009 census86 瑞典9,440,588May 31, 20110.14%Statistics Sweden87 多明尼加9,378,818December 1, 20100.13%Preliminary census result88 索馬里n79,331,00020100.13%UN estimate for 201089 亞塞拜然9,165,000July 1, 20110.13%State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan90 貝南8,778,64620100.13%Official estimate91 奧地利8,404,252January 1, 20110.12%[5]92 蒲隆地8,383,00020100.12%UN estimate for 201093 阿拉伯聯合大公國8,264,070Mid-20100.119%Official estimate94 南蘇丹n168,260,49020080.12%2008 census results95 宏都拉斯8,215,31320110.12%Official estimate96 瑞士7,866,500December 31, 20100.11%Official Switzerland Statistics estimate97 以色列n87,759,300June 30, 20110.11%Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics98 保加利亞7,364,570February, 20110.11%Census figures99 塞爾維亞n67,306,677January 1, 20100.1%Official estimate100 香港7,097,600December 31, 20100.102%Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department101 塔吉克6,879,00020100.102%UN estimate for 2010102 巴布亞紐幾內亞6,703,00020100.099%UN estimate for 2010103 利比亞6,355,00020100.094%UN estimate for 2010104 寮國6,230,20020100.089%Official estimate105 巴拉圭6,230,00020100.093%UN estimate for 2010106 約旦6,187,00020100.093%UN estimate for 2010107 多哥6,028,00020100.086%UN estimate for 2010108 獅子山5,868,00020100.084%UN estimate for 2010109 尼加拉瓜5,788,00020100.084%UN estimate for 2010110 薩爾瓦多5,744,11320090.082%2009 Census111 丹麥5,564,219April 1, 20110.08%Statistics Denmark112 斯洛伐克5,435,273December 31, 20100.078%Statistics Slovakia113 芬蘭n95,393,44010月 24, 20110.077%Official Finnish Population clock114 吉爾吉斯5,362,80020090.077%2009 census115 厄利垂亞5,254,00020100.075%UN estimate for 2010116 新加坡5,076,700June 30, 20100.073%Statistics Singapore117 土庫曼5,042,00020100.074%UN estimate for 2010118 挪威n104,975,90010月 24, 20110.071%Official Norwegian Population clock119 愛爾蘭4,581,269April 10, 20110.066%Central Statistics Office Ireland120 哥斯大黎加4,563,53820100.065%Official estimate121 中非共和國4,401,00020100.065%UN estimate for 2010122 喬治亞n114,436,400January 1, 20100.064%National Statistics Office of Georgia123 紐西蘭4,419,90010月 24, 20110.063%Official New Zealand Population clock124 克羅埃西亞4,290,61220110.062%2011 census[1]125 黎巴嫩4,228,00020100.061%UN estimate for 2010126 剛果共和國4,043,00020100.054%2008 UN estimate for year 2010127 賴比瑞亞3,994,00020100.059%UN estimate for 2010128 巴勒斯坦國3,935,24920090.056%Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics129 波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納3,843,126June 30, 20100.055%Official estimate130 波多黎各3,725,789April 1, 20100.053%2010 census131 摩爾多瓦n123,563,800January 1, 20100.051%National Bureau of Statistics of Moldova132 茅利塔尼亞3,460,00020100.048%UN estimate for 2010133 巴拿馬3,405,813May 16, 20100.049%Final 2010 census results134 烏拉圭3,356,584June 30, 20100.048%Official estimate135 亞美尼亞3,264,500June 20110.047%Monthly official estimate136 立陶宛3,221,200June 20110.046%Monthly official estimate137 阿爾巴尼亞3,195,000January 1, 20100.046%Institute of Statistics INSTAT Albania138 蒙古2,825,80010月 24, 20110.04%Official Mongolian population clock139 科威特2,737,00020100.044%UN estimate for 2010140 牙買加2,705,827December 31, 20100.039%[6]141 阿曼2,694,094December 12, 20100.039%Preliminary census results142 拉脫維亞2,218,800June 20110.032%Official Statistics of Latvia143 賴索托2,171,00020100.03%UN estimate for 2010144 納米比亞2,088,66920080.03%2008 census145 馬其頓共和國2,057,284January 1, 20110.03%Eurostat estimate146 斯洛維尼亞2,053,61010月 24, 20110.029%Official Slovenian population clock147 波札那1,800,09820100.026%Official estimate148 甘比亞1,728,00020100.025%UN estimate for 2010149 卡達1,696,563April 20, 20100.024%Preliminary 2010 Census Results150 幾內亞比索1,515,00020100.024%UN estimate for 2010151 加彭1,505,00020100.022%UN estimate for 2010152 愛沙尼亞1,340,122January 1, 20110.019%Official estimate153 特立尼達和多巴哥1,317,714July 1, 20100.019%Official estimate154 模里西斯1,280,925July 1, 20100.018%Official estimate155 巴林1,234,59620100.012%Official estimate156 史瓦濟蘭1,186,00020100.017%UN estimate for 2010157 東帝汶1,124,00020100.017%UN estimate for 2010158 吉布地889,00020100.013%UN estimate for 2010159 斐濟861,00020100.012%UN estimate for 2010160 賽普勒斯n14804,435January 1, 20110.012%Eurostat Statistics161 蓋亞那784,89420100.011%Official estimate162 葛摩n15735,00020100.01%UN estimate for 2010163 赤道幾內亞 [2]700,00020100.01%UN estimate for 2010164 不丹695,82220100.01%Official estimate165 黑山625,26620110.009%2011 Preliminary Census Data166 澳門556,800March 31, 20110.008%Macau Statistics and Census Service167 撒拉威阿拉伯民主共和國531,00020100.008%UN estimate for 2010168 索羅門群島530,66920100.008%Official estimate169 蘇利南525,00020100.008%UN estimate for 2010170 盧森堡502,10020100.007%Official estimate171 維德角491,575June 16, 20100.007%Official estimate172 馬爾他417,608January 1, 20110.006%Eurostat estimate173 汶萊399,00020100.006%UN estimate for 2010174 巴哈馬353,658May 3, 20100.005%Official estimate175 貝里斯333,200Mid-20090.005%Statistical Institute of Belize176 冰島318,452January 1, 20110.005%Statistics Iceland177 馬爾地夫317,28020100.005%Official estimate178 巴貝多273,00020100.004%UN estimate for 2010179 萬那杜240,00020100.004%UN estimate for 2010180 薩摩亞187,03220100.003%Official estimate181 關島180,00020100.003%UN estimate for 2010182 聖露西亞166,526May 10, 20100.002%Preliminary census result183 聖多美和普林西比165,00020100.002%UN estimate for 2010184庫拉索142,180January 1, 20100.002%Official estimate185 聖文森及格瑞那丁109,00020100.002%UN estimate for 2010186 美屬維京群島109,00020100.002%UN estimate for 2010187 阿魯巴107,00020100.002%UN estimate for 2010188 格瑞那達104,00020100.001%UN estimate for 2010189 東加104,00020100.001%UN estimate for 2010190 密克羅尼西亞聯邦102,624April 4, 20100.001%Preliminary census results191 吉里巴斯100,00020100.001%UN estimate for 2010192 澤西島92,500December 31, 20090.001%Official estimate193 安地卡及巴布達89,00020100.001%UN estimate for 2010194 塞席爾86,525July 1, 20100.001%Official estimate195 安道爾84,082December 31, 20090.001%Official estimate196 曼島83,00020100.001%UN estimate for 2010197 美屬薩摩亞68,00020100.001%UN estimate for 2010198 多米尼克68,00020100.001%UN estimate for 2010199 百慕達64,566July 1, 20100.001%Official estimate200 根西島62,431March 31, 20100.001%Official estimate201 北馬里亞納群島61,00020100.001%UN estimate for 2010202 格陵蘭56,45220100.001%Official estimate203 開曼群島54,878October 10, 20100.001%Preliminary census result204 馬紹爾群島54,30520100.001%Official estimate205 聖克里斯多福及尼維斯52,00020100.001%UN estimate for 2010206 法羅群島48,596April 1, 20110.001%Official statistics of the Faroe Islands207 特克斯和凱科斯群島40,35720100.0006%Official estimate208荷屬聖馬丁37,429January 1, 20100.0005%Official estimate209 列支敦斯登36,157December 31, 20100.0005%Official estimate210 摩納哥35,00020100.0005%UN estimate for 2010211 聖馬利諾31,887December 31, 20100.0005%Monthly official estimate212 直布羅陀29,44120100.0004%[7]213 英屬維京群島28,21320080.0004%Official estimate214 庫克群島24,600December 20100.0004%Official monthly estimate215 帛琉20,0000.0003%UN estimate for 2010216 安圭拉15,23620110.0002%Official estimate217 諾魯10,0000.0001%UN estimate for 2010218 吐瓦魯10,0000.0001%UN estimate for 2010219 蒙特塞拉特島6,0000.0001%UN estimate for 2010220 福克蘭群島聖赫勒拿島4,0000.0001%2008 UN estimate for year 2010221 福克蘭群島3,0000.00005%UN estimate for 2010222 紐埃1,5000.00003%UN estimate for 2010223 托克勞1,1000.00003%UN estimate for 2010224 梵蒂岡5000.00001%UN estimate for 2010225 皮特凱恩群島500.000001%UN estimate各國相關显示▼隐藏▲主條列表


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[编辑] 注釋

  1. ^ Croatia has 4,290,612 inhabitants, 2011 census shows - Daily - tportal.hr. tportal.hr [2011-06-29 preliminary results].
  2. ^ A 2003 U.S State Department report states the following: "Although the 2002 census estimated the population at 1,015,000, credible estimates put the number at closer to 500,000. The opposition claimed that the Government inflated the census in anticipation of the December presidential election." (...) "Opposition leaders charged earlier in the year that census results showing a twofold population increase were flawed and that numbers were inflated to perpetuate election fraud." [1] The official census figures are available here [2].


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高度發展國家歐洲四大老牌工業國 德國 英國 法國 義大利北歐五國 瑞典 挪威 丹麥 芬蘭 冰島西歐中歐五大小國 荷蘭 比利時 盧森堡 瑞士 奧地利英聯邦三大移民國家 加拿大 澳洲 紐西蘭美國在亞洲的主要盟友國 日本 韓國 中華民國 新加坡 以色列較已開發國家伊斯蘭世界產油國 汶萊 巴林 利比亞 沙烏地阿拉伯 科威特
卡達 阿拉伯聯合大公國 阿曼獨立國協的主要工業化國家 俄羅斯 烏克蘭 白俄羅斯東歐的主要新興福利國家 斯洛維尼亞其他已開發國家 · 亞洲四小龍發展議題老齡化 · 就業 · 福利國家 · 同性戀國際組織八國集團 · 經濟合作與發展組織 · 歐洲聯盟 · 西歐聯盟 · 北大西洋公約組織 · 獨立國家國協显示▼隐藏▲第三世界發展中國家
新興市場國家 中華人民共和國 印度 巴西 阿根廷 越南
印度尼西亞 土耳其 匈牙利 智利 哥倫比亞
埃及 南非 約旦 墨西哥 摩洛哥
巴基斯坦 秘魯 菲律賓 波蘭 泰國
其他發展中國家 · 亞洲四小虎 · 金磚四國 · 展望五國 · 未來11最不已開發國家亞洲 馬爾地夫 尼泊爾 緬甸 柬埔寨 葉門
不丹 寮國 阿富汗 東帝汶(撒哈拉

非洲 貝南 布吉納法索 蒲隆地 查德 幾內亞
賴索托 馬拉威 馬利 尼日 盧安達
烏干達 坦尚尼亞 中非 甘比亞 幾內亞比索
吉布地 獅子山 葛摩 多哥 茅利塔尼亞
莫三比克 馬達加斯加 剛果民主共和國 尚比亞 安哥拉
塞內加爾 衣索比亞 蘇丹 維德角 厄利垂亞
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